This does not speed up the benchmark suite execution statistically significantly
on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 28.72 kB/s 28.84 kB/s
2 28.84 kB/s 28.76 kB/s
3 28.83 kB/s 28.72 kB/s
4 28.81 kB/s 28.84 kB/s
5 28.76 kB/s 28.82 kB/s
Average 28.79 kB/s 28.80 kB/s
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.9 Safari/533.2
This and also speeds up the benchmark suite execution by 7.83 % on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 26.17 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
2 26.05 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
3 25.99 kB/s 28.10 kB/s
4 26.13 kB/s 28.11 kB/s
5 26.14 kB/s 28.07 kB/s
Average 26.10 kB/s 28.14 kB/s
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.7 Safari/533.2
This leads to simpler code and also speeds up the benchmark suite execution by
5,89 % on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 24,70 kB/s 26,14 kB/s
2 24,49 kB/s 26,05 kB/s
3 24,67 kB/s 25,99 kB/s
4 24,65 kB/s 26,13 kB/s
5 24,71 kB/s 26,14 kB/s
Average 24,64 kB/s 26.10 kB/s
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.7 Safari/533.2
The Rhino bug that prevented inclusion of \uFEFF among the whitespace characters
is no longer relevant here because we compile character classes into regexps
now, which avoids the infinite recursion.
Until now, these tasks looked at the file times and generated the target files
only when they were older than the source files. This caused problems when I
mainupulated the lib/metagrammar.* files by hand sometimes, replaced them from
backups after screw-ups, etc.