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| Donation FAQ
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a.return-button.floating.pure-button(href="/donate", data-min-top=16) Return to donation page
h2 Donation FAQ
h3 Why are you asking for donations?
p PDFy is a non-commercial and advertisement-free PDF hosting service, and our income entirely depends on donations. However, our servers and other expenses are not free, and we need your help to pay for them!
h3 Does that mean that PDFy will go away soon?
p No. While donations are very much needed, PDFy is run on a shoestring budget, and there's a buffer to account for short periods where very few donations are made. Because the hosting (and donations) for PDFy are pooled with other projects of the <a href="" target="_blank">Cryto Coding Collective</a>, there's some breathing room. If PDFy ever needs to be shut down because of a lack of funds, we'll make sure to announce it well in advance.
h3 But how do I make sure my documents aren't lost?
p While you should really always keep a backup copy of documents (never fully trust online services, whether commercial or not!), we also automatically <a href="" target="_blank">mirror</a> all public documents to the Internet Archive. If PDFy ever shuts down, they will permanently retain a copy of all these documents.
h3 Does my money go directly to PDFy?
p Yes and no. PDFy is part of the <a href="" target="_blank">Cryto Coding Collective</a>, and shares infrastructure with a number of other Cryto projects. Donations are pooled and used for all the Cryto projects together, all of which are non-commercial and strictly advertisement-free. This pooling of resources keeps costs down, and lets us use your donations more effectively!
p The biggest expense right now are the living expenses of PDFy's primary developer and administrator (me). I live entirely off donations for my projects, which means I can work on PDFy and <a href="" target="_blank">other projects</a> more than full-time. While I live very frugally (some ~700 euro a month in total living and hosting expenses), it's not quite zero :)
h3 What is your donation goal for?
p The donation goal (currently €#{donationGoal} a month) is a somewhat arbitrary amount. It covers part of the infrastructure costs for PDFy and other <a href="" target="_blank">Cryto Coding Collective</a> projects. The idea is to have a realistic goal - if the goal is reached frequently, it may be increased in the future to cover a larger part of expenses.
p Donations are always welcome and needed, even if the goal has been reached already!
h3 What can I use to donate?
p We accept pretty much anything - Bitcoin, PayPal, Gratipay, SEPA transfers, gift cards, and so on. For donations through a credit card, please use PayPal or Gratipay. For a full list of the accepted donation methods, head over to the <a href="/donate">donation page</a>.
h3 Can I set up a recurring donation (subscription)?
p Yes! Simply select the "Weekly or Monthly" option on the donation page, select a payment method, and follow the instructions. Automatically recurring transactions are currently supported via PayPal and Gratipay. If you wish to use SEPA, you will have to schedule a periodic transaction with your bank - it is not yet possible to handle SEPA transfers automatically. The SEPA bank details can be found under the "One-Time" donation information.
h3 I donated, but the counter isn't increasing. What gives?
p The donation counter is not yet fully automated; we manually update the donation progress every day. If you are donating with Gratipay, please make sure to <a href="">let us know about it</a> - because Gratipay contributions are made to a person or organization rather than a specific project, we can't tell which contributions are for PDFy.
h3 I'd like to donate through another method.
p Simply <a href="">send us an e-mail</a>, and tell us how you'd like to donate!
p Please do keep in mind that altcoins are not currently accepted - it's not feasible for us to run a different wallet for every altcoin in existence. Bitcoins are accepted, though!
h3 I have another question that isn't listed here.
p Feel free to <a href="">e-mail us</a>! We'll generally get back to you in under 24 hours.