@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ To get parser’s source code, call the `toSource` method on the parser.
Using the Parser
Using the generated parser is simple — just call its `parse` method and pass an input string as a parameter. The method will return a parse result (the exact value depends on the grammar used to build the parser) or throw an exception if the input is invalid. The exception will contain `offset`, `line`, `column` and `message` properties with more details about the error.
Using the generated parser is simple — just call its `parse` method and pass an input string as a parameter. The method will return a parse result (the exact value depends on the grammar used to build the parser) or throw an exception if the input is invalid. The exception will contain `offset`, `line`, `column`, `expected`, `found` and `message` properties with more details about the error.