You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
2.8 KiB

9 years ago
Promise = require "bluebird"
router = require("express-promise-router")()
errors = require "errors"
moment = require "moment"
path = require "path"
rfr = require "rfr"
parseBoolean = rfr "lib/parse-boolean"
config = rfr "config.json"
router.param "documentSlug", (req, res, next, documentSlug) ->
Promise.try ->
req.model("Document").getOneWhere SlugId: documentSlug
.then (document) ->
req.document = document
if document.get("Public") != 1
res.append "X-Robots-Tag", "noindex"
.catch req.db.NotFoundError, (err) ->
next new errors.Http404Error "No such document exists."
router.get "/:documentSlug", (req, res) ->
Promise.try ->
if req.document.get "Disabled"
res.locals.abuseReason = true
Promise.reject new errors.Http403Error
message: "This document is not available."
subMessage: "It may have been removed for violation of the Terms of Service, or on request of the uploader."
explanation: req.document.get "DisabledReason"
documentData = req.document.toJSON()
documentData.Uploaded = moment(req.document.get("Uploaded")).format "MMM Do, YYYY hh:mm:ss"
res.render "view",
document: documentData
currentMonth: moment().format "MMMM YYYY"
router.get "/:documentSlug/embed", (req, res) ->
Promise.try ->
res.locals.compactLayout = true
if req.document.get "Disabled"
res.locals.abuseReason = true
Promise.reject new errors.Http403Error
message: "This document is not available."
subMessage: "It may have been removed for violation of the Terms of Service, or on request of the uploader."
explanation: req.document.get("DisabledReason")
# We want our update to be atomic, so we can't use the default model, and need to construct a Knex query instead.
.where SlugId: req.params.documentSlug
.increment "Views"
.catch (err) ->
# An error here is not very important - we'll log it still, but we won't need to abort the request.
res.render "embed",
document: req.document.toJSON()
sparse: parseBoolean(req.query.sparse) ? false
footer: parseBoolean(req.query.footer) ? true
showDonationLink: parseBoolean(req.query.donation_link) ? false
url: "/d/#{req.document.toJSON().SlugId}/download"
router.get "/:documentSlug/download", (req, res) ->
Promise.try ->
if req.document.get "Disabled"
res.locals.abuseReason = true
Promise.reject new errors.Http403Error
message: "This document is not available."
subMessage: "It may have been removed for violation of the Terms of Service, or on request of the uploader."
explanation: req.document.get("DisabledReason")
document = req.document.toJSON() path.join(config.storage_path, document.Filename), document.OriginalFilename
module.exports = router