"use strict"; const { spawn } = require( "child_process" ); const { series, src, task } = require( "gulp" ); const eslint = require( "gulp-eslint" ); const mocha = require( "gulp-mocha" ); const del = require( "del" ); const pump = require( "pump" ); function node( args, cb ) { spawn( "node", args.split( " " ), { stdio: "inherit" } ) .on( "error", cb ) .on( "close", code => { if ( ! code ) cb(); } ); } // Run ESLint on all JavaScript files. task( "lint", () => pump( src( [ "**/.*rc.js", "packages/**/*.js", "test/benchmark/**/*.js", "test/benchmark/run", "test/impact", "test/spec/**/*.js", "src/*.js", "rollup.config.js", "gulpfile.js", "server.js", ] ), eslint( { dotfiles: true } ), eslint.format(), eslint.failAfterError() ) ); // Run tests. task( "test", () => pump( src( "test/spec/**/*.spec.js", { read: false } ), mocha() ) ); // Run benchmarks. task( "benchmark", cb => { node( "test/benchmark/run", cb ); } ); // Generate the grammar parser. task( "build:parser", cb => { node( "packages/pegjs/bin/peg src/parser.pegjs -o packages/pegjs/lib/parser.js -c src/pegjs.config.js", cb ); } ); // Delete the generated files. task( "clean", () => del( [ "packages/pegjs/dist", "website/js/*-bundle.js", "examples/*.js" ] ) ); // Default task. task( "default", series( "lint", "test" ) );