You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
3.3 KiB

9 years ago
fs = require "fs"
path = require "path"
Promise = require "bluebird"
_ = require "lodash"
iaHeaders = require "ia-headers"
moment = require "moment"
streamLength = require "stream-length"
bhttp = require "bhttp"
debug = require("debug")("pdfy:task:mirror")
retryTimeout = 20 * 1000
retryTask = (task, context) ->
debug("received 'Slow Down' from IA, rescheduling upload in #{retryTimeout / 1000} seconds...")
return new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
setTimeout (->
runTask task, context
.then (result) -> resolve(result)
.catch (err) -> reject(err)
), retryTimeout
runTask = (task, context) ->
Promise.try ->
context.db.model("Document").getOneWhere SlugId:
.then (document) ->
task.document = document
if document.get("Public") != 1
return Promise.reject new Error "Unlisted documents cannot be mirrored." = fs.createReadStream path.join(context.config.storage_path, document.get('Filename'))
Promise.all [
bhttp.get "", decodeJSON: true
.spread (filesize, limitResponse) ->
if limitResponse.body.over_limit == 1
retryTask task, context
Promise.try ->
uploadDate = moment(task.document.get 'Uploaded')
if context.config.ia.collection == "test_collection"
# This is to make sure that we can repeatedly test with the same document while developing, without clobbering the same identifier over and over again.
slug = "#{task.document.get 'SlugId'}-#{Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)}"
slug = task.document.get "SlugId"
identifier = "pdfy-#{slug}"
metadata =
subject: ["mirror", ""]
mediatype: "texts"
collection: context.config.ia.collection
date: uploadDate.format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
title: "#{task.document.get 'OriginalFilename'} (PDFy mirror)"
description: """
<strong>This public document was automatically mirrored from <a href="">PDFy</a>.</strong>
<li><strong>Original filename:</strong> #{task.document.get 'OriginalFilename'}</li>
<li><strong>URL:</strong> <a href="{task.document.get 'SlugId'}">{task.document.get 'SlugId'}</a></li>
<li><strong>Upload date:</strong> #{uploadDate.format 'MMMM D, YYYY HH:mm:ss'}</li>
""".replace("\n", "")
# TODO: Replace this with a more light-weight extend module such as xtend?
headers = _({})
.extend iaHeaders(metadata)
'x-archive-auto-make-bucket': 1
'x-archive-size-hint': filesize
'authorization': "LOW #{context.config.ia.access_key}:#{context.config.ia.secret_key}"
.extend (task.extraHeaders ? {})
bhttp.put "{identifier}/#{encodeURIComponent(task.document.get 'OriginalFilename')}",, headers: headers
.then (response) ->
switch response.statusCode
when 200 then Promise.resolve()
when 503 then retryTask task, context
else Promise.reject new Error "Received a non-200 response from IA (#{response.statusCode})"
.then ->
task.document.set "Mirrored", 1
.catch (err) ->
.set "Mirrored", 2
.then -> Promise.reject err
module.exports = runTask