Update execution files

Futago-za Ryuu 6 years ago
parent 8c751e6917
commit dd76ff85d4

@ -23,24 +23,20 @@ if ( process.cwd() !== cwd ) process.chdir( cwd );
// Execution Files
let NEWER_PEGJS_BIN = "bin/peg.js";
let NEWER_BENCHMARK_BIN = "test/benchmark/run";
function binfile( ...files ) {
const ef = {
for ( const file of files ) {
get pegjs() {
if ( fs.existsSync( file ) ) return file;
return fs.existsSync( NEWER_PEGJS_BIN ) ? NEWER_PEGJS_BIN : "bin/pegjs";
get benchmark() {
return fs.existsSync( NEWER_BENCHMARK_BIN ) ? NEWER_BENCHMARK_BIN : "benchmark/run";
throw `Could not find: ${ files.join( " || " ) }`;
let PEGJS_BIN = binfile( "packages/pegjs/bin/peg.js", "bin/peg.js", "bin/pegjs" );
let BENCHMARK_BIN = binfile( "test/benchmark/run", "benchmark/run" );
// Utils
@ -65,7 +61,7 @@ function prepare( commit ) {
function runBenchmark() {
return parseFloat(
exec( "node " + ef.benchmark )
exec( "node " + BENCHMARK_BIN )
// Split by table seprator, reverse and return the total bytes per second
.split( "│" )
@ -91,7 +87,7 @@ function measureSize() {
glob.sync( "examples/*.pegjs" )
.forEach( example => {
exec( `node ${ ef.pegjs } ${ example }` );
exec( `node ${ PEGJS_BIN } ${ example }` );
example = example.slice( 0, -5 ) + "js";
size += fs.statSync( example ).size;
fs.unlinkSync( example );
