#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; const Runner = require( "./runner.js" ); const benchmarks = require( "./benchmarks.js" ); const fs = require( "fs" ); const path = require( "path" ); // Results Table Manipulation function dup( text, count ) { let result = ""; for ( let i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) result += text; return result; } function padLeft( text, length ) { return dup( " ", length - text.length ) + text; } function padRight( text, length ) { return text + dup( " ", length - text.length ); } function center( text, length ) { const padLength = ( length - text.length ) / 2; return dup( " ", Math.floor( padLength ) ) + text + dup( " ", Math.ceil( padLength ) ); } function writeTableHeader() { console.log( "┌─────────────────────────────────────┬───────────┬────────────┬──────────────┐" ); console.log( "│ Test │ Inp. size │ Avg. time │ Avg. speed │" ); } function writeHeading( heading ) { console.log( "├─────────────────────────────────────┴───────────┴────────────┴──────────────┤" ); console.log( "│ " + center( heading, 75 ) + " │" ); console.log( "├─────────────────────────────────────┬───────────┬────────────┬──────────────┤" ); } function writeResult( title, inputSize, parseTime ) { const KB = 1024; const MS_IN_S = 1000; console.log( "│ " + padRight( title, 35 ) + " │ " + padLeft( ( inputSize / KB ).toFixed( 2 ), 6 ) + " kB │ " + padLeft( parseTime.toFixed( 2 ), 7 ) + " ms │ " + padLeft( ( ( inputSize / KB ) / ( parseTime / MS_IN_S ) ).toFixed( 2 ), 7 ) + " kB/s │" ); } function writeSeparator() { console.log( "├─────────────────────────────────────┼───────────┼────────────┼──────────────┤" ); } function writeTableFooter() { console.log( "└─────────────────────────────────────┴───────────┴────────────┴──────────────┘" ); } // Helpers function printHelp() { console.log( "Usage: run [options]" ); console.log( "" ); console.log( "Runs PEG.js benchmark suite." ); console.log( "" ); console.log( "Options:" ); console.log( " -n, --run-count number of runs (default: 10)" ); console.log( " --cache make tested parsers cache results" ); console.log( " -o, --optimize select optimization for speed or size (default:" ); console.log( " speed)" ); } function exitSuccess() { process.exit( 0 ); } function exitFailure() { process.exit( 1 ); } function abort( message ) { console.error( message ); exitFailure(); } // Arguments const args = process.argv.slice( 2 ); // Trim "node" and the script path. function isOption( arg ) { return ( /^-/ ).test( arg ); } function nextArg() { args.shift(); } // Main let runCount = 10; const options = { cache: false, optimize: "speed" }; while ( args.length > 0 && isOption( args[ 0 ] ) ) { switch ( args[ 0 ] ) { case "-n": case "--run-count": nextArg(); if ( args.length === 0 ) { abort( "Missing parameter of the -n/--run-count option." ); } runCount = parseInt( args[ 0 ], 10 ); if ( isNaN( runCount ) || runCount <= 0 ) { abort( "Number of runs must be a positive integer." ); } break; case "--cache": options.cache = true; break; case "-o": case "--optimize": nextArg(); if ( args.length === 0 ) { abort( "Missing parameter of the -o/--optimize option." ); } if ( args[ 0 ] !== "speed" && args[ 0 ] !== "size" ) { abort( "Optimization goal must be either \"speed\" or \"size\"." ); } options.optimize = args[ 0 ]; break; case "-h": case "--help": printHelp(); exitSuccess(); break; default: abort( "Unknown option: " + args[ 0 ] + "." ); } nextArg(); } if ( args.length > 0 ) { abort( "No arguments are allowed." ); } Runner.run( benchmarks, runCount, options, { readFile( file ) { if ( file.startsWith( "benchmark" ) ) file = path.join( "tools", file ); return fs.readFileSync( file, "utf8" ); }, testStart() { // Nothing to do. }, testFinish( benchmark, test, inputSize, parseTime ) { writeResult( test.title, inputSize, parseTime ); }, benchmarkStart( benchmark ) { writeHeading( benchmark.title ); }, benchmarkFinish( benchmark, inputSize, parseTime ) { writeSeparator(); writeResult( benchmark.title + " total", inputSize, parseTime ); }, start() { writeTableHeader(); }, finish( inputSize, parseTime ) { writeSeparator(); writeResult( "Total", inputSize, parseTime ); writeTableFooter(); }, } );