array( $id => array( "name" => $name, "site" => "youtube", "description" => $description, "parameters" => array($video_id) ) ) ); } else { $url = $_POST['url']; $obj = array( $category => array( $id => array( "name" => $name, "site" => $url, "description" => $description, "parameters" => array("") ) ) ); } file_put_contents("suggestions.txt", json_encode($obj) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); echo("Done! Thank you."); } ?>

Submit movie/series/etc.

All submissions are manually verified before appearing. Please do not submit 'the average Youtube video', only serious movies, documentaries, series, etc.When submitting a YouTube video, please enter the video ID, and NOT the URL.

It does not matter what site the video is hosted on, as long as it's either a streaming player or a directly linkable flv/mp4 file. If there is no page and just a video file, enter the video file as URL.

Only FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE (Creative Commons, etc.) movies/series/talks please!

Youtube Video ID: ... OR Video URL:
