210 lines
7.5 KiB
210 lines
7.5 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>PEG.js Benchmark Suite</title>
body {
margin: 2em 4em;
font-family: "Trebuchet MS", lucida, sans-serif;
line-height: 1.5;
color: black; background-color: white;
h1 { margin: 0 0 .75em 0; font-size: 200%; }
table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
table td, table th { border: 1px solid silver; padding: .25em 1em; }
table td .unit { font-size: 75%; color: gray; }
table td.input-size { text-align: right; }
table td.parse-time { text-align: right; }
table td.parse-speed { text-align: right; }
table tr.columns th { border-color: #404040; color: white; background-color: #404040; }
table tr.heading th { background-color: #e0e0e0; }
table tr.benchmark-total td { font-weight: bold; }
table tr.total td { background-color: #ffff80; font-weight: bold; }
table tr.total td .unit { color: #808000; }
table tr.total td.parse-speed .value { font-size: 175%; }
a, a:visited { color: #3d586c; }
<h1>PEG.js Benchmark Suite</h1>
<table id="results-table">
<tr class="columns">
<th>Input Size</th>
<th>Average Parse Time</th>
<th>Average Parse Speed</th>
<script src="../lib/compiler.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/metagrammar.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/jquery.scrollto/jquery.scrollTo.js"></script>
* Each input is parsed |RUNS| times and the results are averaged. We do
* this for two reasons:
* 1. To warm up the interpreter (PEG.js-generated parsers will be most
* likely used repeatedly, so it makes sense to measure performance
* after warming up).
* 2. To minimize random errors.
var RUNS = 10;
var benchmarks = [
id: "json",
title: "JSON",
tests: [
{ file: "example1.json", title: "Example 1" },
{ file: "example2.json", title: "Example 2" },
{ file: "example3.json", title: "Example 3" },
{ file: "example4.json", title: "Example 4" },
{ file: "example5.json", title: "Example 5" }
id: "css",
title: "CSS",
tests: [
{ file: "blueprint/src/reset.css", title: "Blueprint - reset.css (source)" },
{ file: "blueprint/src/typography.css", title: "Blueprint - typography.css (source)" },
{ file: "blueprint/src/forms.css", title: "Blueprint - forms.css (source)" },
{ file: "blueprint/src/grid.css", title: "Blueprint - grid.css (source)" },
{ file: "blueprint/src/print.css", title: "Blueprint - print.css (source)" },
// Contains syntax errors.
// { file: "blueprint/src/ie.css", title: "Blueprint - ie.css (source)" },
{ file: "blueprint/min/screen.css", title: "Blueprint - screen.css (minified)" },
{ file: "blueprint/min/print.css", title: "Blueprint - print.css (minified)" },
// Contains syntax errors.
// { file: "blueprint/min/ie.css", title: "Blueprint - ie.css (minified)" },
{ file: "960.gs/src/reset.css", title: "960.gs - reset.css (source)" },
{ file: "960.gs/src/text.css", title: "960.gs - text.css (source)" },
{ file: "960.gs/src/960.css", title: "960.gs - 960.css (source)" },
{ file: "960.gs/src/960_24_col.css", title: "960.gs - 960_24_col.css (source)" },
{ file: "960.gs/min/reset.css", title: "960.gs - reset.css (minified)" },
{ file: "960.gs/min/text.css", title: "960.gs - text.css (minified)" },
{ file: "960.gs/min/960.css", title: "960.gs - 960.css (minified)" },
{ file: "960.gs/min/960_24_col.css", title: "960.gs - 960_24_col.css (minified)" },
$(document).ready(function() {
var resultsTable = $("#results-table");
function appendHeading(heading) {
"<tr class='heading'><th colspan='4'>" + heading + "</th></tr>"
function appendResult(klass, title, url, inputSize, parseTime) {
var KB = 1024;
var MS_IN_S = 1000;
"<tr class='" + klass + "'>"
+ "<td class='title'>"
+ (url !== null ? "<a href='" + url + "'>" : "")
+ title
+ (url !== null ? "</a>" : "")
+ "</td>"
+ "<td class='input-size'>"
+ "<span class='value'>"
+ (inputSize / KB).toFixed(2)
+ "</span>"
+ " <span class='unit'>kB</span>"
+ "</td>"
+ "<td class='parse-time'>"
+ "<span class='value'>"
+ parseTime.toFixed(2)
+ "</span>"
+ " <span class='unit'>ms</span>"
+ "</td>"
+ "<td class='parse-speed'>"
+ "<span class='value'>"
+ ((inputSize / KB) / (parseTime / MS_IN_S)).toFixed(2)
+ "</span>"
+ " <span class='unit'>kB/s</span>"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
function get(url) {
return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: url,
dataType: "text",
async: false
var totalInputSize = 0;
var totalParseTime = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < benchmarks.length; i++) {
var benchmark = benchmarks[i];
var grammar = get("../examples/" + benchmark.id + ".pegjs");
var parser = PEG.buildParser(grammar);
var benchmarkInputSize = 0;
var benchmarkParseTime = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < benchmark.tests.length; j++) {
var test = benchmark.tests[j];
var url = benchmark.id + "/" + test.file;
var input = get(url);
var parseTime = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < RUNS; k++) {
var t = (new Date).getTime();
parseTime += (new Date).getTime() - t;
var averageParseTime = parseTime / RUNS;
benchmarkInputSize += input.length;
benchmarkParseTime += averageParseTime;
benchmark.title + " total",
totalInputSize += benchmarkInputSize;
totalParseTime += benchmarkParseTime;
appendResult("total", "Total", null, totalInputSize, totalParseTime);
$.scrollTo("max", { axis: "y", duration: 500 });