"use strict"; let peg = require("../../../../lib/peg"); describe("compiler pass |reportDuplicateLabels|", function() { let pass = peg.compiler.passes.check.reportDuplicateLabels; describe("in a sequence", function() { it("reports labels duplicate with labels of preceding elements", function() { expect(pass).toReportError("start = a:'a' a:'a'", { message: "Label \"a\" is already defined at line 1, column 9.", location: { start: { offset: 14, line: 1, column: 15 }, end: { offset: 19, line: 1, column: 20 } } }); }); it("doesn't report labels duplicate with labels in subexpressions", function() { expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = ('a' / a:'a' / 'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a' { }) a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = ('a' a:'a' 'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = b:(a:'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = $(a:'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = &(a:'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = !(a:'a') a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a')? a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a')* a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a')+ a:'a'"); expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a') a:'a'"); }); }); describe("in a choice", function() { it("doesn't report labels duplicate with labels of preceding alternatives", function() { expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = a:'a' / a:'a'"); }); }); describe("in outer sequence", function() { it("reports labels duplicate with labels of preceding elements", function() { expect(pass).toReportError("start = a:'a' (a:'a')", { message: "Label \"a\" is already defined at line 1, column 9.", location: { start: { offset: 15, line: 1, column: 16 }, end: { offset: 20, line: 1, column: 21 } } }); }); it("doesn't report labels duplicate with the label of the current element", function() { expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = a:(a:'a')"); }); it("doesn't report labels duplicate with labels of following elements", function() { expect(pass).not.toReportError("start = (a:'a') a:'a'"); }); }); });