Or, swapped Ruby dependency for a Node dependency.
The build script was also modified to always regenerate the parser (in
case of the "parser" task) or rebuild the library (in case of the
"build" task) even if the source files were not modified. Not doing this
led to problems when the generating code changed but the files didn't
(which happened often during development).
The source code is now in the src directory. The library needs to be
built using "rake", which creates the lib/peg.js file by combining the
source files.
This and also speeds up the benchmark suite execution by 7.83 % on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 26.17 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
2 26.05 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
3 25.99 kB/s 28.10 kB/s
4 26.13 kB/s 28.11 kB/s
5 26.14 kB/s 28.07 kB/s
Average 26.10 kB/s 28.14 kB/s
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