Use CommentMap

Futago-za Ryuu 6 years ago
parent 11bc94f4c3
commit 8e9be9afea

@ -185,9 +185,10 @@ The following option's are used by the PEG.js parser:
* `reservedWords` - An array of words that the parser wont allow as labels for rules (default: [ES5](
When `extractComments` is set to `true`, the parser will collect all comments
in the grammar and return them on the `comments` property (as an array) in the
`grammar` AST node (the AST directly returned by the parser). Each comment
object within the array has the following structure:
in the grammar and return them on the `comments` property (as an object map)
on the `grammar` AST node (the AST directly returned by the parser). Each
comment property has it's offset as the property key, while the property value
has the following structure:

@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ declare namespace peg {
private readonly _alwaysConsumesOnSuccess: any;
type: "grammar";
comments?: Comment;
comments?: CommentMap;
initializer?: Initializer;
rules: Rule[];
initializer: void | Initializer,
rules: Rule[],
comments: void | Comment,
comments: void | CommentMap,
location: SourceLocation,
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ declare namespace peg {
interface Comment {
interface CommentMap {
[ offset: number ]: {
