Remove extra indentation

David Majda 8 years ago
parent 7ca229a432
commit ec3f7f5bb0

@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ while (args.length > 0 && isOption(args[0])) {
if (Object.keys(options.dependencies).length > 0) {
if (options.format !== "amd" && options.format !== "commonjs" && options.format !== "umd") {
abort("Can't use the -d/--dependency option with the \"" + options.format + "\" module format.");
abort("Can't use the -d/--dependency option with the \"" + options.format + "\" module format.");
if (options.exportVar !== null) {
if (options.format !== "globals" && options.format !== "umd") {
abort("Can't use the -e/--export-var option with the \"" + options.format + "\" module format.");
abort("Can't use the -e/--export-var option with the \"" + options.format + "\" module format.");

@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ function generateJS(ast, options) {
if (options.trace) {
"if (" + resultCode + " !== peg$FAILED) {",
" peg$tracer.trace({",
" type: \"rule.match\",",
" rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
" result: " + resultCode + ",",
" location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, peg$currPos)",
" });",
"} else {",
" peg$tracer.trace({",
" type: \"\",",
" rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
" location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, startPos)",
" });",
"if (" + resultCode + " !== peg$FAILED) {",
" peg$tracer.trace({",
" type: \"rule.match\",",
" rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
" result: " + resultCode + ",",
" location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, peg$currPos)",
" });",
"} else {",
" peg$tracer.trace({",
" type: \"\",",
" rule: " + ruleNameCode + ",",
" location: peg$computeLocation(startPos, startPos)",
" });",
