"use strict"; const util = require( "../../util" ); // Generates bytecode. // // Instructions // ============ // // Stack Manipulation // ------------------ // // [0] PUSH_EMPTY_STRING // // stack.push(""); // // [1] PUSH_UNDEFINED // // stack.push(undefined); // // [2] PUSH_NULL // // stack.push(null); // // [3] PUSH_FAILED // // stack.push(FAILED); // // [4] PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY // // stack.push([]); // // [5] PUSH_CURR_POS // // stack.push(currPos); // // [6] POP // // stack.pop(); // // [7] POP_CURR_POS // // currPos = stack.pop(); // // [8] POP_N n // // stack.pop(n); // // [9] NIP // // value = stack.pop(); // stack.pop(); // stack.push(value); // // [10] APPEND // // value = stack.pop(); // array = stack.pop(); // array.push(value); // stack.push(array); // // [11] WRAP n // // stack.push(stack.pop(n)); // // [12] TEXT // // stack.push(input.substring(stack.pop(), currPos)); // // Conditions and Loops // -------------------- // // [13] IF t, f // // if (stack.top()) { // interpret(ip + 3, ip + 3 + t); // } else { // interpret(ip + 3 + t, ip + 3 + t + f); // } // // [14] IF_ERROR t, f // // if (stack.top() === FAILED) { // interpret(ip + 3, ip + 3 + t); // } else { // interpret(ip + 3 + t, ip + 3 + t + f); // } // // [15] IF_NOT_ERROR t, f // // if (stack.top() !== FAILED) { // interpret(ip + 3, ip + 3 + t); // } else { // interpret(ip + 3 + t, ip + 3 + t + f); // } // // [16] WHILE_NOT_ERROR b // // while(stack.top() !== FAILED) { // interpret(ip + 2, ip + 2 + b); // } // // Matching // -------- // // [17] MATCH_ANY a, f, ... // // if (input.length > currPos) { // interpret(ip + 3, ip + 3 + a); // } else { // interpret(ip + 3 + a, ip + 3 + a + f); // } // // [18] MATCH_STRING s, a, f, ... // // if (input.substr(currPos, literals[s].length) === literals[s]) { // interpret(ip + 4, ip + 4 + a); // } else { // interpret(ip + 4 + a, ip + 4 + a + f); // } // // [19] MATCH_STRING_IC s, a, f, ... // // if (input.substr(currPos, literals[s].length).toLowerCase() === literals[s]) { // interpret(ip + 4, ip + 4 + a); // } else { // interpret(ip + 4 + a, ip + 4 + a + f); // } // // [20] MATCH_CLASS c, a, f, ... // // if (classes[c].test(input.charAt(currPos))) { // interpret(ip + 4, ip + 4 + a); // } else { // interpret(ip + 4 + a, ip + 4 + a + f); // } // // [21] ACCEPT_N n // // stack.push(input.substring(currPos, n)); // currPos += n; // // [22] ACCEPT_STRING s // // stack.push(literals[s]); // currPos += literals[s].length; // // [23] EXPECT e // // expect(expectations[e]); // // Calls // ----- // // [24] LOAD_SAVED_POS p // // savedPos = stack[p]; // // [25] UPDATE_SAVED_POS // // savedPos = currPos; // // [26] CALL f, n, pc, p1, p2, ..., pN // // value = functions[f](stack[p1], ..., stack[pN]); // stack.pop(n); // stack.push(value); // // Rules // ----- // // [27] RULE r // // stack.push(parseRule(r)); // // Failure Reporting // ----------------- // // [28] SILENT_FAILS_ON // // silentFails++; // // [29] SILENT_FAILS_OFF // // silentFails--; // // [38] EXPECT_NS_BEGIN // // expected.push({ pos: curPos, variants: [] }); // // [39] EXPECT_NS_END invert // // value = expected.pop(); // if (value.pos === expected.top().pos) { // if (invert) { // value.variants.forEach(e => { e.not = !e.not; }); // } // expected.top().variants.pushAll(value.variants); // } function generateBytecode( ast, session ) { const op = session.opcodes; const literals = []; const classes = []; const expectations = []; const functions = []; let generate; function addLiteralConst( value ) { const index = literals.indexOf( value ); return index === -1 ? literals.push( value ) - 1 : index; } function addClassConst( node ) { const cls = { value: node.parts, inverted: node.inverted, ignoreCase: node.ignoreCase }; const pattern = JSON.stringify( cls ); const index = classes.findIndex( c => JSON.stringify( c ) === pattern ); return index === -1 ? classes.push( cls ) - 1 : index; } function addExpectedConst( expected ) { const pattern = JSON.stringify( expected ); const index = expectations.findIndex( e => JSON.stringify( e ) === pattern ); return index === -1 ? expectations.push( expected ) - 1 : index; } function addFunctionConst( predicate, params, code ) { const func = { predicate: predicate, params: params, body: code }; const pattern = JSON.stringify( func ); const index = functions.findIndex( f => JSON.stringify( f ) === pattern ); return index === -1 ? functions.push( func ) - 1 : index; } const buildSequence = ( ...parts ) => [].concat( ...parts ); function buildCondition( match, condCode, thenCode, elseCode ) { if ( match > 0 ) return thenCode; if ( match < 0 ) return elseCode; return condCode.concat( [ thenCode.length, elseCode.length ], thenCode, elseCode ); } function buildLoop( condCode, bodyCode ) { return condCode.concat( [ bodyCode.length ], bodyCode ); } function buildCall( functionIndex, delta, env, sp ) { const params = util.values( env, value => sp - value ); return [ op.CALL, functionIndex, delta, params.length ].concat( params ); } function buildSimplePredicate( expression, negative, context ) { const match = expression.match|0; return buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_CURR_POS ], [ op.EXPECT_NS_BEGIN ], generate( expression, { sp: context.sp + 1, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), [ op.EXPECT_NS_END, negative ? 1 : 0 ], buildCondition( negative ? -match : match, [ negative ? op.IF_ERROR : op.IF_NOT_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.POP ], [ negative ? op.POP : op.POP_CURR_POS ], [ op.PUSH_UNDEFINED ] ), buildSequence( [ op.POP ], [ negative ? op.POP_CURR_POS : op.POP ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ) ); } function buildSemanticPredicate( node, negative, context ) { const functionIndex = addFunctionConst( true, Object.keys( context.env ), node.code ); return buildSequence( [ op.UPDATE_SAVED_POS ], buildCall( functionIndex, 0, context.env, context.sp ), buildCondition( node.match|0, [ op.IF ], buildSequence( [ op.POP ], negative ? [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] : [ op.PUSH_UNDEFINED ] ), buildSequence( [ op.POP ], negative ? [ op.PUSH_UNDEFINED ] : [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ) ); } function buildAppendLoop( expressionCode ) { return buildLoop( [ op.WHILE_NOT_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.APPEND ], expressionCode ) ); } generate = session.buildVisitor( { grammar( node ) { node.rules.forEach( generate ); node.literals = literals; node.classes = classes; node.expectations = expectations; node.functions = functions; }, rule( node ) { node.bytecode = generate( node.expression, { sp: -1, // stack pointer env: { }, // mapping of label names to stack positions action: null, // action nodes pass themselves to children here reportFailures: node.reportFailures // if `false`, suppress generation of EXPECT opcodes } ); }, named( node, context ) { // Do not generate unused constant, if no need it const nameIndex = context.reportFailures ? addExpectedConst( { type: "rule", value: node.name } ) : null; const expressionCode = generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp, env: context.env, action: context.action, reportFailures: false } ); // No need to disable report failures if it already disabled return context.reportFailures ? buildSequence( [ op.EXPECT, nameIndex ], [ op.SILENT_FAILS_ON ], expressionCode, [ op.SILENT_FAILS_OFF ] ) : expressionCode; }, choice( node, context ) { function buildAlternativesCode( alternatives, context ) { return buildSequence( generate( alternatives[ 0 ], { sp: context.sp, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), alternatives.length < 2 ? [] : buildCondition( // If alternative always match no need generate code for next alternatives -( alternatives[ 0 ].match|0 ), [ op.IF_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.POP ], buildAlternativesCode( alternatives.slice( 1 ), context ) ), [] ) ); } return buildAlternativesCode( node.alternatives, context ); }, action( node, context ) { const env = util.clone( context.env ); const emitCall = node.expression.type !== "sequence" || node.expression.elements.length === 0; const expressionCode = generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp + ( emitCall ? 1 : 0 ), env: env, action: node, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ); const match = node.expression.match|0; const functionIndex = emitCall && match >= 0 ? addFunctionConst( false, Object.keys( env ), node.code ) : null; return emitCall === false ? expressionCode : buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_CURR_POS ], expressionCode, buildCondition( match, [ op.IF_NOT_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.LOAD_SAVED_POS, 1 ], buildCall( functionIndex, 1, env, context.sp + 2 ) ), [] ), [ op.NIP ] ); }, sequence( node, context ) { function buildElementsCode( elements, context ) { if ( elements.length > 0 ) { const processedCount = node.elements.length - elements.slice( 1 ).length; return buildSequence( generate( elements[ 0 ], { sp: context.sp, env: context.env, action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), buildCondition( elements[ 0 ].match|0, [ op.IF_NOT_ERROR ], buildElementsCode( elements.slice( 1 ), { sp: context.sp + 1, env: context.env, action: context.action, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), buildSequence( processedCount > 1 ? [ op.POP_N, processedCount ] : [ op.POP ], [ op.POP_CURR_POS ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ) ); } else if ( context.action ) { const functionIndex = addFunctionConst( false, Object.keys( context.env ), context.action.code ); return buildSequence( [ op.LOAD_SAVED_POS, node.elements.length ], buildCall( functionIndex, node.elements.length + 1, context.env, context.sp ) ); } return buildSequence( [ op.WRAP, node.elements.length ], [ op.NIP ] ); } return buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_CURR_POS ], buildElementsCode( node.elements, { sp: context.sp + 1, env: context.env, action: context.action, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ) ); }, labeled( node, context ) { const env = util.clone( context.env ); context.env[ node.label ] = context.sp + 1; return generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp, env: env, action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ); }, text( node, context ) { return buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_CURR_POS ], generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp + 1, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), buildCondition( node.expression.match|0, [ op.IF_NOT_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.POP ], [ op.TEXT ] ), [ op.NIP ] ) ); }, simple_and( node, context ) { return buildSimplePredicate( node.expression, false, context ); }, simple_not( node, context ) { return buildSimplePredicate( node.expression, true, context ); }, optional( node, context ) { return buildSequence( generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ), buildCondition( // If expression always match no need replace FAILED to NULL -( node.expression.match|0 ), [ op.IF_ERROR ], buildSequence( [ op.POP ], [ op.PUSH_NULL ] ), [] ) ); }, zero_or_more( node, context ) { const expressionCode = generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp + 1, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ); return buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY ], expressionCode, buildAppendLoop( expressionCode ), [ op.POP ] ); }, one_or_more( node, context ) { const expressionCode = generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp + 1, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ); return buildSequence( [ op.PUSH_EMPTY_ARRAY ], expressionCode, buildCondition( node.expression.match|0, [ op.IF_NOT_ERROR ], buildSequence( buildAppendLoop( expressionCode ), [ op.POP ] ), buildSequence( [ op.POP ], [ op.POP ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ) ); }, group( node, context ) { return generate( node.expression, { sp: context.sp, env: util.clone( context.env ), action: null, reportFailures: context.reportFailures } ); }, semantic_and( node, context ) { return buildSemanticPredicate( node, false, context ); }, semantic_not( node, context ) { return buildSemanticPredicate( node, true, context ); }, rule_ref( node ) { return [ op.RULE, ast.indexOfRule( node.name ) ]; }, literal( node, context ) { if ( node.value.length > 0 ) { const match = node.match|0; const needConst = match === 0 || ( match > 0 && ! node.ignoreCase ); const stringIndex = needConst ? addLiteralConst( node.ignoreCase ? node.value.toLowerCase() : node.value ) : null; // Do not generate unused constant, if no need it const expectedIndex = context.reportFailures ? addExpectedConst( { type: "literal", value: node.value, ignoreCase: node.ignoreCase } ) : null; // For case-sensitive strings the value must match the beginning of the // remaining input exactly. As a result, we can use |ACCEPT_STRING| and // save one |substr| call that would be needed if we used |ACCEPT_N|. return buildSequence( context.reportFailures ? [ op.EXPECT, expectedIndex ] : [], buildCondition( match, node.ignoreCase ? [ op.MATCH_STRING_IC, stringIndex ] : [ op.MATCH_STRING, stringIndex ], node.ignoreCase ? [ op.ACCEPT_N, node.value.length ] : [ op.ACCEPT_STRING, stringIndex ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ); } return [ op.PUSH_EMPTY_STRING ]; }, class( node, context ) { const match = node.match|0; const classIndex = match === 0 ? addClassConst( node ) : null; // Do not generate unused constant, if no need it const expectedIndex = context.reportFailures ? addExpectedConst( { type: "class", value: node.parts, inverted: node.inverted, ignoreCase: node.ignoreCase } ) : null; return buildSequence( context.reportFailures ? [ op.EXPECT, expectedIndex ] : [], buildCondition( match, [ op.MATCH_CLASS, classIndex ], [ op.ACCEPT_N, 1 ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ); }, any( node, context ) { // Do not generate unused constant, if no need it const expectedIndex = context.reportFailures ? addExpectedConst( { type: "any" } ) : null; return buildSequence( context.reportFailures ? [ op.EXPECT, expectedIndex ] : [], buildCondition( node.match|0, [ op.MATCH_ANY ], [ op.ACCEPT_N, 1 ], [ op.PUSH_FAILED ] ) ); } } ); generate( ast ); } module.exports = generateBytecode;