$ = require "jquery" require "Base64" $ -> selectedMethod = undefined selectedAmount = undefined selectedHasPrice = undefined pulsateRemove = undefined paypalHandler = (block) -> block.find "input.amount" .val (Math.round(selectedAmount * 100) / 100) paymentMethodHandlers = paypal: paypalHandler "paypal-weekly": paypalHandler "paypal-monthly": paypalHandler bitcoin: (block) -> block.find(".loading-message").show() block.find(".loaded-content").hide() $.get "/donate/convert/btc?amount=#{selectedAmount}", (btcAmount) -> roundedAmount = Math.round(btcAmount * 100000000) / 100000000 $.get "/donate/bip21?amount=#{roundedAmount}", (uri) -> $(".bip21").attr("href", uri) block.find(".loading-message").hide() block.find(".loaded-content").show() $(".bip21-qr").attr("src", "/donate/bip21/qr?amount=#{roundedAmount}") $(".btc-amount").text(roundedAmount) setCustomValue = (value) -> value = parseFloat(value) if isNaN value # TODO: Validation error! value = 0 selectedAmount = value $ "#custom_amount_input" .on "keyup", (event) -> setCustomValue $(this).val() showInstructions() .on "change", (event) -> setCustomValue $(this).val() showInstructions() .on "click", (event) -> #$ this # .closest ".option" # .find "input[type='radio']" # .click() #event.stopPropagation() $ "#amount_custom" .on "click", (event) -> setCustomValue $("#custom_amount_input").val() $ ".donation-page section.types .option input[type='radio']" .on "click", (event) -> # Hide any instructions that were already visible. # TODO: Automatically show instructions again when switching back...? $ ".donation-page section.instructions div" .hide() $ ".donation-page section.instructions .placeholder" .show() type = $ this .closest ".option" .data "type" $ ".donation-page section.methods .option" .hide() $ ".donation-page section.methods .option[data-type='#{type}']" .show() $ ".donation-page section.methods .option input[type='radio']" .on "click", (event) -> optionElement = $ this .closest ".option" selectedMethod = method = optionElement.data "name" selectedHasPrice = setPrice = !!(optionElement.data "set-price") if setPrice $ ".donation-page section.amount" .slideDown(400) instructionSection = $ ".donation-page section.instructions" instructionSection .children "h3.set-amount" .show() instructionSection .children "h3.no-set-amount" .hide() else $ ".donation-page section.amount" .slideUp(400) instructionSection = $ ".donation-page section.instructions" instructionSection .children "h3.set-amount" .hide() instructionSection .children "h3.no-set-amount" .show() showInstructions() $ ".donation-page section.amount .option input[type='radio']" .on "click", (event) -> if not ($(this).attr("id") == "amount_custom") selectedAmount = $(this).val() showInstructions() showInstructions = -> $ ".donation-page section.instructions .method" .hide() if selectedMethod? and (selectedAmount? or !selectedHasPrice) $ ".donation-page section.instructions .placeholder" .hide() $ ".donation-page section.instructions .method-#{selectedMethod}" .show() #$ "html, body" # .animate scrollTop: "#{$('.donation-page section.instructions').offset().top}px", 500 $ ".donation-page section.instructions" .addClass "pulsate" if pulsateRemove? clearTimeout pulsateRemove pulsateRemove = setTimeout (-> $ ".donation-page section.instructions" .removeClass "pulsate" ), 3000 if selectedMethod of paymentMethodHandlers paymentMethodHandlers[selectedMethod]($(".donation-page section.instructions .method-#{selectedMethod}")) else $ ".donation-page section.instructions .placeholder" .show() $ ".donation-page .option input[type='radio']" .on "click", (event) -> $ this .closest "section" .find ".option" .removeClass "selected" $ this .closest ".option" .addClass "selected" $ this .closest ".option" .find "input[type='number']" .focus() event.stopPropagation() $ ".donation-page .option" .on "click", (event) -> $ this .find "input[type='radio']" .click() $ ".donation-page section.types .option[data-type='once']" .click() $ ".donation-page #amount_10" .click() $ ".donation-page section.instructions .method, .donation-page section.instructions h3.no-set-amount" .hide() $ ".js-unavailable" .hide() $ ".js-available" .show() $ ".decodable" .each -> $(this).html atob($(this).html())