"use strict"; const peg = require( "pegjs" ); const Runner = { run( benchmarks, runCount, options, callbacks ) { // Queue const Q = { functions: [], add( f ) { this.functions.push( f ); }, run() { if ( this.functions.length > 0 ) { this.functions.shift()(); // We can't use |arguments.callee| here because |this| would get // messed-up in that case. setTimeout( () => { Q.run(); }, 0 ); } } }; // The benchmark itself is factored out into several functions (some of them // generated), which are enqueued and run one by one using |setTimeout|. We // do this for two reasons: // // 1. To avoid bowser mechanism for interrupting long-running scripts to // kick-in (or at least to not kick-in that often). // // 2. To ensure progressive rendering of results in the browser (some // browsers do not render at all when running JavaScript code). // // The enqueued functions share state, which is all stored in the properties // of the |state| object. const state = {}; function initialize() { callbacks.start(); state.totalInputSize = 0; state.totalParseTime = 0; } function benchmarkInitializer( benchmark ) { return () => { callbacks.benchmarkStart( benchmark ); state.parser = peg.generate( callbacks.readFile( "examples/" + benchmark.id + ".pegjs" ), options ); state.benchmarkInputSize = 0; state.benchmarkParseTime = 0; }; } function testRunner( benchmark, test ) { return () => { callbacks.testStart( benchmark, test ); const input = callbacks.readFile( "tools/benchmark/" + benchmark.id + "/" + test.file ); let parseTime = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < runCount; i++ ) { const t = ( new Date() ).getTime(); state.parser.parse( input ); parseTime += ( new Date() ).getTime() - t; } const averageParseTime = parseTime / runCount; callbacks.testFinish( benchmark, test, input.length, averageParseTime ); state.benchmarkInputSize += input.length; state.benchmarkParseTime += averageParseTime; }; } function benchmarkFinalizer( benchmark ) { return () => { callbacks.benchmarkFinish( benchmark, state.benchmarkInputSize, state.benchmarkParseTime ); state.totalInputSize += state.benchmarkInputSize; state.totalParseTime += state.benchmarkParseTime; }; } function finalize() { callbacks.finish( state.totalInputSize, state.totalParseTime ); } // Main Q.add( initialize ); benchmarks.forEach( benchmark => { Q.add( benchmarkInitializer( benchmark ) ); benchmark.tests.forEach( test => { Q.add( testRunner( benchmark, test ) ); } ); Q.add( benchmarkFinalizer( benchmark ) ); } ); Q.add( finalize ); Q.run(); } }; module.exports = Runner;