--- editLink: false --- > See [commit history](https://github.com/pegjs/pegjs/compare/0.4...0.5.1) for a full list of changes. ## v0.5.1 _(November 28, 2010)_ ### Small Changes * Fixed a problem where “SyntaxError: Invalid range in character class.” error appeared when using command-line version on Windows ([GH-13](https://github.com/dmajda/pegjs/issues/13)). * Fixed wrong version reported by `bin/pegjs --version`. * Removed two unused variables in the code. * Fixed incorrect variable name on two places. ## v0.5 _(June 10, 2010)_ ### Big Changes * Syntax change: Use labeled expressions and variables instead of `$1`, `$2`, etc. * Syntax change: Replaced `:` after a rule name with `=`. * Syntax change: Allow trailing semicolon (`;`) for rules * Semantic change: Start rule of the grammar is now implicitly its first rule. * Implemented semantic predicates. * Implemented initializers. * Removed ability to change the start rule when generating the parser. * Added several compiler optimizations — 0.5 is ~11% faster than 0.4 in the benchmark on V8. ### Small Changes * `PEG.buildParser` now accepts grammars only in string format. * Added “Generated by ...” message to the generated parsers. * Formatted all grammars more consistently and transparently. * Added notes about ECMA-262, 5th ed. compatibility to the JSON example grammar. * Guarded against redefinition of `undefined`. * Made `bin/pegjs` work when called via a symlink ([issue #1](https://github.com/dmajda/pegjs/issues/1)). * Fixed bug causing incorrect error messages ([issue #2](https://github.com/dmajda/pegjs/issues/2)). * Fixed error message for invalid character range. * Fixed string literal parsing in the JavaScript grammar. * Generated code improvements and fixes. * Internal code improvements and fixes. * Improved `README.md`.