Complete rewrite of the CSS example grammar

This is a complete rewrite of the CSS example grammar. It is now based
on CSS 2.1 *including the errata* and the generated parser builds a
nicer syntax tree. There is also a number of cleanups, formatting
changes, naming changes, and bug fixes.

Beside this, the rewrite reflects how I write grammars today (as opposed
to few years ago) and what style I would recommend to others.
David Majda 10 years ago
parent 18f92c5647
commit 2005345976

@ -1,48 +1,83 @@
/* /*
* CSS parser based on the grammar described at * CSS Grammar
* ===========
* *
* The parser builds a tree representing the parsed CSS, composed of basic * Based on grammar from CSS 2.1 specification [1] (including the errata [2]).
* JavaScript values, arrays and objects (basically JSON). It can be easily * Generated parser builds a syntax tree composed of nested JavaScript objects,
* used by various CSS processors, transformers, etc. * vaguely inspired by CSS DOM [3]. The CSS DOM itself wasn't used as it is not
* expressive enough (e.g. selectors are reflected as text, not structured
* objects) and somewhat cumbersome.
* *
* Note that the parser does not handle errors in CSS according to the * Limitations:
* specification -- many errors which it should recover from (e.g. malformed *
* declarations or unexpected end of stylesheet) are simply fatal. This is a * * Many errors which should be recovered from according to the specification
* result of straightforward rewrite of the CSS grammar to PEG.js and it should * (e.g. malformed declarations or unexpected end of stylesheet) are fatal.
* be fixed sometimes. * This is a result of straightforward rewrite of the CSS grammar to PEG.js.
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
*/ */
/* ===== Syntactical Elements ===== */ {
function extractOptional(optional, index) {
return optional ? optional[index] : null;
function extractList(list, index) {
var result = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i][index] !== null) {
return result;
function buildList(first, rest, index) {
return (first !== null ? [first] : []).concat(extractList(rest, index));
function buildExpression(first, rest) {
var result = first, i;
for (i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
result = {
type: "Expression",
operator: rest[i][0],
left: result,
right: rest[i][1]
return result;
start start
= stylesheet:stylesheet comment* { return stylesheet; } = stylesheet:stylesheet comment* { return stylesheet; }
/* ----- G.1 Grammar ----- */
stylesheet stylesheet
= charset:(CHARSET_SYM STRING ";")? (S / CDO / CDC)* = charset:(CHARSET_SYM STRING ";")? (S / CDO / CDC)*
imports:(import (CDO S* / CDC S*)*)* imports:(import (CDO S* / CDC S*)*)*
rules:((ruleset / media / page) (CDO S* / CDC S*)*)* { rules:((ruleset / media / page) (CDO S* / CDC S*)*)*
var importsConverted = []; {
for (var i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
var rulesConverted = [];
for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
return { return {
type: "stylesheet", type: "StyleSheet",
charset: charset !== null ? charset[1] : null, charset: extractOptional(charset, 1),
imports: importsConverted, imports: extractList(imports, 0),
rules: rulesConverted rules: extractList(rules, 0)
}; };
} }
import import
= IMPORT_SYM S* href:(STRING / URI) S* media:media_list? ";" S* { = IMPORT_SYM S* href:(STRING / URI) S* media:media_list? ";" S* {
return { return {
type: "import_rule", type: "ImportRule",
href: href, href: href,
media: media !== null ? media : [] media: media !== null ? media : []
}; };
@ -51,46 +86,34 @@ import
media media
= MEDIA_SYM S* media:media_list "{" S* rules:ruleset* "}" S* { = MEDIA_SYM S* media:media_list "{" S* rules:ruleset* "}" S* {
return { return {
type: "media_rule", type: "MediaRule",
media: media, media: media,
rules: rules rules: rules
}; };
} }
media_list media_list
= head:medium tail:("," S* medium)* { = first:medium rest:("," S* medium)* { return buildList(first, rest, 2); }
var result = [head];
for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
return result;
medium medium
= ident:IDENT S* { return ident; } = name:IDENT S* { return name; }
page page
= PAGE_SYM S* qualifier:pseudo_page? = PAGE_SYM S* selector:pseudo_page?
"{" S* "{" S*
declarationsHead:declaration? declarationsFirst:declaration?
declarationsTail:(";" S* declaration?)* declarationsRest:(";" S* declaration?)*
"}" S* { "}" S*
var declarations = declarationsHead !== null ? [declarationsHead] : []; {
for (var i = 0; i < declarationsTail.length; i++) {
if (declarationsTail[i][2] !== null) {
return { return {
type: "page_rule", type: "PageRule",
qualifier: qualifier, selector: selector,
declarations: declarations declarations: buildList(declarationsFirst, declarationsRest, 2)
}; };
} }
pseudo_page pseudo_page
= ":" ident:IDENT S* { return ident; } = ":" value:IDENT S* { return { type: "PseudoSelector", value: value }; }
operator operator
= "/" S* { return "/"; } = "/" S* { return "/"; }
@ -100,51 +123,36 @@ combinator
= "+" S* { return "+"; } = "+" S* { return "+"; }
/ ">" S* { return ">"; } / ">" S* { return ">"; }
= "+"
/ "-"
property property
= ident:IDENT S* { return ident; } = name:IDENT S* { return name; }
ruleset ruleset
= selectorsHead:selector = selectorsFirst:selector
selectorsTail:("," S* selector)* selectorsRest:("," S* selector)*
"{" S* "{" S*
declarationsHead:declaration? declarationsFirst:declaration?
declarationsTail:(";" S* declaration?)* declarationsRest:(";" S* declaration?)*
"}" S* { "}" S*
var selectors = [selectorsHead]; {
for (var i = 0; i < selectorsTail.length; i++) {
var declarations = declarationsHead !== null ? [declarationsHead] : [];
for (i = 0; i < declarationsTail.length; i++) {
if (declarationsTail[i][2] !== null) {
return { return {
type: "ruleset", type: "RuleSet",
selectors: selectors, selectors: buildList(selectorsFirst, selectorsRest, 2),
declarations: declarations declarations: buildList(declarationsFirst, declarationsRest, 2)
}; };
} }
selector selector
= left:simple_selector S* combinator:combinator right:selector { = left:simple_selector S* combinator:combinator right:selector {
return { return {
type: "selector", type: "Selector",
combinator: combinator, combinator: combinator,
left: left, left: left,
right: right right: right
}; };
} }
/ left:simple_selector S* right:selector { / left:simple_selector S+ right:selector {
return { return {
type: "selector", type: "Selector",
combinator: " ", combinator: " ",
left: left, left: left,
right: right right: right
@ -153,51 +161,42 @@ selector
/ selector:simple_selector S* { return selector; } / selector:simple_selector S* { return selector; }
simple_selector simple_selector
= element:element_name = element:element_name qualifiers:(id / class / attrib / pseudo)* {
id:HASH { return { type: "ID selector", id: id.substr(1) }; }
/ class
/ attrib
/ pseudo
)* {
return { return {
type: "simple_selector", type: "SimpleSelector",
element: element, element: element,
qualifiers: qualifiers qualifiers: qualifiers
}; };
} }
/ qualifiers:( / qualifiers:(id / class / attrib / pseudo)+ {
id:HASH { return { type: "ID selector", id: id.substr(1) }; }
/ class
/ attrib
/ pseudo
)+ {
return { return {
type: "simple_selector", type: "SimpleSelector",
element: "*", element: "*",
qualifiers: qualifiers qualifiers: qualifiers
}; };
} }
= id:HASH { return { type: "IDSelector", id: id }; }
class class
= "." class_:IDENT { return { type: "class_selector", "class": class_ }; } = "." class_:IDENT { return { type: "ClassSelector", class: class_ }; }
element_name element_name
= IDENT / '*' = IDENT
/ "*"
attrib attrib
= "[" S* = "[" S*
attribute:IDENT S* attribute:IDENT S*
operatorAndValue:( operatorAndValue:(("=" / INCLUDES / DASHMATCH) S* (IDENT / STRING) S*)?
"]" {
return { return {
type: "attribute_selector", type: "AttributeSelector",
attribute: attribute, attribute: attribute,
operator: operatorAndValue !== null ? operatorAndValue[0] : null, operator: extractOptional(operatorAndValue, 0),
value: operatorAndValue !== null ? operatorAndValue[2] : null value: extractOptional(operatorAndValue, 2)
}; };
} }
@ -206,31 +205,22 @@ pseudo
value:( value:(
name:FUNCTION S* params:(IDENT S*)? ")" { name:FUNCTION S* params:(IDENT S*)? ")" {
return { return {
type: "function", type: "Function",
name: name, name: name,
params: params !== null ? [params[0]] : [] params: params !== null ? [params[0]] : []
}; };
} }
) { )
/* { return { type: "PseudoSelector", value: value }; }
* The returned object has somewhat vague property names and values because
* the rule matches both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements (they look the
* same at the syntactic level).
return {
type: "pseudo_selector",
value: value
declaration declaration
= property:property ":" S* expression:expr important:prio? { = name:property ':' S* value:expr prio:prio? {
return { return {
type: "declaration", type: "Declaration",
property: property, name: name,
expression: expression, value: value,
important: important !== null ? true : false important: prio !== null
}; };
} }
@ -238,63 +228,41 @@ prio
expr expr
= head:term tail:(operator? term)* { = first:term rest:(operator? term)* { return buildExpression(first, rest); }
var result = head;
for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
result = {
type: "expression",
operator: tail[i][0],
left: result,
right: tail[i][1]
return result;
term term
= operator:unary_operator? = quantity:(PERCENTAGE / LENGTH / EMS / EXS / ANGLE / TIME / FREQ / NUMBER)
value:( S*
EMS S* {
/ EXS S*
) {
return { return {
type: "value", type: "Quantity",
value: (operator !== null ? operator : "") + value[0] value: quantity.value,
unit: quantity.unit
}; };
} }
/ value:URI S* { return { type: "uri", value: value }; } / value:STRING S* { return { type: "String", value: value }; }
/ value:URI S* { return { type: "URI", value: value }; }
/ function / function
/ hexcolor / hexcolor
/ value:STRING S* { return { type: "string", value: value }; } / value:IDENT S* { return { type: "Ident", value: value }; }
/ value:IDENT S* { return { type: "ident", value: value }; }
function function
= name:FUNCTION S* params:expr ")" S* { = name:FUNCTION S* params:expr ")" S* {
return { return { type: "Function", name: name, params: params };
type: "function",
name: name,
params: params
} }
hexcolor hexcolor
= value:HASH S* { return { type: "hexcolor", value: value}; } = value:HASH S* { return { type: "Hexcolor", value: value }; }
/* ===== Lexical Elements ===== */ /* ----- G.2 Lexical scanner ----- */
/* Macros */ /* Macros */
h h
= [0-9a-fA-F] = [0-9a-f]i
nonascii nonascii
= [\x80-\xFF] = [\x80-\uFFFF]
unicode unicode
= "\\" digits:$(h h? h? h? h? h?) ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { = "\\" digits:$(h h? h? h? h? h?) ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? {
@ -303,31 +271,25 @@ unicode
escape escape
= unicode = unicode
/ "\\" char_:[^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F] { return char_; } / "\\" ch:[^\r\n\f0-9a-f]i { return ch; }
nmstart nmstart
= [_a-zA-Z] = [_a-z]i
/ nonascii / nonascii
/ escape / escape
nmchar nmchar
= [_a-zA-Z0-9-] = [_a-z0-9-]i
/ nonascii / nonascii
/ escape / escape
= parts:$[0-9]+ { return parts; }
= parts:$([0-9]* "." [0-9]+) { return parts; }
string1 string1
= '"' chars:([^\n\r\f\\"] / "\\" nl:nl { return nl } / escape)* '"' { = '"' chars:([^\n\r\f\\"] / "\\" nl:nl { return ""; } / escape)* '"' {
return chars.join(""); return chars.join("");
} }
string2 string2
= "'" chars:([^\n\r\f\\'] / "\\" nl:nl { return nl } / escape)* "'" { = "'" chars:([^\n\r\f\\'] / "\\" nl:nl { return ""; } / escape)* "'" {
return chars.join(""); return chars.join("");
} }
@ -335,23 +297,24 @@ comment
= "/*" [^*]* "*"+ ([^/*] [^*]* "*"+)* "/" = "/*" [^*]* "*"+ ([^/*] [^*]* "*"+)* "/"
ident ident
= dash:"-"? nmstart:nmstart nmchars:nmchar* { = prefix:$"-"? start:nmstart chars:nmchar* {
return (dash !== null ? dash : "") + nmstart + nmchars.join(""); return prefix + start + chars.join("");
} }
name name
= nmchars:nmchar+ { return nmchars.join(""); } = chars:nmchar+ { return chars.join(""); }
num num
= float = [+-]? ([0-9]+ / [0-9]* "." [0-9]+) ("e" [+-]? [0-9]+)? {
/ integer return parseFloat(text());
string string
= string1 = string1
/ string2 / string2
url url
= chars:([!#$%&*-~] / nonascii / escape)* { return chars.join(""); } = chars:([!#$%&*-\[\]-~] / nonascii / escape)* { return chars.join(""); }
s s
= [ \t\r\n\f]+ = [ \t\r\n\f]+
@ -365,115 +328,25 @@ nl
/ "\r" / "\r"
/ "\f" / "\f"
A A = "a"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x41\x61] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "a"; }
= [aA] C = "c"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x43\x63] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "c"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "41" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "A"; } D = "d"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x44\x64] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "d"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "61" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "a"; } E = "e"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x45\x65] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "e"; }
G = "g"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x47\x67] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\g"i { return "g"; }
C H = "h"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x48\x68] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\h"i { return "h"; }
= [cC] I = "i"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x49\x69] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\i"i { return "i"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "43" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "C"; } K = "k"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x4b\x6b] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\k"i { return "k"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "63" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "c"; } L = "l"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x4c\x6c] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\l"i { return "l"; }
M = "m"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x4d\x6d] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\m"i { return "m"; }
D N = "n"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x4e\x6e] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\n"i { return "n"; }
= [dD] O = "o"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x4f\x6f] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\o"i { return "o"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "44" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "D"; } P = "p"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x50\x70] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\p"i { return "p"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "64" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "d"; } R = "r"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x52\x72] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\r"i { return "r"; }
S_ = "s"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x53\x73] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\s"i { return "s"; }
E T = "t"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x54\x74] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\t"i { return "t"; }
= [eE] U = "u"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x55\x75] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\u"i { return "u"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "45" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "E"; } X = "x"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x58\x78] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\x"i { return "x"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "65" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "e"; } Z = "z"i / "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? [\x5a\x7a] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? / "\\z"i { return "z"; }
= [gG]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "47" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "G"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "67" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "g"; }
/ "\\" char_:[gG] { return char_; }
= h:[hH]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "48" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "H"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "68" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "h"; }
/ "\\" char_:[hH] { return char_; }
= i:[iI]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "49" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "I"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "69" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "i"; }
/ "\\" char_:[iI] { return char_; }
= [kK]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "4" [bB] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "K"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "6" [bB] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "k"; }
/ "\\" char_:[kK] { return char_; }
= [lL]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "4" [cC] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "L"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "6" [cC] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "l"; }
/ "\\" char_:[lL] { return char_; }
= [mM]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "4" [dD] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "M"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "6" [dD] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "m"; }
/ "\\" char_:[mM] { return char_; }
= [nN]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "4" [eE] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "N"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "6" [eE] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "n"; }
/ "\\" char_:[nN] { return char_; }
= [oO]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "4" [fF] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "O"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "6" [fF] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "o"; }
/ "\\" char_:[oO] { return char_; }
= [pP]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "50" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "P"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "70" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "p"; }
/ "\\" char_:[pP] { return char_; }
= [rR]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "52" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "R"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "72" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "r"; }
/ "\\" char_:[rR] { return char_; }
= [sS]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "53" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "S"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "73" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "s"; }
/ "\\" char_:[sS] { return char_; }
= [tT]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "54" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "T"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "74" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "t"; }
/ "\\" char_:[tT] { return char_; }
= [uU]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "55" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "U"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "75" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "u"; }
/ "\\" char_:[uU] { return char_; }
= [xX]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "58" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "X"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "78" ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "x"; }
/ "\\" char_:[xX] { return char_; }
= [zZ]
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "5" [aA] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "Z"; }
/ "\\" "0"? "0"? "0"? "0"? "7" [aA] ("\r\n" / [ \t\r\n\f])? { return "z"; }
/ "\\" char_:[zZ] { return char_; }
/* Tokens */ /* Tokens */
@ -513,45 +386,46 @@ MEDIA_SYM "@media"
CHARSET_SYM "@charset" CHARSET_SYM "@charset"
= comment* "@charset " = comment* "@charset "
/* Note: We replace "w" with "s" here to avoid infinite recursion. */ /* We use |s| instead of |w| here to avoid infinite recursion. */
IMPORTANT_SYM "!important" IMPORTANT_SYM "!important"
= comment* "!" (s / comment)* I M P O R T A N T { return "!important"; } = comment* "!" (s / comment)* I M P O R T A N T
EMS "length" EMS "length"
= comment* num:num e:E m:M { return num + e + m; } = comment* value:num E M { return { value: value, unit: "em" }; }
EXS "length" EXS "length"
= comment* num:num e:E x:X { return num + e + x; } = comment* value:num E X { return { value: value, unit: "ex" }; }
LENGTH "length" LENGTH "length"
= comment* num:num unit:(P X / C M / M M / I N / P T / P C) { = comment* value:num P X { return { value: value, unit: "px" }; }
return num + unit.join(""); / comment* value:num C M { return { value: value, unit: "cm" }; }
} / comment* value:num M M { return { value: value, unit: "mm" }; }
/ comment* value:num I N { return { value: value, unit: "in" }; }
/ comment* value:num P T { return { value: value, unit: "pt" }; }
/ comment* value:num P C { return { value: value, unit: "pc" }; }
ANGLE "angle" ANGLE "angle"
= comment* num:num unit:(D E G / R A D / G R A D) { = comment* value:num D E G { return { value: value, unit: "deg" }; }
return num + unit.join(""); / comment* value:num R A D { return { value: value, unit: "rad" }; }
} / comment* value:num G R A D { return { value: value, unit: "grad" }; }
TIME "time" TIME "time"
= comment* num:num unit:(m:M s:S_ { return m + s; } / S_) { = comment* value:num M S_ { return { value: value, unit: "ms" }; }
return num + unit; / comment* value:num S_ { return { value: value, unit: "s" }; }
FREQ "frequency" FREQ "frequency"
= comment* num:num unit:(H Z / K H Z) { return num + unit.join(""); } = comment* value:num H Z { return { value: value, unit: "hz" }; }
/ comment* value:num K H Z { return { value: value, unit: "kh" }; }
DIMENSION "dimension"
= comment* num:num unit:ident { return num + unit; }
PERCENTAGE "percentage" PERCENTAGE "percentage"
= comment* parts:$(num "%") { return parts; } = comment* value:num "%" { return { value: value, unit: "%" }; }
NUMBER "number" NUMBER "number"
= comment* num:num { return num; } = comment* value:num { return { value: value, unit: null }; }
URI "uri" URI "uri"
= comment* U R L "(" w value:(string / url) w ")" { return value; } = comment* U R L "("i w url:string w ")" { return url; }
/ comment* U R L "("i w url:url w ")" { return url; }
FUNCTION "function" FUNCTION "function"
= comment* name:ident "(" { return name; } = comment* name:ident "(" { return name; }
