/* * Allocates registers that the generated code for each node will use to store * match results and parse positions. For "action", "semantic_and" and * "semantic_or" nodes it also computes visibility of labels at the point of * action/predicate code execution and a mapping from label names to registers * that will contain the labeled values. * * The following will hold after running this pass: * * * All nodes except "grammar" and "rule" nodes will have a |resultIndex| * property. It will contain an index of a register that will store a match * result of the expression represented by the node in generated code. * * * Some nodes will have a |posIndex| property. It will contain an index of a * register that will store a saved parse position in generated code. * * * All "rule" nodes will contain a |registerCount| property. It will contain * the number of registers that will be used by code generated for the * rule's expression. * * * All "action", "semantic_and" and "semantic_or" nodes will have a |params| * property. It will contain a mapping from names of labels visible at the * point of action/predicate code execution to registers that will contain * the labeled values. */ PEG.compiler.passes.allocateRegisters = function(ast) { /* * Register allocator that allocates registers from an unlimited * integer-indexed pool. It allows allocating and releaseing registers in any * order. It also supports reference counting (this simplifies tracking active * registers when they store values passed to action/predicate code). * Allocating a register allways uses the first free register (the one with * the lowest index). */ var registers = (function() { var refCounts = []; // reference count for each register that was // allocated at least once return { alloc: function() { var i; for (i = 0; i < refCounts.length; i++) { if (refCounts[i] === 0) { refCounts[i] = 1; return i; } } refCounts.push(1); return refCounts.length - 1; }, use: function(index) { refCounts[index]++; }, release: function(index) { refCounts[index]--; }, maxIndex: function() { return refCounts.length - 1; }, reset: function() { refCounts = []; } }; })(); /* * Manages mapping of label names to indices of registers that will store the * labeled values as long as they are in scope. */ var vars = (function(registers) { var envs = []; // stack of nested environments return { beginScope: function() { envs.push({}); }, endScope: function() { var env = envs.pop(), name; for (name in env) { registers.release(env[name]); } }, add: function(name, index) { envs[envs.length - 1][name] = index; registers.use(index); }, buildParams: function() { var env = envs[envs.length - 1], params = {}, name; for (name in env) { params[name] = env[name]; } return params; } }; })(registers); function savePos(node, f) { node.posIndex = registers.alloc(); f(); registers.release(node.posIndex); } function reuseResult(node, subnode) { subnode.resultIndex = node.resultIndex; } function allocResult(node, f) { node.resultIndex = registers.alloc(); f(); registers.release(node.resultIndex); } function scoped(f) { vars.beginScope(); f(); vars.endScope(); } function nop() {} function computeExpressionScoped(node) { scoped(function() { compute(node.expression); }); } function computeExpressionScopedReuseResult(node) { reuseResult(node, node.expression); computeExpressionScoped(node); } function computeExpressionScopedAllocResult(node) { allocResult(node.expression, function() { computeExpressionScoped(node); }); } function computeExpressionScopedReuseResultSavePos(node) { savePos(node, function() { computeExpressionScopedReuseResult(node); }); } function computeParams(node) { node.params = vars.buildParams(); } var compute = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node) { each(node.rules, compute); }, rule: function(node) { registers.reset(); computeExpressionScopedAllocResult(node); node.registerCount = registers.maxIndex() + 1; }, named: function(node) { reuseResult(node, node.expression); compute(node.expression); }, choice: function(node) { each(node.alternatives, function(alternative) { reuseResult(node, alternative); scoped(function() { compute(alternative); }); }); }, action: function(node) { savePos(node, function() { reuseResult(node, node.expression); scoped(function() { compute(node.expression); computeParams(node); }); }); }, sequence: function(node) { savePos(node, function() { each(node.elements, function(element) { element.resultIndex = registers.alloc(); compute(element); }); each(node.elements, function(element) { registers.release(element.resultIndex); }); }); }, labeled: function(node) { vars.add(node.label, node.resultIndex); computeExpressionScopedReuseResult(node); }, simple_and: computeExpressionScopedReuseResultSavePos, simple_not: computeExpressionScopedReuseResultSavePos, semantic_and: computeParams, semantic_not: computeParams, optional: computeExpressionScopedReuseResult, zero_or_more: computeExpressionScopedAllocResult, one_or_more: computeExpressionScopedAllocResult, rule_ref: nop, literal: nop, "class": nop, any: nop }); compute(ast); };