(function(global) { /* ===== Helpers ===== */ global.throws = function(block, exceptionType, exceptionProperties) { var exception = null; try { block(); } catch (e) { exception = e; } ok( exception !== null, exception !== null ? "okay: thrown something" : "failed, nothing thrown" ); if (exception !== null) { ok( exception instanceof exceptionType, exception instanceof exceptionType ? "okay: thrown " + exceptionType.name : "failed, thrown " + exception.name + " instead of " + exceptionType.name ); for (var property in exceptionProperties) { strictEqual(exception[property], exceptionProperties[property]); } } }; global.parses = function(parser, input, expected) { deepEqual(parser.parse(input), expected); }; global.doesNotParse = function(parser, input) { throws(function() { parser.parse(input); }, parser.SyntaxError); }; global.doesNotParseWithMessage = function(parser, input, message) { throws( function() { parser.parse(input); }, parser.SyntaxError, { message: message } ); }; global.doesNotParseWithPos = function(parser, input, line, column) { var exception = throws( function() { parser.parse(input); }, parser.SyntaxError, { line: line, column: column } ); }; /* ===== PEG ===== */ module("PEG"); test("buildParser reports syntax errors in the grammar", function() { throws( function() { PEG.buildParser(''); }, PEG.parser.SyntaxError ); }); test("buildParser allows custom start rule", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('s = "abcd"', "s"); parses(parser, "abcd", "abcd"); }); /* ===== Generated Parser ===== */ module("Generated Parser"); test("choices", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" / "b" / "c"'); parses(parser, "a", "a"); parses(parser, "b", "b"); parses(parser, "c", "c"); doesNotParse(parser, ""); doesNotParse(parser, "ab"); doesNotParse(parser, "d"); }); test("sequences", function() { var emptySequenceParser = PEG.buildParser('start = '); parses(emptySequenceParser, "", []); doesNotParse(emptySequenceParser, "abc"); var nonEmptySequenceParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" "b" "c"'); parses(nonEmptySequenceParser, "abc", ["a", "b", "c"]); doesNotParse(nonEmptySequenceParser, ""); doesNotParse(nonEmptySequenceParser, "ab"); doesNotParse(nonEmptySequenceParser, "abcd"); doesNotParse(nonEmptySequenceParser, "efg"); /* * Test that the parsing position returns after unsuccessful parsing of a * sequence. */ var posTestParser = PEG.buildParser('start = ("a" "b") / "a"'); parses(posTestParser, "a", "a"); }); test("labels", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = label:"a"'); parses(parser, "a", "a"); doesNotParse(parser, "b"); }); test("simple and", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" &"b" "b"'); parses(parser, "ab", ["a", "", "b"]); doesNotParse(parser, "ac"); /* * Test that the parsing position returns after successful parsing of a * predicate is not needed, it is implicit in the tests above. */ }); test("simple not", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" !"b"'); parses(parser, "a", ["a", ""]); doesNotParse(parser, "ab"); /* * Test that the parsing position returns after successful parsing of a * predicate. */ var posTestParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" !"b" "c"'); parses(posTestParser, "ac", ["a", "", "c"]); }); test("semantic and", function() { var acceptingParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" &{ return true; } "b"'); parses(acceptingParser, "ab", ["a", "", "b"]); var rejectingParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" &{ return false; } "b"'); doesNotParse(rejectingParser, "ab"); }); test("semantic not", function() { var acceptingParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" !{ return false; } "b"'); parses(acceptingParser, "ab", ["a", "", "b"]); var rejectingParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" !{ return true; } "b"'); doesNotParse(rejectingParser, "ab"); }); test("optional expressions", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a"?'); parses(parser, "", ""); parses(parser, "a", "a"); }); test("zero or more expressions", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a"*'); parses(parser, "", []); parses(parser, "a", ["a"]); parses(parser, "aaa", ["a", "a", "a"]); }); test("one or more expressions", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a"+'); doesNotParse(parser, ""); parses(parser, "a", ["a"]); parses(parser, "aaa", ["a", "a", "a"]); }); test("actions", function() { var singleElementUnlabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = "a" { return arguments.length; }' ); parses(singleElementUnlabeledParser, "a", 0); var singleElementLabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = a:"a" { return [arguments.length, a]; }' ); parses(singleElementLabeledParser, "a", [1, "a"]); var multiElementUnlabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = "a" "b" "c" { return arguments.length; }' ); parses(multiElementUnlabeledParser, "abc", 0); var multiElementLabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = a:"a" "b" c:"c" { return [arguments.length, a, c]; }' ); parses(multiElementLabeledParser, "abc", [2, "a", "c"]); var innerElementsUnlabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = "a" ("b" "c" "d" { return arguments.length; }) "e"' ); parses(innerElementsUnlabeledParser, "abcde", ["a", 0, "e"]); var innerElementsLabeledParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = "a" (b:"b" "c" d:"d" { return [arguments.length, b, d]; }) "e"' ); parses(innerElementsLabeledParser, "abcde", ["a", [2, "b", "d"], "e"]); /* Test that the action is not called when its expression does not match. */ var notAMatchParser = PEG.buildParser( 'start = "a" { ok(false, "action got called when it should not be"); }' ); doesNotParse(notAMatchParser, "b"); }); test("initializer", function() { var variableInActionParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ a = 42; }; start = "a" { return a; }' ); parses(variableInActionParser, "a", 42); var functionInActionParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ function f() { return 42; } }; start = "a" { return f(); }' ); parses(functionInActionParser, "a", 42); var variableInSemanticAndParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ a = 42; }; start = "a" &{ return a === 42; }' ); parses(variableInSemanticAndParser, "a", ["a", ""]); var functionInSemanticAndParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ function f() { return 42; } }; start = "a" &{ return f() === 42; }' ); parses(functionInSemanticAndParser, "a", ["a", ""]); var variableInSemanticNotParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ a = 42; }; start = "a" !{ return a !== 42; }' ); parses(variableInSemanticNotParser, "a", ["a", ""]); var functionInSemanticNotParser = PEG.buildParser( '{ function f() { return 42; } }; start = "a" !{ return f() !== 42; }' ); parses(functionInSemanticNotParser, "a", ["a", ""]); }); test("rule references", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start = static / dynamic', 'static = "C" / "C++" / "Java" / "C#"', 'dynamic = "Ruby" / "Python" / "JavaScript"' ].join("\n")); parses(parser, "Java", "Java"); parses(parser, "Python", "Python"); }); test("literals", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = "abcd"'); parses(parser, "abcd", "abcd"); doesNotParse(parser, ""); doesNotParse(parser, "abc"); doesNotParse(parser, "abcde"); doesNotParse(parser, "efgh"); /* * Test that the parsing position moves forward after successful parsing of * a literal. */ var posTestParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" "b"'); parses(posTestParser, "ab", ["a", "b"]); }); test("anys", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser('start = .'); parses(parser, "a", "a"); doesNotParse(parser, ""); doesNotParse(parser, "ab"); /* * Test that the parsing position moves forward after successful parsing of * an any. */ var posTestParser = PEG.buildParser('start = . .'); parses(posTestParser, "ab", ["a", "b"]); }); test("classes", function() { var emptyClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = []'); doesNotParse(emptyClassParser, ""); doesNotParse(emptyClassParser, "a"); doesNotParse(emptyClassParser, "ab"); var nonEmptyClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [ab-d]'); parses(nonEmptyClassParser, "a", "a"); parses(nonEmptyClassParser, "b", "b"); parses(nonEmptyClassParser, "c", "c"); parses(nonEmptyClassParser, "d", "d"); doesNotParse(nonEmptyClassParser, ""); doesNotParse(nonEmptyClassParser, "ab"); var invertedEmptyClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [^]'); doesNotParse(invertedEmptyClassParser, ""); parses(invertedEmptyClassParser, "a", "a"); doesNotParse(invertedEmptyClassParser, "ab"); var invertedNonEmptyClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [^ab-d]'); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, "a", "a"); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, "b", "b"); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, "c", "c"); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, "d", "d"); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, ""); doesNotParse(invertedNonEmptyClassParser, "ab"); /* * Test that the parsing position moves forward after successful parsing of * a class. */ var posTestParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [ab-d] [ab-d]'); parses(posTestParser, "ab", ["a", "b"]); }); test("cache", function() { /* * Should trigger a codepath where the cache is used (for the "a" rule). */ var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start = (a b) / (a c)', 'a = "a"', 'b = "b"', 'c = "c"' ].join("\n")); parses(parser, "ac", ["a", "c"]); }); test("indempotence", function() { var parser1 = PEG.buildParser('start = "abcd"'); var parser2 = PEG.buildParser('start = "abcd"'); strictEqual(parser1.toSource(), parser2.toSource()); }); test("error messages", function() { var literalParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "abcd"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( literalParser, "", 'Expected "abcd" but end of input found.' ); doesNotParseWithMessage( literalParser, "efgh", 'Expected "abcd" but "e" found.' ); doesNotParseWithMessage( literalParser, "abcde", 'Expected end of input but "e" found.' ); var classParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [a-d]'); doesNotParseWithMessage( classParser, "", 'Expected [a-d] but end of input found.' ); var negativeClassParser = PEG.buildParser('start = [^a-d]'); doesNotParseWithMessage( negativeClassParser, "", 'Expected [^a-d] but end of input found.' ); var anyParser = PEG.buildParser('start = .'); doesNotParseWithMessage( anyParser, "", 'Expected any character but end of input found.' ); var namedRuleWithLiteralParser = PEG.buildParser('start "digit" = [0-9]'); doesNotParseWithMessage( namedRuleWithLiteralParser, "a", 'Expected digit but "a" found.' ); var namedRuleWithAnyParser = PEG.buildParser('start "whatever" = .'); doesNotParseWithMessage( namedRuleWithAnyParser, "", 'Expected whatever but end of input found.' ); var namedRuleWithNamedRuleParser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start "digits" = digit+', 'digit "digit" = [0-9]' ].join("\n")); doesNotParseWithMessage( namedRuleWithNamedRuleParser, "", 'Expected digits but end of input found.' ); var choiceParser1 = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" / "b" / "c"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( choiceParser1, "def", 'Expected "a", "b" or "c" but "d" found.' ); var choiceParser2 = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" "b" "c" / "a"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( choiceParser2, "abd", 'Expected "c" but "d" found.' ); var simpleNotParser = PEG.buildParser('start = !"a" "b"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( simpleNotParser, "c", 'Expected "b" but "c" found.' ); var simpleAndParser = PEG.buildParser('start = &"a" [a-b]'); doesNotParseWithMessage( simpleAndParser, "c", 'Expected end of input but "c" found.' ); var emptyParser = PEG.buildParser('start = '); doesNotParseWithMessage( emptyParser, "something", 'Expected end of input but "s" found.' ); var duplicateErrorParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "a" / "a"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( duplicateErrorParser, "", 'Expected "a" but end of input found.' ); var unsortedErrorsParser = PEG.buildParser('start = "b" / "a"'); doesNotParseWithMessage( unsortedErrorsParser, "", 'Expected "a" or "b" but end of input found.' ); }); test("error positions", function() { var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'start = line (("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")+ line)*', 'line = digits (" "+ digits)*', 'digits = digits:[0-9]+ { return digits.join(""); }' ].join("\n")); doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "a", 1, 1); doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", 7, 5); /* Non-Unix newlines */ doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\rx", 2, 1); // Old Mac doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\r\nx", 2, 1); // Windows doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\n\rx", 3, 1); // mismatched /* Strange newlines */ doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\u2028x", 2, 1); // line separator doesNotParseWithPos(parser, "1\u2029x", 2, 1); // paragraph separator }); /* * Following examples are from Wikipedia, see * http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Parsing_expression_grammar&oldid=335106938. */ test("arithmetics", function() { /* * Value ← [0-9]+ / '(' Expr ')' * Product ← Value (('*' / '/') Value)* * Sum ← Product (('+' / '-') Product)* * Expr ← Sum */ var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'Expr = Sum', 'Sum = head:Product tail:(("+" / "-") Product)* {', ' var result = head;', ' for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {', ' if (tail[i][0] == "+") { result += tail[i][1]; }', ' if (tail[i][0] == "-") { result -= tail[i][1]; }', ' }', ' return result;', ' }', 'Product = head:Value tail:(("*" / "/") Value)* {', ' var result = head;', ' for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {', ' if (tail[i][0] == "*") { result *= tail[i][1]; }', ' if (tail[i][0] == "/") { result /= tail[i][1]; }', ' }', ' return result;', ' }', 'Value = digits:[0-9]+ { return parseInt(digits.join("")); }', ' / "(" expr:Expr ")" { return expr; }' ].join("\n")); /* Test "value" rule. */ parses(parser, "0", 0); parses(parser, "123", 123); parses(parser, "(42+43)", 42+43); /* Test "product" rule. */ parses(parser, "42", 42); parses(parser, "42*43", 42*43); parses(parser, "42*43*44*45", 42*43*44*45); parses(parser, "42/43", 42/43); parses(parser, "42/43/44/45", 42/43/44/45); /* Test "sum" rule. */ parses(parser, "42*43", 42*43); parses(parser, "42*43+44*45", 42*43+44*45); parses(parser, "42*43+44*45+46*47+48*49", 42*43+44*45+46*47+48*49); parses(parser, "42*43-44*45", 42*43-44*45); parses(parser, "42*43-44*45-46*47-48*49", 42*43-44*45-46*47-48*49); /* Test "expr" rule. */ parses(parser, "42+43", 42+43); /* Complex test */ parses(parser, "(1+2)*(3+4)",(1+2)*(3+4)); }); test("non-context-free language", function() { /* The following parsing expression grammar describes the classic * non-context-free language { a^n b^n c^n : n >= 1 }: * * S ← &(A c) a+ B !(a/b/c) * A ← a A? b * B ← b B? c */ var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'S = &(A "c") a:"a"+ B:B !("a" / "b" / "c") { return a.join("") + B; }', 'A = a:"a" A:A? b:"b" { return a + A + b; }', 'B = b:"b" B:B? c:"c" { return b + B + c; }', ].join("\n")); parses(parser, "abc", "abc"); parses(parser, "aaabbbccc", "aaabbbccc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aabbbccc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aaaabbbccc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aaabbccc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aaabbbbccc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aaabbbcc"); doesNotParse(parser, "aaabbbcccc"); }); test("nested comments", function() { /* * Begin ← "(*" * End ← "*)" * C ← Begin N* End * N ← C / (!Begin !End Z) * Z ← any single character */ var parser = PEG.buildParser([ 'C = begin:Begin ns:N* end:End { return begin + ns.join("") + end; }', 'N = C', ' / !Begin !End z:Z { return z; }', 'Z = .', 'Begin = "(*"', 'End = "*)"' ].join("\n")); parses(parser, "(**)", "(**)"); parses(parser, "(*abc*)", "(*abc*)"); parses(parser, "(*(**)*)", "(*(**)*)"); parses( parser, "(*abc(*def*)ghi(*(*(*jkl*)*)*)mno*)", "(*abc(*def*)ghi(*(*(*jkl*)*)*)mno*)" ); }); })(this);