grammar: __ rule+ { var result = {}; PEG.ArrayUtils.each($2, function(rule) { result[rule.getName()] = rule; }); return result; } rule: identifier (literal / "") colon expression { return new PEG.Grammar.Rule($1, $2 !== "" ? $2 : null, $4); } expression: choice choice: sequence (slash sequence)* { return $2.length > 0 ? new PEG.Grammar.Choice([$1].concat( $2, function(element) { return element[1]; } ))) : $1; } sequence : prefixed* action { return new PEG.Grammar.Action( $1.length != 1 ? new PEG.Grammar.Sequence($1) : $1[0], $2 ); } / prefixed* { return $1.length != 1 ? new PEG.Grammar.Sequence($1) : $1[0]; } prefixed : and suffixed { return new PEG.Grammar.NotPredicate(new PEG.Grammar.NotPredicate($2)); } / not suffixed { return new PEG.Grammar.NotPredicate($2); } / suffixed suffixed : primary question { return new PEG.Grammar.Choice([$1, new PEG.Grammar.Literal("")]); } / primary star { return new PEG.Grammar.ZeroOrMore($1); } / primary plus { return new PEG.Grammar.Action( new PEG.Grammar.Sequence([$1, new PEG.Grammar.ZeroOrMore($1)]), function(first, rest) { return [first].concat(rest); } ); } / primary primary : identifier !(( literal / "") colon) { return new PEG.Grammar.RuleRef($1); } / literal { return new PEG.Grammar.Literal($1); } / dot { return new PEG.Grammar.Any(); } / class { return new PEG.Grammar.Class($1); } / lparen expression rparen { return $2; } /* "Lexical" elements */ action "action": braced __ { return $1.substr(1, $1.length - 2); } braced: "{" (braced / nonBraceCharacter)* "}" { return $1 + $2.join("") + $3; } nonBraceCharacters: nonBraceCharacter+ { return $1.join(""); } nonBraceCharacter: [^{}] { return $1; } colon: ":" __ { return $1; } slash: "/" __ { return $1; } and: "&" __ { return $1; } not: "!" __ { return $1; } question: "?" __ { return $1; } star: "*" __ { return $1; } plus: "+" __ { return $1; } lparen: "(" __ { return $1; } rparen: ")" __ { return $1; } dot: "." __ { return $1; } /* * Modelled after ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.6, but much simplified: * * * no Unicode escape sequences * * * "Unicode combining marks" and "Unicode connection punctuation" can't be * part of the identifier * * * only [a-zA-Z] is considered a "Unicode letter" * * * only [0-9] is considered a "Unicode digit" * * The simplifications were made just to make the implementation little bit * easier, there is no "philosophical" reason behind them. */ identifier "identifier": (letter / "_" / "$") (letter / digit / "_" / "$")* __ { return $1 + $2.join(""); } /* * Modelled after ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4. (syntax & semantics, rules only * vaguely). */ literal "literal": (doubleQuotedLiteral / singleQuotedLiteral) __ { return $1; } doubleQuotedLiteral: '"' doubleQuotedCharacter* '"' { return $2.join(""); } doubleQuotedCharacter : simpleDoubleQuotedCharacter / simpleEscapeSequence / zeroEscapeSequence / hexEscapeSequence / unicodeEscapeSequence / eolEscapeSequence simpleDoubleQuotedCharacter: !('"' / "\\" / eolChar) . { return $2; } singleQuotedLiteral: "'" singleQuotedCharacter* "'" { return $2.join(""); } singleQuotedCharacter : simpleSingleQuotedCharacter / simpleEscapeSequence / zeroEscapeSequence / hexEscapeSequence / unicodeEscapeSequence / eolEscapeSequence simpleSingleQuotedCharacter: !("'" / "\\" / eolChar) . { return $2; } class "character class": "[" "^"? (classCharacterRange / classCharacter)* "]" __ { return $2 + $3.join(""); } classCharacterRange: bracketDelimitedCharacter "-" bracketDelimitedCharacter { if ($1.charCodeAt(0) > $3.charCodeAt(0)) { throw new PEG.Parser.SyntaxError( "Invalid character range: " + PEG.RegExpUtils.quoteForClass($1) + "-" + PEG.RegExpUtils.quoteForClass($3) + "." ); } return PEG.RegExpUtils.quoteForClass($1) + "-" + PEG.RegExpUtils.quoteForClass($3); } classCharacter: bracketDelimitedCharacter { return PEG.RegExpUtils.quoteForClass($1); } bracketDelimitedCharacter : simpleBracketDelimitedCharacter / simpleEscapeSequence / zeroEscapeSequence / hexEscapeSequence / unicodeEscapeSequence / eolEscapeSequence simpleBracketDelimitedCharacter: !("]" / "\\" / eolChar) . { return $2; } simpleEscapeSequence: "\\" !(digit / "x" / "u" / eolChar) . { return $3 .replace("b", "\b") .replace("f", "\f") .replace("n", "\n") .replace("r", "\r") .replace("t", "\t") .replace("v", "\v") } zeroEscapeSequence: "\\0" !digit { return "\0"; } hexEscapeSequence: "\\x" hexDigit hexDigit { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + $2 + $3)); } unicodeEscapeSequence: "\\u" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + $2 + $3 + $4 + $5)); } eolEscapeSequence: "\\" eol { return $2; } digit: [0-9] hexDigit: [0-9a-fA-F] letter: lowerCaseLetter / upperCaseLetter lowerCaseLetter: [a-z] upperCaseLetter: [A-Z] __: (whitespace / eol / comment)* /* Modelled after ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.4. */ comment "comment": singleLineComment / multiLineComment singleLineComment: "//" (!eolChar .)* multiLineComment: "/*" (!"*/" .)* "*/" /* Modelled after ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.3. */ eol "end of line": "\n" / "\r\n" / "\r" / "\u2028" / "\u2029" eolChar: [\n\r\u2028\u2029] /* * Modelled after ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.2. \uFEFF should be between the * characters too, but it causes infinite loop in Rhino. */ whitespace "whitespace": [ \t\v\f\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]