/* * Compiler passes. * * Each pass is a function that is passed the AST. It can perform checks on it * or modify it as needed. If the pass encounters a semantic error, it throws * |PEG.GrammarError|. */ PEG.compiler.passes = { /* Checks that all referenced rules exist. */ reportMissingRules: function(ast) { function nop() {} function checkExpression(node) { check(node.expression); } function checkSubnodes(propertyName) { return function(node) { each(node[propertyName], check); }; } var check = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node) { for (var name in node.rules) { check(node.rules[name]); } }, rule: checkExpression, choice: checkSubnodes("alternatives"), sequence: checkSubnodes("elements"), labeled: checkExpression, simple_and: checkExpression, simple_not: checkExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: checkExpression, zero_or_more: checkExpression, one_or_more: checkExpression, action: checkExpression, rule_ref: function(node) { if (ast.rules[node.name] === undefined) { throw new PEG.GrammarError( "Referenced rule \"" + node.name + "\" does not exist." ); } }, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }); check(ast); }, /* Checks that no left recursion is present. */ reportLeftRecursion: function(ast) { function nop() {} function checkExpression(node, appliedRules) { check(node.expression, appliedRules); } var check = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node, appliedRules) { for (var name in node.rules) { check(node.rules[name], appliedRules); } }, rule: function(node, appliedRules) { check(node.expression, appliedRules.concat(node.name)); }, choice: function(node, appliedRules) { each(node.alternatives, function(alternative) { check(alternative, appliedRules); }); }, sequence: function(node, appliedRules) { if (node.elements.length > 0) { check(node.elements[0], appliedRules); } }, labeled: checkExpression, simple_and: checkExpression, simple_not: checkExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: checkExpression, zero_or_more: checkExpression, one_or_more: checkExpression, action: checkExpression, rule_ref: function(node, appliedRules) { if (contains(appliedRules, node.name)) { throw new PEG.GrammarError( "Left recursion detected for rule \"" + node.name + "\"." ); } check(ast.rules[node.name], appliedRules); }, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }); check(ast, []); }, /* * Removes proxy rules -- that is, rules that only delegate to other rule. */ removeProxyRules: function(ast) { function isProxyRule(node) { return node.type === "rule" && node.expression.type === "rule_ref"; } function replaceRuleRefs(ast, from, to) { function nop() {} function replaceInExpression(node, from, to) { replace(node.expression, from, to); } function replaceInSubnodes(propertyName) { return function(node, from, to) { each(node[propertyName], function(subnode) { replace(subnode, from, to); }); }; } var replace = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node, from, to) { for (var name in node.rules) { replace(node.rules[name], from, to); } }, rule: replaceInExpression, choice: replaceInSubnodes("alternatives"), sequence: replaceInSubnodes("elements"), labeled: replaceInExpression, simple_and: replaceInExpression, simple_not: replaceInExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: replaceInExpression, zero_or_more: replaceInExpression, one_or_more: replaceInExpression, action: replaceInExpression, rule_ref: function(node, from, to) { if (node.name === from) { node.name = to; } }, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }); replace(ast, from, to); } for (var name in ast.rules) { if (isProxyRule(ast.rules[name])) { replaceRuleRefs(ast, ast.rules[name].name, ast.rules[name].expression.name); if (name === ast.startRule) { ast.startRule = ast.rules[name].expression.name; } delete ast.rules[name]; } } }, /* * Computes names of variables used for storing match results and parse * positions in generated code. These variables are organized as two stacks. * The following will hold after running this pass: * * * All nodes except "grammar" and "rule" nodes will have a |resultVar| * property. It will contain a name of the variable that will store a * match result of the expression represented by the node in generated * code. * * * Some nodes will have a |posVar| property. It will contain a name of the * variable that will store a parse position in generated code. * * * All "rule" nodes will contain |resultVars| and |posVars| properties. * They will contain a list of values of |resultVar| and |posVar| * properties used in rule's subnodes. (This is useful to declare * variables in generated code.) */ computeVarNames: function(ast) { function resultVar(index) { return "result" + index; } function posVar(index) { return "pos" + index; } function computeLeaf(node, index) { node.resultVar = resultVar(index.result); return { result: 0, pos: 0 }; } function computeFromExpression(delta) { return function(node, index) { var depth = compute( node.expression, { result: index.result + delta.result, pos: index.pos + delta.pos } ); node.resultVar = resultVar(index.result); if (delta.pos !== 0) { node.posVar = posVar(index.pos); } return { result: depth.result + delta.result, pos: depth.pos + delta.pos }; }; } var compute = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node, index) { var name; for (name in node.rules) { compute(node.rules[name], index); } }, rule: function(node, index) { var depth = compute(node.expression, index); node.resultVar = resultVar(index.result); node.resultVars = map(range(depth.result + 1), resultVar); node.posVars = map(range(depth.pos), posVar); }, choice: function(node, index) { var depths = map(node.alternatives, function(alternative) { return compute(alternative, index); }); node.resultVar = resultVar(index.result); return { result: Math.max.apply(null, pluck(depths, "result")), pos: Math.max.apply(null, pluck(depths, "pos")) }; }, sequence: function(node, index) { var depths = map(node.elements, function(element, i) { return compute( element, { result: index.result + i, pos: index.pos + 1 } ); }); node.resultVar = resultVar(index.result); node.posVar = posVar(index.pos); return { result: node.elements.length > 0 ? Math.max.apply( null, map(depths, function(d, i) { return i + d.result; }) ) : 0, pos: node.elements.length > 0 ? 1 + Math.max.apply(null, pluck(depths, "pos")) : 1 }; }, labeled: computeFromExpression({ result: 0, pos: 0 }), simple_and: computeFromExpression({ result: 0, pos: 1 }), simple_not: computeFromExpression({ result: 0, pos: 1 }), semantic_and: computeLeaf, semantic_not: computeLeaf, optional: computeFromExpression({ result: 0, pos: 0 }), zero_or_more: computeFromExpression({ result: 1, pos: 0 }), one_or_more: computeFromExpression({ result: 1, pos: 0 }), action: computeFromExpression({ result: 0, pos: 1 }), rule_ref: computeLeaf, literal: computeLeaf, any: computeLeaf, "class": computeLeaf }); compute(ast, { result: 0, pos: 0 }); }, /* * This pass walks through the AST and tracks what labels are visible at each * point. For "action" nodes it computes parameter names and values for the * function used in generated code. (In the emitter, user's code is wrapped * into a function that is immediately executed. Its parameter names * correspond to visible labels and its parameter values to their captured * values). Implicitly, this pass defines scoping rules for labels. * * After running this pass, all "action" nodes will have a |params| property * containing an object mapping parameter names to the expressions that will * be used as their values. */ computeParams: function(ast) { var envs = []; function scoped(f) { envs.push({}); f(); envs.pop(); } function nop() {} function computeForScopedExpression(node) { scoped(function() { compute(node.expression); }); } var compute = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node) { var name; for (name in node.rules) { compute(node.rules[name]); } }, rule: computeForScopedExpression, choice: function(node) { scoped(function() { each(node.alternatives, compute); }); }, sequence: function(node) { var env = envs[envs.length - 1], name; function fixup(name) { each(pluck(node.elements, "resultVar"), function(resultVar, i) { if (env[name].substr(0, resultVar.length) === resultVar) { env[name] = node.resultVar + "[" + i + "]" + env[name].substr(resultVar.length); } }); } each(node.elements, compute); for (name in env) { fixup(name); } }, labeled: function(node) { envs[envs.length - 1][node.label] = node.resultVar; scoped(function() { compute(node.expression); }); }, simple_and: computeForScopedExpression, simple_not: computeForScopedExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: computeForScopedExpression, zero_or_more: computeForScopedExpression, one_or_more: computeForScopedExpression, action: function(node) { scoped(function() { var env = envs[envs.length - 1], params = {}, name; compute(node.expression); for (name in env) { params[name] = env[name]; } node.params = params; }); }, rule_ref: nop, literal: nop, any: nop, "class": nop }); compute(ast); } };