130 Commits (bdde25a9e444f05de11912d6e31fa80ae3bccfb2)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Futago-za Ryuu bdde25a9e4
Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#596)
* Add support for Azure Pipelines
* Remove Travis CI support
* coverage: Generate cobertura and lcov reports only
* Add support for Code Climate
5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 8c30834ccc Run eslint on .vue files 5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu b7d4d01ff5 Fix build script for Now v2 [skip ci] 5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 132a68b4d5 Upgrade to Vuepress@next
Travis was failing with a weird ESLint error, and when I checked locally, the problem seemed to be related to Vuepress v0. Upgrading to Vuepress v1-alpha seems to fix this (at least on my machine...)
5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 2433c76ffb Add now-build script for Now v2 5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 1dd5a04ef2 Add support for Vuepress v0.14 5 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 93ceeff597 General QOL changes
- Added 'test/package.json' for dependencies used by spec tests
- Changed package names of local tools to reflect actual usage
- Removed bins for local tools (using files via 'node [file]' command)
- Updated help text for the CLIs of local tools to reflect changes
- Updated READMEs for tools
- Moved babel dependencies to 'tools/bundle/package.json'
- 'tools/bundle' now only logs created and watching
- Updated scripts in root package.json
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 4866d6ddb6 Move server.js to website/server.js 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 0f2426bdbf Move dist bundler to tools/bundle 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 6d4ad48319 Remove Gulp 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu aa58b73cae Use ESLint directly instead of gulp-eslint 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 390478d61e Move test/spec to test 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 163ff20508 Move test/benchmark to tools/benchmark 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 9c039ce79b Move test/impact to tools/impact 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 32477337c1 Updated dependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu a70fc76648 Update dependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 3d755b8196 Update gulpfile.js 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu c65e9dd95f Updated dependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 6bc85de256 Define version only in one place 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 445cdcde44 ensure zeit.now ignores devDependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 2b543ed97a browserify -> rollup 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu be88239543 Move PEG.js to packages/pegjs
* Move PEG.js from . to packages/pegjs
* Update relevanr paths
* Remove pegjs-dev; Use pegjs directly
* Generate browser files at packages/pegjs/dist
* nyc: exclude website
* website: keep packages folder
* Root package.json is private now
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 35a650dc50 Update dependency: babelify@v10 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 46ce02404f Remove refs to removed files. 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 5e7134936b Merge the test suites into the website 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu dfbfdd350b Import source code for pegjs.org 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 0089da6698 Use Babel 7 dependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 2790479154 Update dependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 3cedf4439d Update supported platforms
- Drop support for Node.js v4
- Add support for Node.js v10
- Drop support for IE < 11
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 146d021d21 Updated keywords for NPM 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 87ad103177 Move nyc options to separate config 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 6335818cb7 Gulp 4 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 126a4c95f4 Update devDependencies
Closes #568
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu a11d217167 Updated devDependencies 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu a79757683f Should be 'test/impact master' 6 years ago
Mingun fde1c480f4 Use chai-like instead of own properties matcher (#550) 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu f5699d63fb Updated devDependencies
- Bump: eslint-config-futagozaryuu@3.8
- Bump:  run-sequence@2.2.1
6 years ago
Mingun a7a0a0d9ac Bump devDependencies (#549)
- Removed: babel-preset-es2015@6.24.1
- Added: babel-preset-env@1.6.1
- Updated: gulp-mocha@5.0.0
- Updated: nyc@11.4.1
- Updated: vinyl-buffer@1.0.1
- Updated: vinyl-source-stream@2.0.0
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu cd02806c94 Moved 'package.json:repository' field 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu d3cbbee592 Added .d.ts declaration files (#519) 6 years ago
Mingun 3f8cf7cd58 Add coveralls.io support 6 years ago
Mingun f0e5eebe1a Add code coverage by Intanbul 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 1dd1487f9b Set version to v0.11.0-dev 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu f7dd11698a Updates devDependencies
- eslint-config-futagozaryuu
- sinon
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 123a20a83c Updated ignored and published files 6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 37698d8981 Updated NPM scripts & Gulp tasks
- updated names & ordering
- set "gulp clean" to also remove generated examples
- added "gulp lint" to list of default tasks
6 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu e6d018a88d Update code format and style
This is related to my last commit. I've updated all the JavaScript files to satisfy 'eslint-config-futagozaryuu', my eslint configuration.

I'm sure I've probally missed something, but I've run all NPM scripts and Gulp tasks, fixed any bugs that cropped up, and updated some stuff (mainly related to generated messages), so as far as I can, tell this conversion is over (I know I've probally jixed it just by saying this ;P).
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 3c6523ff83 Switched eslint configuration
Was using 'eslint-config-dmajda' by @dmajda, but since it's diffucult for me to use multiple styles across multiple projects, I'm switching to my own 'eslint-config-futagozaryuu'.
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 50cbcd6704 Updated devDependencies
Was planning on doing this after 0.11 (see #497), but since I'm doing an overhaul of the development files now instead, might as well...
7 years ago
Futago-za Ryuu 35832f474f Updated gulpfile.js
- Updated glob for test files
- Updated HEADER var for generated browser build
- Inlined list of JS_FILES to lint
- Added helper 'execFile'
- Simplyfied 'gulp benchmark'
- Parser generator now use's 'bin/peg.js'
- Moved HEADER var into 'browser:build' function
- Simplyfied 'gulp browser:clean'
- removed dependency 'gulp-transform'
7 years ago