@ -15,9 +15,10 @@ function nop() {}
* metagrammar.pegjs file. The start rule may be unspecified, in which case
* "start" is used.
* Throws |PEG.Grammar.GrammarError| if the grammar contains an error. Note that
* not all errors are detected during the generation and some may protrude to
* the generated parser and cause its malfunction.
* Throws |PEG.grammarParser.SyntaxError| if the grammar contains a syntax error
* or |PEG.Grammar.GrammarError| if it contains a semantic error. Note that not
* all errors are detected during the generation and some may protrude to the
* generated parser and cause its malfunction.
PEG.buildParser = function(grammar, startRule) {
startRule = startRule || "start";