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10 years ago
class RateLimiter
constructor: (@limit, @interval, @funcA, @funcB) ->
@_totalCalls = 0
_startTimer: ->
@_timer = setInterval @_clearCalls, @interval
_stopTimer: ->
if @_timer?
clearInterval @_timer
@_timer = null
_clearCalls: ->
@_totalCalls = 0
call: ->
@_totalCalls += 1
targetFunc = switch
when @_totalCalls <= @limit then @funcA
else @funcB
targetFunc.apply this, arguments
setInterval: (interval) ->
@interval = interval
setLimit: (limit) ->
@limit = limit
module.exports = ->
return (funcA, funcB, options) ->
if not options.limit?
throw new Error("No limit specified.")
options.interval ?= 60 # Default: 60 seconds ie. 1 minute.
return new RateLimiter(options.limit, options.interval, funcA, funcB)