/* jshint jasmine:true */ /* global PEG */ "use strict"; describe("plugin API", function() { beforeEach(function() { this.addMatchers({ toBeObject: function() { this.message = function() { return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " " + (this.isNot ? "not " : "") + "to be an object."; }; return this.actual !== null && typeof this.actual === "object"; }, toBeArray: function() { this.message = function() { return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " " + (this.isNot ? "not " : "") + "to be an array."; }; return Object.prototype.toString.apply(this.actual) === "[object Array]"; }, toBeFunction: function() { this.message = function() { return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " " + (this.isNot ? "not " : "") + "to be a function."; }; return typeof this.actual === "function"; } }); }); describe("use", function() { var grammar = 'start = "a"'; it("is called for each plugin", function() { var pluginsUsed = [false, false, false], plugins = [ { use: function() { pluginsUsed[0] = true; } }, { use: function() { pluginsUsed[1] = true; } }, { use: function() { pluginsUsed[2] = true; } } ]; PEG.buildParser(grammar, { plugins: plugins }); expect(pluginsUsed).toEqual([true, true, true]); }); it("receives configuration", function() { var plugin = { use: function(config, options) { var i; expect(config).toBeObject(); expect(config.parser).toBeObject(); expect(config.parser.parse('start = "a"')).toBeObject(); expect(config.passes).toBeObject(); expect(config.passes.check).toBeArray(); for (i = 0; i < config.passes.check.length; i++) { expect(config.passes.check[i]).toBeFunction(); } expect(config.passes.transform).toBeArray(); for (i = 0; i < config.passes.transform.length; i++) { expect(config.passes.transform[i]).toBeFunction(); } expect(config.passes.generate).toBeArray(); for (i = 0; i < config.passes.generate.length; i++) { expect(config.passes.generate[i]).toBeFunction(); } } }; PEG.buildParser(grammar, { plugins: [plugin] }); }); it("receives options", function() { var buildParserOptions = { foo: 42 }, plugin = { use: function(config, options) { expect(options).toEqual(buildParserOptions); } }; PEG.buildParser(grammar, buildParserOptions); }); it("can replace parser", function() { var plugin = { use: function(config, options) { var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start = .* {', ' return {', ' type: "grammar",', ' rules: [', ' {', ' type: "rule",', ' name: "start",', ' expression: { type: "literal", value: text(), ignoreCase: false }', ' }', ' ]', ' };', '}' ].join("\n")); config.parser = parser; } }, parser = PEG.buildParser('a', { plugins: [plugin] }); expect(parser.parse("a")).toBe("a"); }); it("can change compiler passes", function() { var plugin = { use: function(config, options) { var pass = function(ast) { ast.code = '({ parse: function() { return 42; } })'; }; config.passes.generate = [pass]; } }, parser = PEG.buildParser(grammar, { plugins: [plugin] }); expect(parser.parse("a")).toBe(42); }); it("can change options", function() { var grammar = [ 'a = "x"', 'b = "x"', 'c = "x"' ].join("\n"), plugin = { use: function(config, options) { options.allowedStartRules = ["b", "c"]; } }, parser = PEG.buildParser(grammar, { allowedStartRules: ["a"], plugins: [plugin] }); expect(function() { parser.parse("x", { startRule: "a" }); }).toThrow(); expect(parser.parse("x", { startRule: "b" })).toBe("x"); expect(parser.parse("x", { startRule: "c" })).toBe("x"); }); }); });