1186 Commits (46c3dcf40b99a8fb94f4d59ebda263dc6d7cdf0b)

Author SHA1 Message Date
felix 6a9a9a5d23 Add more explanation of balanced braces (#533) 7 years ago
felix cb3c5f4473 Improve error message for unbalanced brace. (#534)
Currently, an open brace without a corresponding brace will emit this confusing error message:

> Expected "!", "$", "&", "(", "*", "+", ".", "/", "/*", "//", ";", "?", character class, code block, comment, end of line, identifier, literal, or whitespace but "{" found.

This change adds an error case to the grammar to make it clear what the problem is.
7 years ago
felix 369b8cdcc6 Clarify details for the execution environment for actions (#531)
* Clarify execution environment of actions and predicates
* Makes a new section for describing the common execution environment
* Add the new section to TOC
* Clarify start/end for predicates
* Clarify the scope of labels
7 years ago
felix ee00a1ae6a Check allowedStartRules exist. (#532)
Fixes #524
7 years ago
felix 958e15879d Reimplement offset() and add range(). (#528)
* Reimplement offset()
* Implement range()

Fixes #526, thanks @felix9
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 5cde815341 Add default export for es format.
This is a minor addition that add's a default export statement (e.g. `export default { ... };`) for the es output format.

Fixes #525
7 years ago
Alan Mimms 4cdc6d6353 Do not indent backtick quoted strings in code blocks (#492)
* Do not indent backtick quoted strings in initializer or rule action code blocks
* Use const instead of var for ESLint happiness
* Fix ESLint issues for double quotes and indent6
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 57bb28414e Merge pull request #509 from Mingun/simplify-bc
Simplify bytecode: remove unnecessary opcode.
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 0ed8c6f89a Rewrote command line tool
- Split into 3 files: "peg.js", "options.js" and "usage.txt"
- Rewrote arguments parser and helpers to be more precise
- Any arguments after "--" will be passed to "options['--']" now
- Added negation options: "--no-cache" and "--no-trace"
- Added "bare" to accepted module formats
- Added 2 aliases for "--extra-options-file": "-c" and "--config"
- Added short options: "-a", "-f" and "-p"
- Reformatted help text in "usage.txt"
- Updated documentation related to command line options and normal options
- Changed "bin" field in "package.json" from "bin/pegjs" to "bin/peg"
- Added documentation note about command line options that are repeated
- Updated gulpfile.js, replacing "bin/pegjs" with "bin/*.js"

See #429, which was what I intended to fix/solve, but instead pushed back and did this instead.
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu d7d5f375f1 Removed redundant .eslintrc
See 55bcaa46ef
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 48a0c37997 Fix link for dot character [ci skip] 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 6661f6b958 Updated documentation
- Updated Badges
- Moved the introduction back to the top
- Added a title for the TOC list
- Added "Latest" sub-section (closes #521)
- Added "Case-insensitivity" sub-section (see #518)
- Added "Backtracking" sub-section (closes #438)
- Fixed link for . (dot character)
- Added a title for the links in the development section
- Added "Contribution" sub-section (closses #457)
- Updated the TOC list
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu b926be7d71 Added npm scripts for gulp tasks 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu dcf9790da0 Ensure 'package-lock.json' is never created
I've noticed on Travis that if a project is testing on Node.js 8 then NPM will automatically create the 'package-lock.json' file, but it's best not to use this file yet.

See 10ec7f0576
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 30ea7d5ed0 Fix "gulp benchmark" for Windows
I'm presuming this task worked fine on Linux, but I use a Windows 10 laptop, and since Windows doesn't open extensionless files to check their shebang, this task failed.

Node.js on the other hand ignore's JavaScript files with a shebang, so this simple fix should make it work on all platforms now.
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 55bcaa46ef Updated ESLint configuration files
- added "root" option to main config
- moved "env.commonjs" to root
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 10ec7f0576 Removed `package-lock.json`
See npm/npm#16866
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 8cf81b47b7 Ensure bin/*.js files use LF instead of CRLF 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 1afe682c65 Merge pull request #510 from Mingun/group-location
Add location information to group AST node
7 years ago
Mingun c98fee1629 Add location information to group AST node 7 years ago
Mingun 575db38d1f Simplify bytecode: remove unnecessary opcode.
Now generated sources looks little better :)
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 03912dc761 Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 928fdca6ac Added TOC's [skip ci] 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 8856913ae8 Updated maintainer #503 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 9658f4a92d Added package-lock.json 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 081856cdeb Set "linebreak-style" rule to 0 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 5e3ed79f95 Merge pull request #415 from sampsyo/master
Docs: try to explain error messages
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 6939d1eb8d Merge pull request #481 from fatfisz/esm-support
Add support for ES modules
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu bc5c8a0f97 Add support for testing with Node.js 8 7 years ago
fatfisz 9c60380f86 Add info about es to the cmd tool 7 years ago
fatfisz d1f62596f1 Add info about the "es" target to the README 7 years ago
fatfisz c541911c04 Extract formats into array
Previously there was a very long condition.
7 years ago
fatfisz e3b7f0c3a9 Change "esm" to "es" 7 years ago
fatfisz aab928de91 Add support for ES modules 7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 35f3c5267a Merge pull request #490 from chearon/css-num-fix
CSS example: parse decimal form of nums correctly
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu f18cf30d76 Merge pull request #493 from AdhirRamjiawan/master
spelling error
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 91c85d824d Merge pull request #494 from davidberneda/patch-1
Update arithmetics.pegjs
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 624f87f66b README.md: Remove the notice about looking for a new maintainer [ci skip]
PEG.js has [a new maintainer](https://github.com/pegjs/pegjs/issues/503#issuecomment-303004127).
7 years ago
David Majda ba2f8bf3c2 README.md: Add a notice about looking for a new maintainer 7 years ago
David Berneda 962db9d090 Update arithmetics.pegjs
Allow spacing before digits like: "     2 * (3 + 4)"
7 years ago
Adhir Ramjiawan f861c2f476 spelling error 7 years ago
Caleb Hearon 770ca6e723 CSS example: parse decimal form of nums correctly
Before, 0.02 could get parsed as 0 and 0.02 when looking for nums+
7 years ago
David Majda 205c55d309 Tests: s/Spec/Test/
Missed in f5a372b075 (I probably grepped
7 years ago
David Majda 2942fa1867 Tests: Make tracing tests more specific
Check that the console and the default tracer are called with specific
arguments in given order. Previously the order of calls wasn't checked.
7 years ago
David Majda 9cc35d2cab Tests: DRY up tracing tests 7 years ago
David Majda 5d6bd75619 Tests: Use "to.be.{a,an}" instead of "expect(typeof ...)" 7 years ago
David Majda 6817f3b964 Tests: Require specific modules instead of the whole library
Requiring the whole library was a relict from the time where the tests
were exercising the browser build when run in the browser.
7 years ago
David Majda 9f36131637 Use https: in links to majda.cz
This avoids redirects.
7 years ago
David Majda e0511a55d5 .travis.yml: Test also with Node.js 7.0.x 7 years ago
David Majda f982e1cfd1 README.md: Indicate that IE8 is unsupported
Should have been done as part of #441.
7 years ago