Fix |quote| visibility in generated parsers

|quote| is used outside of the |parse| function so it must be defined in
more outer scope.

Fixes a problem (introduced in e9d8dc8eba)
where construction of some error messages could throw an error.
David Majda 12 years ago
parent a2af1fe612
commit ed45a1808e

@ -248,6 +248,30 @@ PEG.compiler.emitter = function(ast) {
' /* Generated by PEG.js @VERSION ( */',
' ',
/* This needs to be in sync with |quote| in utils.js. */
' function quote(s) {',
' /*',
' * ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a',
' * string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,',
' * carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.',
' * Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.',
' *',
' * For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII',
' * characters. Note that "\\0" and "\\v" escape sequences are not used',
' * because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second.',
' */',
' return \'"\' + s',
' .replace(/\\\\/g, \'\\\\\\\\\') // backslash',
' .replace(/"/g, \'\\\\"\') // closing quote character',
' .replace(/\\x08/g, \'\\\\b\') // backspace',
' .replace(/\\t/g, \'\\\\t\') // horizontal tab',
' .replace(/\\n/g, \'\\\\n\') // line feed',
' .replace(/\\f/g, \'\\\\f\') // form feed',
' .replace(/\\r/g, \'\\\\r\') // carriage return',
' .replace(/[\\x00-\\x07\\x0B\\x0E-\\x1F\\x80-\\uFFFF]/g, escape)',
' + \'"\';',
' }',
' ',
' var result = {',
' /*',
' * Parses the input with a generated parser. If the parsing is successfull,',
@ -303,30 +327,6 @@ PEG.compiler.emitter = function(ast) {
' return \'\\\\\' + escapeChar + padLeft(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(), \'0\', length);',
' }',
' ',
/* This needs to be in sync with |quote| in utils.js. */
' function quote(s) {',
' /*',
' * ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a',
' * string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,',
' * carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.',
' * Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.',
' *',
' * For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII',
' * characters. Note that "\\0" and "\\v" escape sequences are not used',
' * because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second.',
' */',
' return \'"\' + s',
' .replace(/\\\\/g, \'\\\\\\\\\') // backslash',
' .replace(/"/g, \'\\\\"\') // closing quote character',
' .replace(/\\x08/g, \'\\\\b\') // backspace',
' .replace(/\\t/g, \'\\\\t\') // horizontal tab',
' .replace(/\\n/g, \'\\\\n\') // line feed',
' .replace(/\\f/g, \'\\\\f\') // form feed',
' .replace(/\\r/g, \'\\\\r\') // carriage return',
' .replace(/[\\x00-\\x07\\x0B\\x0E-\\x1F\\x80-\\uFFFF]/g, escape)',
' + \'"\';',
' }',
' ',
' function matchFailed(failure) {',
' if (pos < rightmostFailuresPos) {',
' return;',

@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
PEG.parser = (function(){
/* Generated by PEG.js 0.6.2 ( */
function quote(s) {
* ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a
* string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,
* carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.
* Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.
* For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII
* characters. Note that "\0" and "\v" escape sequences are not used
* because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second.
return '"' + s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') // backslash
.replace(/"/g, '\\"') // closing quote character
.replace(/\x08/g, '\\b') // backspace
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t') // horizontal tab
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') // line feed
.replace(/\f/g, '\\f') // form feed
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r') // carriage return
.replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E-\x1F\x80-\uFFFF]/g, escape)
+ '"';
var result = {
* Parses the input with a generated parser. If the parsing is successfull,
@ -109,29 +132,6 @@ PEG.parser = (function(){
return '\\' + escapeChar + padLeft(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(), '0', length);
function quote(s) {
* ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a
* string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,
* carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.
* Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.
* For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII
* characters. Note that "\0" and "\v" escape sequences are not used
* because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second.
return '"' + s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') // backslash
.replace(/"/g, '\\"') // closing quote character
.replace(/\x08/g, '\\b') // backspace
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t') // horizontal tab
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') // line feed
.replace(/\f/g, '\\f') // form feed
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r') // carriage return
.replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E-\x1F\x80-\uFFFF]/g, escape)
+ '"';
function matchFailed(failure) {
if (pos < rightmostFailuresPos) {
