Commit graph

3 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Futago-za Ryuu 2a7dcdcfbe Changed 'bin/usage.txt' to 'bin/usage.js'
This change ensures the usage text always has LF line ending on Linux
2017-11-30 12:49:15 +00:00
Futago-za Ryuu e6d018a88d Update code format and style
This is related to my last commit. I've updated all the JavaScript files to satisfy 'eslint-config-futagozaryuu', my eslint configuration.

I'm sure I've probally missed something, but I've run all NPM scripts and Gulp tasks, fixed any bugs that cropped up, and updated some stuff (mainly related to generated messages), so as far as I can, tell this conversion is over (I know I've probally jixed it just by saying this ;P).
2017-10-25 19:19:42 +01:00
Futago-za Ryuu 0ed8c6f89a Rewrote command line tool
- Split into 3 files: "peg.js", "options.js" and "usage.txt"
- Rewrote arguments parser and helpers to be more precise
- Any arguments after "--" will be passed to "options['--']" now
- Added negation options: "--no-cache" and "--no-trace"
- Added "bare" to accepted module formats
- Added 2 aliases for "--extra-options-file": "-c" and "--config"
- Added short options: "-a", "-f" and "-p"
- Reformatted help text in "usage.txt"
- Updated documentation related to command line options and normal options
- Changed "bin" field in "package.json" from "bin/pegjs" to "bin/peg"
- Added documentation note about command line options that are repeated
- Updated gulpfile.js, replacing "bin/pegjs" with "bin/*.js"

See #429, which was what I intended to fix/solve, but instead pushed back and did this instead.
2017-08-24 03:29:02 +01:00