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# This is a handy little utility directive; it lets you apply HTML
# attributes from *within* a directive template, such that they are
# applied to the directive element *itself* upon linking. Note that
# for this to work, the ng-directive-attributes element should be
# at the very top level of your template. It also won't work (yet)
# with other directives; just static initialization-time values.
module.exports = (module) ->
module.directive "ngDirectiveAttributes", ->
return {
restrict: "E"
link: (scope, element, attributes) ->
targetElement = element.parent()
for jsName, htmlName of attributes.$attr
attributeValue = attributes[jsName]
switch htmlName
when "class" then targetElement.addClass(className) for className in attributeValue.split(/\s+/)
when "style"
# CAUTION: This is a VERY naive parser! It's likely to break on edge cases.
# FIXME: Make it deal correctly with "-wrapped and ()-wrapped values
# containing a colon (:).
for pair in attributeValue.split ";"
[key, value] = pair.split ":"
targetElement.css key, value
else targetElement.attr htmlName, attributeValue