This and also speeds up the benchmark suite execution by 7.83 % on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 26.17 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
2 26.05 kB/s 28.16 kB/s
3 25.99 kB/s 28.10 kB/s
4 26.13 kB/s 28.11 kB/s
5 26.14 kB/s 28.07 kB/s
Average 26.10 kB/s 28.14 kB/s
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.7 Safari/533.2
Until now, these tasks looked at the file times and generated the target files
only when they were older than the source files. This caused problems when I
mainupulated the lib/metagrammar.* files by hand sometimes, replaced them from
backups after screw-ups, etc.