You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
970 B

mixin stylesheet(path)
link(rel="stylesheet", href=path)
mixin script(path)
mixin csrfToken
input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken)
mixin form
mixin defaultHead
mixin defaultBody
// Top announcement bar
if announcementVisible && !compactLayout
= announcementText + " "
a(href=announcementLink): strong= announcementLinkText
// Header
.header: .wrapper
if !compactLayout
a.pure-button.button-upload(href="/") Upload a PDF
a.pure-button.button-lite(href="/abuse") Abuse
a.pure-button.button-lite.hide-x-small(href="/faq") FAQ
a.pure-button.button-lite.hide-x-small(href="/blog") Blog
a.pure-button.button-lite(href="/donate") Donate
h1: a(href="/") PDFy
doctype html
block docContents