
114 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
const version = require( "./package" ).version;
const spawn = require( "child_process" ).spawn;
const gulp = require( "gulp" );
const task = gulp.task.bind( gulp );
const eslint = require( "gulp-eslint" );
const mocha = require( "gulp-mocha" );
const dedent = require( "dedent" );
const browserify = require( "browserify" );
const babelify = require( "babelify" );
const source = require( "vinyl-source-stream" );
const rename = require( "gulp-rename" );
const buffer = require( "vinyl-buffer" );
const uglify = require( "gulp-uglify" );
const header = require( "gulp-header" );
const del = require( "del" );
const runSequence = require( "run-sequence" );
function node( args, cb ) {
spawn( "node", args.split( " " ), { stdio: "inherit" } )
.on( "error", cb )
.on( "close", code => {
if ( ! code ) cb();
} );
// Run ESLint on all JavaScript files.
task( "lint", () => gulp
.src( [
] )
.pipe( eslint( { dotfiles: true } ) )
.pipe( eslint.format() )
.pipe( eslint.failAfterError() )
// Run tests.
task( "test", () => gulp
.src( "test/spec/**/*.spec.js", { read: false } )
.pipe( mocha() )
// Run benchmarks.
task( "benchmark", cb => {
node( "test/benchmark/run", cb );
} );
// Generate the grammar parser.
task( "build:parser", cb => {
2018-01-28 03:00:28 +01:00
node( "bin/peg src/parser.pegjs -o lib/parser.js -c src/pegjs.config.js", cb );
} );
// Create the browser build.
task( "build:browser", () => {
const HEADER = dedent`
* PEG.js v${ version }
* Copyright (c) 2010-2016 David Majda
* Copyright (c) 2017+ Futago-za Ryuu
* Released under the MIT License.
/* eslint-disable */
return browserify( "lib/peg.js", { standalone: "peg" } )
2018-01-02 03:08:50 +01:00
.transform( babelify )
.pipe( source( "peg.js" ) )
.pipe( header( HEADER ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( "browser" ) )
.pipe( rename( { suffix: ".min" } ) )
.pipe( buffer() )
.pipe( uglify() )
.pipe( header( HEADER ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( "browser" ) );
} );
// Delete the generated files.
task( "clean", () =>
del( [ "browser", "examples/*.js" ] )
// Default task.
task( "default", cb =>
runSequence( "lint", "test", cb )