var utils = require("../../utils"); /* Generates the parser code. */ module.exports = function(ast, options) { options = utils.clone(options); utils.defaults(options, { cache: false, allowedStartRules: [ast.startRule] }); /* * Codie 1.1.0 * * * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 David Majda * Licensend under the MIT license. */ var Codie = (function(undefined) { function stringEscape(s) { function hex(ch) { return ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); } /* * ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a * string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash, * carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed. * Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence. * * For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII * characters. Note that "\0" and "\v" escape sequences are not used * because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second. */ return s .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') // backslash .replace(/"/g, '\\"') // closing double quote .replace(/\x08/g, '\\b') // backspace .replace(/\t/g, '\\t') // horizontal tab .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') // line feed .replace(/\f/g, '\\f') // form feed .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') // carriage return .replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E\x0F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x0' + hex(ch); }) .replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x' + hex(ch); }) .replace(/[\u0180-\u0FFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\u0' + hex(ch); }) .replace(/[\u1080-\uFFFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\u' + hex(ch); }); } function push(s) { return '__p.push(' + s + ');'; } function pushRaw(template, length, state) { function unindent(code, level, unindentFirst) { return code.replace( new RegExp('^.{' + level +'}', "gm"), function(str, offset) { if (offset === 0) { return unindentFirst ? '' : str; } else { return ""; } } ); } var escaped = stringEscape(unindent( template.substring(0, length), state.indentLevel(), state.atBOL )); return escaped.length > 0 ? push('"' + escaped + '"') : ''; } var Codie = { /* Codie version (uses semantic versioning). */ VERSION: "1.1.0", /* * Specifies by how many characters do #if/#else and #for unindent their * content in the generated code. */ indentStep: 2, /* Description of #-commands. Extend to define your own commands. */ commands: { "if": { params: /^(.*)$/, compile: function(state, prefix, params) { return ['if(' + params[0] + '){', []]; }, stackOp: "push" }, "else": { params: /^$/, compile: function(state) { var stack = state.commandStack, insideElse = stack[stack.length - 1] === "else", insideIf = stack[stack.length - 1] === "if"; if (insideElse) { throw new Error("Multiple #elses."); } if (!insideIf) { throw new Error("Using #else outside of #if."); } return ['}else{', []]; }, stackOp: "replace" }, "for": { params: /^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)[ \t]+in[ \t]+(.*)$/, init: function(state) { state.forCurrLevel = 0; // current level of #for loop nesting state.forMaxLevel = 0; // maximum level of #for loop nesting }, compile: function(state, prefix, params) { var c = '__c' + state.forCurrLevel, // __c for "collection" l = '__l' + state.forCurrLevel, // __l for "length" i = '__i' + state.forCurrLevel; // __i for "index" state.forCurrLevel++; if (state.forMaxLevel < state.forCurrLevel) { state.forMaxLevel = state.forCurrLevel; } return [ c + '=' + params[1] + ';' + l + '=' + c + '.length;' + 'for(' + i + '=0;' + i + '<' + l + ';' + i + '++){' + params[0] + '=' + c + '[' + i + '];', [params[0], c, l, i] ]; }, exit: function(state) { state.forCurrLevel--; }, stackOp: "push" }, "end": { params: /^$/, compile: function(state) { var stack = state.commandStack, exit; if (stack.length === 0) { throw new Error("Too many #ends."); } exit = Codie.commands[stack[stack.length - 1]].exit; if (exit) { exit(state); } return ['}', []]; }, stackOp: "pop" }, "block": { params: /^(.*)$/, compile: function(state, prefix, params) { var x = '__x', // __x for "prefix", n = '__n', // __n for "lines" l = '__l', // __l for "length" i = '__i'; // __i for "index" /* * Originally, the generated code used |String.prototype.replace|, but * it is buggy in certain versions of V8 so it was rewritten. See the * tests for details. */ return [ x + '="' + stringEscape(prefix.substring(state.indentLevel())) + '";' + n + '=(' + params[0] + ').toString().split("\\n");' + l + '=' + n + '.length;' + 'for(' + i + '=0;' + i + '<' + l + ';' + i + '++){' + n + '[' + i +']=' + x + '+' + n + '[' + i + ']+"\\n";' + '}' + push(n + '.join("")'), [x, n, l, i] ]; }, stackOp: "nop" } }, /* * Compiles a template into a function. When called, this function will * execute the template in the context of an object passed in a parameter and * return the result. */ template: function(template) { var stackOps = { push: function(stack, name) { stack.push(name); }, replace: function(stack, name) { stack[stack.length - 1] = name; }, pop: function(stack) { stack.pop(); }, nop: function() { } }; function compileExpr(state, expr) { state.atBOL = false; return [push(expr), []]; } function compileCommand(state, prefix, name, params) { var command, match, result; command = Codie.commands[name]; if (!command) { throw new Error("Unknown command: #" + name + "."); } match = command.params.exec(params); if (match === null) { throw new Error( "Invalid params for command #" + name + ": " + params + "." ); } result = command.compile(state, prefix, match.slice(1)); stackOps[command.stackOp](state.commandStack, name); state.atBOL = true; return result; } var state = { // compilation state commandStack: [], // stack of commands as they were nested atBOL: true, // is the next character to process at BOL? indentLevel: function() { return Codie.indentStep * this.commandStack.length; } }, code = '', // generated template function code vars = ['__p=[]'], // variables used by generated code name, match, result, i; /* Initialize state. */ for (name in Codie.commands) { if (Codie.commands[name].init) { Codie.commands[name].init(state); } } /* Compile the template. */ while ((match = /^([ \t]*)#([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?:[ \t]+([^ \t\n][^\n]*))?[ \t]*(?:\n|$)|#\{([^}]*)\}/m.exec(template)) !== null) { code += pushRaw(template, match.index, state); result = match[2] !== undefined && match[2] !== "" ? compileCommand(state, match[1], match[2], match[3] || "") // #-command : compileExpr(state, match[4]); // #{...} code += result[0]; vars = vars.concat(result[1]); template = template.substring(match.index + match[0].length); } code += pushRaw(template, template.length, state); /* Check the final state. */ if (state.commandStack.length > 0) { throw new Error("Missing #end."); } /* Sanitize the list of variables used by commands. */ vars.sort(); for (i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if (vars[i] === vars[i - 1]) { vars.splice(i--, 1); } } /* Create the resulting function. */ return new Function("__v", [ '__v=__v||{};', 'var ' + vars.join(',') + ';', 'with(__v){', code, 'return __p.join("").replace(/^\\n+|\\n+$/g,"");};' ].join('')); } }; return Codie; })(); var templates = (function() { var name, templates = {}, sources = { grammar: [ '(function(){', ' /*', ' * Generated by PEG.js 0.7.0.', ' *', ' *', ' */', ' ', /* This needs to be in sync with |subclass| in utils.js. */ ' function subclass(child, parent) {', ' function ctor() { this.constructor = child; }', ' ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;', ' child.prototype = new ctor();', ' }', ' ', /* This needs to be in sync with |quote| in utils.js. */ ' function quote(s) {', ' /*', ' * ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a', ' * string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,', ' * carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.', ' * Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.', ' *', ' * For portability, we also escape escape all control and non-ASCII', ' * characters. Note that "\\0" and "\\v" escape sequences are not used', ' * because JSHint does not like the first and IE the second.', ' */', ' return \'"\' + s', ' .replace(/\\\\/g, \'\\\\\\\\\') // backslash', ' .replace(/"/g, \'\\\\"\') // closing quote character', ' .replace(/\\x08/g, \'\\\\b\') // backspace', ' .replace(/\\t/g, \'\\\\t\') // horizontal tab', ' .replace(/\\n/g, \'\\\\n\') // line feed', ' .replace(/\\f/g, \'\\\\f\') // form feed', ' .replace(/\\r/g, \'\\\\r\') // carriage return', ' .replace(/[\\x00-\\x07\\x0B\\x0E-\\x1F\\x80-\\uFFFF]/g, escape)', ' + \'"\';', ' }', ' ', ' var result = {', ' /*', ' * Parses the input with a generated parser. If the parsing is successful,', ' * returns a value explicitly or implicitly specified by the grammar from', ' * which the parser was generated (see |PEG.buildParser|). If the parsing is', ' * unsuccessful, throws |PEG.parser.SyntaxError| describing the error.', ' */', ' parse: function(input) {', ' var parseFunctions = {', ' #for rule in options.allowedStartRules', ' #{string(rule) + ": parse_" + rule + (rule !== options.allowedStartRules[options.allowedStartRules.length - 1] ? "," : "")}', ' #end', ' };', ' ', ' var options = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : {},', ' startRule;', ' ', ' if (options.startRule !== undefined) {', ' startRule = options.startRule;', ' ', ' if (parseFunctions[startRule] === undefined) {', ' throw new Error("Can\'t start parsing from rule " + quote(startRule) + ".");', ' }', ' } else {', ' startRule = #{string(options.allowedStartRules[0])};', ' }', ' ', ' var pos = 0;', ' var reportedPos = 0;', ' var cachedReportedPos = 0;', ' var cachedReportedPosDetails = { line: 1, column: 1, seenCR: false };', ' var reportFailures = 0;', // 0 = report, anything > 0 = do not report ' var rightmostFailuresPos = 0;', ' var rightmostFailuresExpected = [];', ' #if options.cache', ' var cache = {};', ' #end', ' ', /* This needs to be in sync with |padLeft| in utils.js. */ ' function padLeft(input, padding, length) {', ' var result = input;', ' ', ' var padLength = length - input.length;', ' for (var i = 0; i < padLength; i++) {', ' result = padding + result;', ' }', ' ', ' return result;', ' }', ' ', /* This needs to be in sync with |escape| in utils.js. */ ' function escape(ch) {', ' var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);', ' var escapeChar;', ' var length;', ' ', ' if (charCode <= 0xFF) {', ' escapeChar = \'x\';', ' length = 2;', ' } else {', ' escapeChar = \'u\';', ' length = 4;', ' }', ' ', ' return \'\\\\\' + escapeChar + padLeft(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(), \'0\', length);', ' }', ' ', ' function computeReportedPosDetails() {', ' function advanceCachedReportedPos() {', ' var ch;', ' ', ' for (; cachedReportedPos < reportedPos; cachedReportedPos++) {', ' ch = input.charAt(cachedReportedPos);', ' if (ch === "\\n") {', ' if (!cachedReportedPosDetails.seenCR) { cachedReportedPosDetails.line++; }', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.column = 1;', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.seenCR = false;', ' } else if (ch === "\\r" || ch === "\\u2028" || ch === "\\u2029") {', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.line++;', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.column = 1;', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.seenCR = true;', ' } else {', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.column++;', ' cachedReportedPosDetails.seenCR = false;', ' }', ' }', ' }', ' ', ' if (cachedReportedPos !== reportedPos) {', ' if (cachedReportedPos > reportedPos) {', ' cachedReportedPos = 0;', ' cachedReportedPosDetails = { line: 1, column: 1, seenCR: false };', ' }', ' advanceCachedReportedPos();', ' }', ' ', ' return cachedReportedPosDetails;', ' }', ' ', ' function offset() {', ' return reportedPos;', ' }', ' ', ' function line() {', ' return computeReportedPosDetails().line;', ' }', ' ', ' function column() {', ' return computeReportedPosDetails().column;', ' }', ' ', ' function matchFailed(failure) {', ' if (pos < rightmostFailuresPos) {', ' return;', ' }', ' ', ' if (pos > rightmostFailuresPos) {', ' rightmostFailuresPos = pos;', ' rightmostFailuresExpected = [];', ' }', ' ', ' rightmostFailuresExpected.push(failure);', ' }', ' ', ' #for rule in node.rules', ' #block emit(rule)', ' ', ' #end', ' ', ' function cleanupExpected(expected) {', ' expected.sort();', ' ', ' var lastExpected = null;', ' var cleanExpected = [];', ' for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {', ' if (expected[i] !== lastExpected) {', ' cleanExpected.push(expected[i]);', ' lastExpected = expected[i];', ' }', ' }', ' return cleanExpected;', ' }', ' ', ' #if node.initializer', ' #block emit(node.initializer)', ' #end', ' ', ' var result = parseFunctions[startRule]();', ' ', ' /*', ' * The parser is now in one of the following three states:', ' *', ' * 1. The parser successfully parsed the whole input.', ' *', ' * - |result !== null|', ' * - |pos === input.length|', ' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something', ' *', ' * 2. The parser successfully parsed only a part of the input.', ' *', ' * - |result !== null|', ' * - |pos < input.length|', ' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something', ' *', ' * 3. The parser did not successfully parse any part of the input.', ' *', ' * - |result === null|', ' * - |pos === 0|', ' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| contains at least one failure', ' *', ' * All code following this comment (including called functions) must', ' * handle these states.', ' */', ' if (result === null || pos !== input.length) {', ' reportedPos = Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos);', ' var found = reportedPos < input.length ? input.charAt(reportedPos) : null;', ' var reportedPosDetails = computeReportedPosDetails();', ' ', ' throw new this.SyntaxError(', ' cleanupExpected(rightmostFailuresExpected),', ' found,', ' reportedPos,', ' reportedPosDetails.line,', ' reportedPosDetails.column', ' );', ' }', ' ', ' return result;', ' }', ' };', ' ', ' /* Thrown when a parser encounters a syntax error. */', ' ', ' result.SyntaxError = function(expected, found, offset, line, column) {', ' function buildMessage(expected, found) {', ' var expectedHumanized, foundHumanized;', ' ', ' switch (expected.length) {', ' case 0:', ' expectedHumanized = "end of input";', ' break;', ' case 1:', ' expectedHumanized = expected[0];', ' break;', ' default:', ' expectedHumanized = expected.slice(0, expected.length - 1).join(", ")', ' + " or "', ' + expected[expected.length - 1];', ' }', ' ', ' foundHumanized = found ? quote(found) : "end of input";', ' ', ' return "Expected " + expectedHumanized + " but " + foundHumanized + " found.";', ' }', ' ', ' = "SyntaxError";', ' this.expected = expected;', ' this.found = found;', ' this.message = buildMessage(expected, found);', ' this.offset = offset;', ' this.line = line;', ' this.column = column;', ' };', ' ', ' subclass(result.SyntaxError, Error);', ' ', ' return result;', '})()' ], rule: [ 'function parse_#{}() {', ' #if options.cache', ' var cacheKey = "#{}@" + pos;', ' var cachedResult = cache[cacheKey];', ' if (cachedResult) {', ' pos = cachedResult.nextPos;', ' return cachedResult.result;', ' }', ' ', ' #end', ' #if node.registerCount > 0', ' var #{map(range(node.registerCount), r).join(", ")};', ' #end', ' ', ' #block emit(node.expression)', ' #if options.cache', ' ', ' cache[cacheKey] = {', ' nextPos: pos,', ' result: #{r(node.expression.resultIndex)}', ' };', ' #end', ' return #{r(node.expression.resultIndex)};', '}' ], named: [ 'reportFailures++;', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'reportFailures--;', 'if (reportFailures === 0 && #{r(node.resultIndex)} === null) {', ' matchFailed(#{string(});', '}' ], choice: [ '#block emit(alternative)', '#block nextAlternativesCode' ], "": [ 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} === null) {', ' #block code', '}' ], action: [ '#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' reportedPos = #{r(node.posIndex)};', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")});', '}', 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} === null) {', ' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};', '}' ], sequence: [ '#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;', '#block code' ], "sequence.iteration": [ '#block emit(element)', 'if (#{r(element.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #block code', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', ' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};', '}' ], "sequence.inner": [ '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = [#{map(pluck(node.elements, "resultIndex"), r).join(", ")}];' ], text: [ '#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.substring(pos, #{r(node.posIndex)});', '}' ], simple_and: [ '#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;', 'reportFailures++;', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'reportFailures--;', 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = "";', ' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', '}' ], simple_not: [ '#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;', 'reportFailures++;', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'reportFailures--;', 'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} === null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = "";', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', ' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};', '}' ], semantic_and: [ 'reportedPos = pos;', '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")}) ? "" : null;' ], semantic_not: [ 'reportedPos = pos;', '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")}) ? null : "";' ], optional: [ '#block emit(node.expression)', '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = #{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null ? #{r(node.resultIndex)} : "";' ], zero_or_more: [ '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = [];', '#block emit(node.expression)', 'while (#{r(node.expression.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)}.push(#{r(node.expression.resultIndex)});', ' #block emit(node.expression)', '}' ], one_or_more: [ '#block emit(node.expression)', 'if (#{r(node.expression.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = [];', ' while (#{r(node.expression.resultIndex)} !== null) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)}.push(#{r(node.expression.resultIndex)});', ' #block emit(node.expression)', ' }', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', '}' ], rule_ref: [ '#{r(node.resultIndex)} = parse_#{}();' ], literal: [ '#if node.value.length === 0', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = "";', '#else', ' #if !node.ignoreCase', ' #if node.value.length === 1', ' if (input.charCodeAt(pos) === #{node.value.charCodeAt(0)}) {', ' #else', ' if (input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length}) === #{string(node.value)}) {', ' #end', ' #else', /* * One-char literals are not optimized when case-insensitive * matching is enabled. This is because there is no simple way to * lowercase a character code that works for character outside ASCII * letters. Moreover, |toLowerCase| can change string length, * meaning the result of lowercasing a character can be more * characters. */ ' if (input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length}).toLowerCase() === #{string(node.value.toLowerCase())}) {', ' #end', ' #if !node.ignoreCase', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = #{string(node.value)};', ' #else', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length});', ' #end', ' #{node.value.length > 1 ? "pos += " + node.value.length : "pos++"};', ' } else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', ' if (reportFailures === 0) {', ' matchFailed(#{string(string(node.value))});', ' }', ' }', '#end' ], "class": [ 'if (#{regexp}.test(input.charAt(pos))) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(pos);', ' pos++;', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', ' if (reportFailures === 0) {', ' matchFailed(#{string(node.rawText)});', ' }', '}' ], any: [ 'if (input.length > pos) {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(pos);', ' pos++;', '} else {', ' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;', ' if (reportFailures === 0) {', ' matchFailed("any character");', ' }', '}' ] }; for (name in sources) { templates[name] = Codie.template(sources[name].join('\n')); } return templates; })(); function fill(name, vars) { vars.string = utils.quote; vars.range = utils.range; =; vars.pluck = utils.pluck; vars.keys = utils.keys; vars.values = utils.values; vars.emit = emit; vars.options = options; vars.r = function(index) { return "r" + index; }; return templates[name](vars); } function emitSimple(name) { return function(node) { return fill(name, { node: node }); }; } var emit = utils.buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: emitSimple("grammar"), initializer: function(node) { return node.code; }, rule: emitSimple("rule"), /* * The contract for all code fragments generated by the following functions * is as follows. * * The code fragment tries to match a part of the input starting with the * position indicated in |pos|. That position may point past the end of the * input. * * * If the code fragment matches the input, it advances |pos| to point to * the first chracter following the matched part of the input and sets a * register with index specified by |node.resultIndex| to an appropriate * value. This value is always non-|null|. * * * If the code fragment does not match the input, it returns with |pos| * set to the original value and it sets a register with index specified * by |node.posIndex| to |null|. * * The code uses only registers with indices specified by |node.resultIndex| * and |node.posIndex| where |node| is the processed node or some of its * subnodes. It does not use any other registers. */ named: emitSimple("named"), choice: function(node) { var code, nextAlternativesCode; for (var i = node.alternatives.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { nextAlternativesCode = i !== node.alternatives.length - 1 ? fill("", { node: node, code: code }) : ''; code = fill("choice", { alternative: node.alternatives[i], nextAlternativesCode: nextAlternativesCode }); } return code; }, action: emitSimple("action"), sequence: function(node) { var code = fill("sequence.inner", { node: node }); for (var i = node.elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { code = fill("sequence.iteration", { node: node, element: node.elements[i], code: code }); } return fill("sequence", { node: node, code: code }); }, labeled: function(node) { return emit(node.expression); }, text: emitSimple("text"), simple_and: emitSimple("simple_and"), simple_not: emitSimple("simple_not"), semantic_and: emitSimple("semantic_and"), semantic_not: emitSimple("semantic_not"), optional: emitSimple("optional"), zero_or_more: emitSimple("zero_or_more"), one_or_more: emitSimple("one_or_more"), rule_ref: emitSimple("rule_ref"), literal: emitSimple("literal"), "class": function(node) { var regexp; if ( > 0) { regexp = '/^[' + (node.inverted ? '^' : '') +, function(part) { return part instanceof Array ? utils.quoteForRegexpClass(part[0]) + '-' + utils.quoteForRegexpClass(part[1]) : utils.quoteForRegexpClass(part); }).join('') + ']/' + (node.ignoreCase ? 'i' : ''); } else { /* * Stupid IE considers regexps /[]/ and /[^]/ syntactically invalid, so * we translate them into euqivalents it can handle. */ regexp = node.inverted ? '/^[\\S\\s]/' : '/^(?!)/'; } return fill("class", { node: node, regexp: regexp }); }, any: emitSimple("any") }); ast.code = emit(ast); };