(function() { module("PEG.compiler"); function testWithVaryingTrackLineAndColumn(name, callback) { test( name + " (with trackLineAndColumn: false) ", function() { callback({ trackLineAndColumn: false }); } ); test( name + " (with trackLineAndColumn: true) ", function() { callback({ trackLineAndColumn: true }); } ); } testWithVaryingTrackLineAndColumn("error details", function(options) { var literalParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "abcd"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( literalParser, "", ["\"abcd\""], null, 'Expected "abcd" but end of input found.' ); doesNotParseWithDetails( literalParser, "efgh", ["\"abcd\""], "e", 'Expected "abcd" but "e" found.' ); doesNotParseWithDetails( literalParser, "abcde", [], "e", 'Expected end of input but "e" found.' ); var classParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [a-d]', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( classParser, "", ["[a-d]"], null, 'Expected [a-d] but end of input found.' ); var negativeClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [^a-d]', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( negativeClassParser, "", ["[^a-d]"], null, 'Expected [^a-d] but end of input found.' ); var anyParser = PEG.buildParser('start = .', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( anyParser, "", ["any character"], null, 'Expected any character but end of input found.' ); var namedRuleWithLiteralParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start "digit" = [0-9]', options ); doesNotParseWithDetails( namedRuleWithLiteralParser, "a", ["digit"], "a", 'Expected digit but "a" found.' ); var namedRuleWithAnyParser = PEG.buildParser('start "whatever" = .', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( namedRuleWithAnyParser, "", ["whatever"], null, 'Expected whatever but end of input found.' ); var namedRuleWithNamedRuleParser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start "digits" = digit+', 'digit "digit" = [0-9]' ].join("\n"), options); doesNotParseWithDetails( namedRuleWithNamedRuleParser, "", ["digits"], null, 'Expected digits but end of input found.' ); var choiceParser1 = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" / "b" / "c"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( choiceParser1, "def", ["\"a\"", "\"b\"", "\"c\""], "d", 'Expected "a", "b" or "c" but "d" found.' ); var choiceParser2 = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" "b" "c" / "a"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( choiceParser2, "abd", ["\"c\""], "d", 'Expected "c" but "d" found.' ); var simpleNotParser = PEG.buildParser('start = !"a" "b"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( simpleNotParser, "c", ["\"b\""], "c", 'Expected "b" but "c" found.' ); var simpleAndParser = PEG.buildParser('start = &"a" [a-b]', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( simpleAndParser, "c", [], "c", 'Expected end of input but "c" found.' ); var emptyParser = PEG.buildParser('start = ', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( emptyParser, "something", [], "s", 'Expected end of input but "s" found.' ); var duplicateErrorParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" / "a"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( duplicateErrorParser, "", ["\"a\""], null, 'Expected "a" but end of input found.' ); var unsortedErrorsParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "b" / "a"', options); doesNotParseWithDetails( unsortedErrorsParser, "", ["\"a\"", "\"b\""], null, 'Expected "a" or "b" but end of input found.' ); }); testWithVaryingTrackLineAndColumn("error positions", function(options) { var simpleParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a"', options); /* Regular match failure */ doesNotParseWithPos(simpleParser, "b", 0, 1, 1); /* Trailing input */ doesNotParseWithPos(simpleParser, "ab", 1, 1, 2); var digitsParser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start = line (("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")+ line)*', 'line = digits (" "+ digits)*', 'digits = digits:[0-9]+ { return digits.join(""); }' ].join("\n"), options); doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", 13, 7, 5); /* Non-Unix newlines */ doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\rx", 2, 2, 1); // Old Mac doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\r\nx", 3, 2, 1); // Windows doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\n\rx", 3, 3, 1); // mismatched /* Strange newlines */ doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\u2028x", 2, 2, 1); // line separator doesNotParseWithPos(digitsParser, "1\u2029x", 2, 2, 1); // paragraph separator }); })();