1409 コミット (master)

作成者 SHA1 メッセージ 日付
Futago-za Ryuu b7b87ea8ae Fix comma-dangle warning from ESLint 4年前
Futago-za Ryuu 56722b6d41 Rebuild the website as a SSR static site 4年前
Futago-za Ryuu afeb2a3330 Support naming Webpack configs 4年前
Futago-za Ryuu 5f8344395c Update @pegjs/bundler
- Swap 'webpack-cli' for 'webpack-nano'
- Removed the built-in banner/header
- Added 'banner' option for custom headers
- Added alternative 'minimize' option
Futago-za Ryuu 04275b23da Update dependencies 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 3c05ffe3f9 Remove VuePress 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu a1cf32d65a Move compatibility.md 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 68ca388d91 Update badges 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 5a209ff186 Remove CBT logo 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 9360abb554 Cleanup GITHUB_REF env variable before use 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 77b5fe7254 Remove minimum coverage ratio
It seems to have broken the codecov.io report generator instead :(
Futago-za Ryuu c8afff5864 Fix pegjs-dev publisher 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu f897df619e Set minimum coverage ratio 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 8c653757e2 Fix linting errors 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu a7373c7345 Ensure vscode-eslint lints files in dot folders 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu e9920c8c4c Lint .eslintrc.js 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 1159660cf7 Forward location to buildMessage (closes #608) 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu d615cd7975 Regenerate lockfile 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu c523cf5693 Update config for next.pegjs.org
- Enable 'smoothScroll' option
- Use '@vuepress/plugin-back-to-top'
- Use '@vuepress/plugin-google-analytics'
- Add 'docs/.vuepress/favicon.ico'
Futago-za Ryuu 6484145542 Require types/node v8.x 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 1cd8ba29b0 Remove unrequired dependencies 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu f6ddc51745 Match Node version required by VuePress 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 61eaba4c01 Update changelog entries 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 7d13580855 Drop support for Node 6 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 8b7bff7ac3 Resolve linting errors
This also temporarliy disables linting '.ts' files due to the fact that the currect '.d.ts' files contain too many errors/warnings that need to be manually fixed, but since I'm going to be rewriting the whole module in TypeScript anyway, resolving these ESLint error's is a pointless waste of time.
Futago-za Ryuu 61377b1bd7 Azure Pipelines -> GitHub Actions
- Update CodeCov CI provider URL
- Remove Support for Azure Pipelines
- Add support for GitHub Actions
- Stop generating redundent reports
- Update @pegjs/publish-dev
Futago-za Ryuu cf022429bb Cleanup and Update
- Update all dependencies
- Use '@futagoza/*' ESLint configurations
- Remove redundent '@pegjs/eslint-config'
- Add TypeScript support to the bundler
Futago-za Ryuu f00b516cd7 Update eslint config
- Move to manageble private package
- Ensure '.vue' rules are used via override
- Add support for TypeScript
- Update AP config to install correctly
Futago-za Ryuu 310252f7c5 support dev-publishing other packages 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu d08e8bf52d Upgrade devDependencies
- codecov: 3.3.0
- eslint: 5.16.0
- mocha: 6.1.3
- mocha-junit-reporter: 1.22.0
- nyc: 14.0.0
- vuepress: 1.0.0-alpha.47
- sinon: 7.3.2
- @babel/core: 7.4.3
- @babel/preset-env: 7.4.3
- webpack: 4.30.0
Futago-za Ryuu 138fb96aed Use progress reporter for faster local testing 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu e16dc50686 website: Use configs for nav and sidebars 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu fae001e4ed Upgrade devDependencies:
- codecov: 3.2.0
- eslint: 5.15.3
- eslint-config-futagozaryuu: 5.8.0
- eslint-plugin-vue: 5.2.2
- mocha: 6.0.3
- nyc: 13.3.0
- vuepress: 1.0.0-alpha.44
- sinon: 7.3.0
- @babel/core: 7.4.0
- @babel/preset-env: 7.4.2
- webpack: 4.29.6
- webpack-cli: 3.3.0
Nils-Hero Lindemann 0b102d29a8 Fix last link in the TOC (#621)
There was a '-1' missing at the end of the link.
Futago-za Ryuu 30f3260008 Skip publishing on Build.Reason === PullRequest 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 56f3c98579 Use env parameter to pass variables 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 42514c4951 Ensure GIT_COMMIT_SHA is valid 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 910a51bf5f Dont auto-publish on PR's 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 42a6f774fb Update installation document 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 9b8b1c5e64 Fix links in browser benchmark results 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 85dbe5a396 Fix build path for browser benchmark entry 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 0253215c24 Update benchmark paths 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 53b966289b Fix url's for ajax requests 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu e82994582a Use files from repo during benchmark in a browser 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu f69239dcc0 Use env directly with publishing script 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu ec3f2962a8 CI: env -> variables 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 83616b4d5d CI: Use displayName + NPM_CI_TOKEN 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 6a810cc78f pegjs@dev should always run 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu 38cd65d193 Use env variables when auto-publishing 5年前
Futago-za Ryuu baf8b3a339 Publish to pegjs@dev on every CI run
This adds a new local package called '@pegjs/publish-dev' that will be run by the CI after all other tasks.

'@pegjs/publish-dev' will, as the name implies, publish a new release of pegjs on NPM under the dev tag.