SRC_DIR = "src" LIB_DIR = "lib" BIN_DIR = "bin" PEGJS = "#{BIN_DIR}/pegjs" SRC_FILES = Dir["#{SRC_DIR}/**/*.js"] PEGJS_SRC_FILE = "#{SRC_DIR}/peg.js" PEGJS_OUT_FILE = "#{LIB_DIR}/peg.js" PARSER_SRC_FILE = "#{SRC_DIR}/parser.pegjs" PARSER_OUT_FILE = "#{SRC_DIR}/parser.js" def preprocess(input, base_dir) input.split("\n").map do |line| if line =~ /^\s*\/\/\s*@include\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ included_file = "#{base_dir}/#$1" if !File.exist?(included_file) abort "Included file \"#{included_file}\" does not exist." end preprocess(, base_dir) else line end end.join("\n") end file PARSER_OUT_FILE => PARSER_SRC_FILE do system "#{PEGJS} PEG.parser #{PARSER_SRC_FILE} #{PARSER_OUT_FILE}" end file PEGJS_OUT_FILE => SRC_FILES do, "w") do |f| f.write(preprocess(, SRC_DIR)) end end desc "Generate the grammar parser" task :parser => PARSER_OUT_FILE desc "Build the peg.js file" task :build => PEGJS_OUT_FILE task :default => :build