/* * Removes proxy rules -- that is, rules that only delegate to other rule. */ PEG.compiler.passes.removeProxyRules = function(ast) { function isProxyRule(node) { return node.type === "rule" && node.expression.type === "rule_ref"; } function replaceRuleRefs(ast, from, to) { function nop() {} function replaceInExpression(node, from, to) { replace(node.expression, from, to); } function replaceInSubnodes(propertyName) { return function(node, from, to) { each(node[propertyName], function(subnode) { replace(subnode, from, to); }); }; } var replace = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: replaceInSubnodes("rules"), rule: replaceInExpression, named: replaceInExpression, choice: replaceInSubnodes("alternatives"), sequence: replaceInSubnodes("elements"), labeled: replaceInExpression, simple_and: replaceInExpression, simple_not: replaceInExpression, semantic_and: nop, semantic_not: nop, optional: replaceInExpression, zero_or_more: replaceInExpression, one_or_more: replaceInExpression, action: replaceInExpression, rule_ref: function(node, from, to) { if (node.name === from) { node.name = to; } }, literal: nop, "class": nop, any: nop }); replace(ast, from, to); } var indices = []; each(ast.rules, function(rule, i) { if (isProxyRule(rule)) { replaceRuleRefs(ast, rule.name, rule.expression.name); if (rule.name === ast.startRule) { ast.startRule = rule.expression.name; } indices.push(i); } }); indices.reverse(); each(indices, function(index) { ast.rules.splice(index, 1); }); };