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- event daemon(?) for eg. nodemon
- task
- pipeline
- step (source, transform, sink)
- file
- failure
## Task
Represents a task/job.
- Pipeline or event daemon
## Pipeline
Represents a sequence of operations, from source to sink.
- Array of steps
## Step
Can be either source, transform, or sink -- a transform conceptually counts as both source and sink, sort of.
- __buildStep (type: source, transform, sink)
- displayName
- Source only:
- supportsTeardown
- basePath
- initialize (logic)
- teardown (logic)
- Transform only:
- supportsStreams
- supportsVirtualFiles
- supportsVirtualFilesystem
- transform (logic)
- Sink only:
- supportsStreams
- supportsAcknowledgment
- sink (logic)
## File
A file, real or virtual; equates to a successful event on a source/transform.
- Metadata
- Contents or Stream
## Metadata
All the data that describes the file; nests to refer to parent input file's metadata.
- inputFileMetadata (only when originating from transform or sink)
- step: The step that this file originates from
- stepDuration: How long the originating step took
- sourcedDate (only when originating from source)
- lastModified (optional)
- targetPath (save-to-directory sink only?)
- relativePath
- basePath
## Failure
Signifies that something went wrong.
- error: Error object/data
- step: Step that it originated from
- file: Input file (only for sinks/transforms)
- isFatal
- duration (only for transforms)