/* * Checks made on the grammar AST before compilation. Each check is a function * that is passed the AST and does not return anything. If the check passes, the * function does not do anything special, otherwise it throws * |PEG.GrammarError|. The checks are run in sequence in order of their * definition. */ PEG.compiler.checks = [ /* Checks that all referenced rules exist. */ function(ast) { function nop() {} function checkExpression(node) { check(node.expression); } function checkSubnodes(propertyName) { return function(node) { each(node[propertyName], check); }; } var checkFunctions = { grammar: function(node) { for (var name in node.rules) { check(node.rules[name]); } }, rule: checkExpression, choice: checkSubnodes("alternatives"), sequence: checkSubnodes("elements"), labeled: checkExpression, simple_and: checkExpression, simple_not: checkExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: checkExpression, zero_or_more: checkExpression, one_or_more: checkExpression, action: checkExpression, rule_ref: function(node) { if (ast.rules[node.name] === undefined) { throw new PEG.GrammarError( "Referenced rule \"" + node.name + "\" does not exist." ); } }, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }; function check(node) { checkFunctions[node.type](node); } check(ast); }, /* Checks that no left recursion is present. */ function(ast) { function nop() {} function checkExpression(node, appliedRules) { check(node.expression, appliedRules); } var checkFunctions = { grammar: function(node, appliedRules) { for (var name in node.rules) { check(ast.rules[name], appliedRules); } }, rule: function(node, appliedRules) { check(node.expression, appliedRules.concat(node.name)); }, choice: function(node, appliedRules) { each(node.alternatives, function(alternative) { check(alternative, appliedRules); }); }, sequence: function(node, appliedRules) { if (node.elements.length > 0) { check(node.elements[0], appliedRules); } }, labeled: checkExpression, simple_and: checkExpression, simple_not: checkExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: checkExpression, zero_or_more: checkExpression, one_or_more: checkExpression, action: checkExpression, rule_ref: function(node, appliedRules) { if (contains(appliedRules, node.name)) { throw new PEG.GrammarError( "Left recursion detected for rule \"" + node.name + "\"." ); } check(ast.rules[node.name], appliedRules); }, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }; function check(node, appliedRules) { checkFunctions[node.type](node, appliedRules); } check(ast, []); } ];