/* Emits the generated code for the AST. */ PEG.compiler.emitter = function(ast) { /* * Takes parts of code, interpolates variables inside them and joins them with * a newline. * * Variables are delimited with "${" and "}" and their names must be valid * identifiers (i.e. they must match [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*). Variable values * are specified as properties of the last parameter (if this is an object, * otherwise empty variable set is assumed). Undefined variables result in * throwing |Error|. * * There can be a filter specified after the variable name, prefixed with "|". * The filter name must be a valid identifier. The only recognized filter * right now is "string", which quotes the variable value as a JavaScript * string. Unrecognized filters result in throwing |Error|. * * If any part has multiple lines and the first line is indented by some * amount of whitespace (as defined by the /\s+/ JavaScript regular * expression), second to last lines are indented by the same amount of * whitespace. This results in nicely indented multiline code in variables * without making the templates look ugly. * * Examples: * * formatCode("foo", "bar"); // "foo\nbar" * formatCode("foo", "${bar}", { bar: "baz" }); // "foo\nbaz" * formatCode("foo", "${bar}"); // throws Error * formatCode("foo", "${bar|string}", { bar: "baz" }); // "foo\n\"baz\"" * formatCode("foo", "${bar|eeek}", { bar: "baz" }); // throws Error * formatCode("foo", "${bar}", { bar: " baz\nqux" }); // "foo\n baz\n qux" */ function formatCode() { function interpolateVariablesInParts(parts) { return map(parts, function(part) { return part.replace( /\$\{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\|([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))?\}/g, function(match, name, dummy, filter) { var value = vars[name]; if (value === undefined) { throw new Error("Undefined variable: \"" + name + "\"."); } if (filter !== undefined && filter != "") { // JavaScript engines differ here. if (filter === "string") { return quote(value); } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized filter: \"" + filter + "\"."); } } else { return value; } } ); }); } function indentMultilineParts(parts) { return map(parts, function(part) { if (!/\n/.test(part)) { return part; } var firstLineWhitespacePrefix = part.match(/^\s*/)[0]; var lines = part.split("\n"); var linesIndented = [lines[0]].concat( map(lines.slice(1), function(line) { return firstLineWhitespacePrefix + line; }) ); return linesIndented.join("\n"); }); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var vars = args[args.length - 1] instanceof Object ? args.pop() : {}; return indentMultilineParts(interpolateVariablesInParts(args)).join("\n"); }; /* Unique ID generator. */ var UID = { _counters: {}, next: function(prefix) { this._counters[prefix] = this._counters[prefix] || 0; return prefix + this._counters[prefix]++; }, reset: function() { this._counters = {}; } }; var emit = buildNodeVisitor({ grammar: function(node) { var initializerCode = node.initializer !== null ? emit(node.initializer) : ""; var parseFunctionDefinitions = []; for (var name in node.rules) { parseFunctionDefinitions.push(emit(node.rules[name])); } return formatCode( "(function(){", " /* Generated by PEG.js (http://pegjs.majda.cz/). */", " ", " var result = {", " /*", " * Parses the input with a generated parser. If the parsing is successfull,", " * returns a value explicitly or implicitly specified by the grammar from", " * which the parser was generated (see |PEG.buildParser|). If the parsing is", " * unsuccessful, throws |PEG.parser.SyntaxError| describing the error.", " */", " parse: function(input) {", " var pos = 0;", " var reportMatchFailures = true;", " var rightmostMatchFailuresPos = 0;", " var rightmostMatchFailuresExpected = [];", " var cache = {};", " ", /* This needs to be in sync with |padLeft| in utils.js. */ " function padLeft(input, padding, length) {", " var result = input;", " ", " var padLength = length - input.length;", " for (var i = 0; i < padLength; i++) {", " result = padding + result;", " }", " ", " return result;", " }", " ", /* This needs to be in sync with |escape| in utils.js. */ " function escape(ch) {", " var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);", " ", " if (charCode <= 0xFF) {", " var escapeChar = 'x';", " var length = 2;", " } else {", " var escapeChar = 'u';", " var length = 4;", " }", " ", " return '\\\\' + escapeChar + padLeft(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(), '0', length);", " }", " ", /* This needs to be in sync with |quote| in utils.js. */ " function quote(s) {", " /*", " * ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a", " * string literal except for the closing quote character, backslash,", " * carriage return, line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed.", " * Any character may appear in the form of an escape sequence.", " */", " return '\"' + s", " .replace(/\\\\/g, '\\\\\\\\') // backslash", " .replace(/\"/g, '\\\\\"') // closing quote character", " .replace(/\\r/g, '\\\\r') // carriage return", " .replace(/\\n/g, '\\\\n') // line feed", " .replace(/[\\x80-\\uFFFF]/g, escape) // non-ASCII characters", " + '\"';", " }", " ", " function matchFailed(failure) {", " if (pos < rightmostMatchFailuresPos) {", " return;", " }", " ", " if (pos > rightmostMatchFailuresPos) {", " rightmostMatchFailuresPos = pos;", " rightmostMatchFailuresExpected = [];", " }", " ", " rightmostMatchFailuresExpected.push(failure);", " }", " ", " ${parseFunctionDefinitions}", " ", " function buildErrorMessage() {", " function buildExpected(failuresExpected) {", " failuresExpected.sort();", " ", " var lastFailure = null;", " var failuresExpectedUnique = [];", " for (var i = 0; i < failuresExpected.length; i++) {", " if (failuresExpected[i] !== lastFailure) {", " failuresExpectedUnique.push(failuresExpected[i]);", " lastFailure = failuresExpected[i];", " }", " }", " ", " switch (failuresExpectedUnique.length) {", " case 0:", " return 'end of input';", " case 1:", " return failuresExpectedUnique[0];", " default:", " return failuresExpectedUnique.slice(0, failuresExpectedUnique.length - 1).join(', ')", " + ' or '", " + failuresExpectedUnique[failuresExpectedUnique.length - 1];", " }", " }", " ", " var expected = buildExpected(rightmostMatchFailuresExpected);", " var actualPos = Math.max(pos, rightmostMatchFailuresPos);", " var actual = actualPos < input.length", " ? quote(input.charAt(actualPos))", " : 'end of input';", " ", " return 'Expected ' + expected + ' but ' + actual + ' found.';", " }", " ", " function computeErrorPosition() {", " /*", " * The first idea was to use |String.split| to break the input up to the", " * error position along newlines and derive the line and column from", " * there. However IE's |split| implementation is so broken that it was", " * enough to prevent it.", " */", " ", " var line = 1;", " var column = 1;", " var seenCR = false;", " ", " for (var i = 0; i < rightmostMatchFailuresPos; i++) {", " var ch = input.charAt(i);", " if (ch === '\\n') {", " if (!seenCR) { line++; }", " column = 1;", " seenCR = false;", " } else if (ch === '\\r' | ch === '\\u2028' || ch === '\\u2029') {", " line++;", " column = 1;", " seenCR = true;", " } else {", " column++;", " seenCR = false;", " }", " }", " ", " return { line: line, column: column };", " }", " ", " ${initializerCode}", " ", " var result = parse_${startRule}();", " ", " /*", " * The parser is now in one of the following three states:", " *", " * 1. The parser successfully parsed the whole input.", " *", " * - |result !== null|", " * - |pos === input.length|", " * - |rightmostMatchFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something", " *", " * 2. The parser successfully parsed only a part of the input.", " *", " * - |result !== null|", " * - |pos < input.length|", " * - |rightmostMatchFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something", " *", " * 3. The parser did not successfully parse any part of the input.", " *", " * - |result === null|", " * - |pos === 0|", " * - |rightmostMatchFailuresExpected| contains at least one failure", " *", " * All code following this comment (including called functions) must", " * handle these states.", " */", " if (result === null || pos !== input.length) {", " var errorPosition = computeErrorPosition();", " throw new this.SyntaxError(", " buildErrorMessage(),", " errorPosition.line,", " errorPosition.column", " );", " }", " ", " return result;", " },", " ", " /* Returns the parser source code. */", " toSource: function() { return this._source; }", " };", " ", " /* Thrown when a parser encounters a syntax error. */", " ", " result.SyntaxError = function(message, line, column) {", " this.name = 'SyntaxError';", " this.message = message;", " this.line = line;", " this.column = column;", " };", " ", " result.SyntaxError.prototype = Error.prototype;", " ", " return result;", "})()", { initializerCode: initializerCode, parseFunctionDefinitions: parseFunctionDefinitions.join("\n\n"), startRule: node.startRule } ); }, initializer: function(node) { return node.code; }, rule: function(node) { /* * We want to reset variable names at the beginning of every function so * that a little change in the source grammar does not change variables in * all the generated code. This is desired especially when one has the * generated grammar stored in a VCS (this is true e.g. for our * metagrammar). */ UID.reset(); var resultVar = UID.next("result"); if (node.displayName !== null) { var setReportMatchFailuresCode = formatCode( "var savedReportMatchFailures = reportMatchFailures;", "reportMatchFailures = false;" ); var restoreReportMatchFailuresCode = formatCode( "reportMatchFailures = savedReportMatchFailures;" ); var reportMatchFailureCode = formatCode( "if (reportMatchFailures && ${resultVar} === null) {", " matchFailed(${displayName|string});", "}", { displayName: node.displayName, resultVar: resultVar } ); } else { var setReportMatchFailuresCode = ""; var restoreReportMatchFailuresCode = ""; var reportMatchFailureCode = ""; } return formatCode( "function parse_${name}() {", " var cacheKey = '${name}@' + pos;", " var cachedResult = cache[cacheKey];", " if (cachedResult) {", " pos = cachedResult.nextPos;", " return cachedResult.result;", " }", " ", " ${setReportMatchFailuresCode}", " ${code}", " ${restoreReportMatchFailuresCode}", " ${reportMatchFailureCode}", " ", " cache[cacheKey] = {", " nextPos: pos,", " result: ${resultVar}", " };", " return ${resultVar};", "}", { name: node.name, setReportMatchFailuresCode: setReportMatchFailuresCode, restoreReportMatchFailuresCode: restoreReportMatchFailuresCode, reportMatchFailureCode: reportMatchFailureCode, code: emit(node.expression, resultVar), resultVar: resultVar } ); }, /* * The contract for all code fragments generated by the following functions * is as follows: * * * The code fragment should try to match a part of the input starting with * the position indicated in |pos|. That position may point past the end of * the input. * * * If the code fragment matches the input, it advances |pos| after the * matched part of the input and sets variable with a name stored in * |resultVar| to appropriate value, which is always non-null. * * * If the code fragment does not match the input, it does not change |pos| * and it sets a variable with a name stored in |resultVar| to |null|. */ choice: function(node, resultVar) { var code = formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = null;", { resultVar: resultVar } ); for (var i = node.alternatives.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var alternativeResultVar = UID.next("result"); code = formatCode( "${alternativeCode}", "if (${alternativeResultVar} !== null) {", " var ${resultVar} = ${alternativeResultVar};", "} else {", " ${code};", "}", { alternativeCode: emit(node.alternatives[i], alternativeResultVar), alternativeResultVar: alternativeResultVar, code: code, resultVar: resultVar } ); } return code; }, sequence: function(node, resultVar) { var savedPosVar = UID.next("savedPos"); var elementResultVars = map(node.elements, function() { return UID.next("result") }); var code = formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = ${elementResultVarArray};", { resultVar: resultVar, elementResultVarArray: "[" + elementResultVars.join(", ") + "]" } ); for (var i = node.elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { code = formatCode( "${elementCode}", "if (${elementResultVar} !== null) {", " ${code}", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", " pos = ${savedPosVar};", "}", { elementCode: emit(node.elements[i], elementResultVars[i]), elementResultVar: elementResultVars[i], code: code, savedPosVar: savedPosVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); } return formatCode( "var ${savedPosVar} = pos;", "${code}", { code: code, savedPosVar: savedPosVar } ); }, labeled: function(node, resultVar) { return emit(node.expression, resultVar); }, simple_and: function(node, resultVar) { var savedPosVar = UID.next("savedPos"); var savedReportMatchFailuresVar = UID.next("savedReportMatchFailuresVar"); var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); return formatCode( "var ${savedPosVar} = pos;", "var ${savedReportMatchFailuresVar} = reportMatchFailures;", "reportMatchFailures = false;", "${expressionCode}", "reportMatchFailures = ${savedReportMatchFailuresVar};", "if (${expressionResultVar} !== null) {", " var ${resultVar} = '';", " pos = ${savedPosVar};", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", "}", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, savedPosVar: savedPosVar, savedReportMatchFailuresVar: savedReportMatchFailuresVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, simple_not: function(node, resultVar) { var savedPosVar = UID.next("savedPos"); var savedReportMatchFailuresVar = UID.next("savedReportMatchFailuresVar"); var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); return formatCode( "var ${savedPosVar} = pos;", "var ${savedReportMatchFailuresVar} = reportMatchFailures;", "reportMatchFailures = false;", "${expressionCode}", "reportMatchFailures = ${savedReportMatchFailuresVar};", "if (${expressionResultVar} === null) {", " var ${resultVar} = '';", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", " pos = ${savedPosVar};", "}", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, savedPosVar: savedPosVar, savedReportMatchFailuresVar: savedReportMatchFailuresVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, semantic_and: function(node, resultVar) { return formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = (function() {${actionCode}})() ? '' : null;", { actionCode: node.code, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, semantic_not: function(node, resultVar) { return formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = (function() {${actionCode}})() ? null : '';", { actionCode: node.code, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, optional: function(node, resultVar) { var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); return formatCode( "${expressionCode}", "var ${resultVar} = ${expressionResultVar} !== null ? ${expressionResultVar} : '';", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, zero_or_more: function(node, resultVar) { var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); return formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = [];", "${expressionCode}", "while (${expressionResultVar} !== null) {", " ${resultVar}.push(${expressionResultVar});", " ${expressionCode}", "}", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, one_or_more: function(node, resultVar) { var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); return formatCode( "${expressionCode}", "if (${expressionResultVar} !== null) {", " var ${resultVar} = [];", " while (${expressionResultVar} !== null) {", " ${resultVar}.push(${expressionResultVar});", " ${expressionCode}", " }", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", "}", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, action: function(node, resultVar) { /* * In case of sequences, we splat their elements into function arguments * one by one. Example: * * start: a:"a" b:"b" c:"c" { alert(arguments.length) } // => 3 * * This behavior is reflected in this function. */ var expressionResultVar = UID.next("result"); if (node.expression.type === "sequence") { var formalParams = []; var actualParams = []; var elements = node.expression.elements; var elementsLength = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < elementsLength; i++) { if (elements[i].type === "labeled") { formalParams.push(elements[i].label); actualParams.push(expressionResultVar + "[" + i + "]"); } } } else if (node.expression.type === "labeled") { var formalParams = [node.expression.label]; var actualParams = [expressionResultVar]; } else { var formalParams = []; var actualParams = []; } return formatCode( "${expressionCode}", "var ${resultVar} = ${expressionResultVar} !== null", " ? (function(${formalParams}) {${actionCode}})(${actualParams})", " : null;", { expressionCode: emit(node.expression, expressionResultVar), expressionResultVar: expressionResultVar, actionCode: node.code, formalParams: formalParams.join(", "), actualParams: actualParams.join(", "), resultVar: resultVar } ); }, rule_ref: function(node, resultVar) { return formatCode( "var ${resultVar} = ${ruleMethod}();", { ruleMethod: "parse_" + node.name, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, literal: function(node, resultVar) { return formatCode( "if (input.substr(pos, ${length}) === ${value|string}) {", " var ${resultVar} = ${value|string};", " pos += ${length};", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", " if (reportMatchFailures) {", " matchFailed(${valueQuoted|string});", " }", "}", { value: node.value, valueQuoted: quote(node.value), length: node.value.length, resultVar: resultVar } ); }, any: function(node, resultVar) { return formatCode( "if (input.length > pos) {", " var ${resultVar} = input.charAt(pos);", " pos++;", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", " if (reportMatchFailures) {", " matchFailed('any character');", " }", "}", { resultVar: resultVar } ); }, "class": function(node, resultVar) { if (node.parts.length > 0) { var regexp = "/^[" + (node.inverted ? "^" : "") + map(node.parts, function(part) { return part instanceof Array ? quoteForRegexpClass(part[0]) + "-" + quoteForRegexpClass(part[1]) : quoteForRegexpClass(part); }).join("") + "]/"; } else { /* * Stupid IE considers regexps /[]/ and /[^]/ syntactically invalid, so * we translate them into euqivalents it can handle. */ var regexp = node.inverted ? "/^[\\S\\s]/" : "/^(?!)/"; } return formatCode( "if (input.substr(pos).match(${regexp}) !== null) {", " var ${resultVar} = input.charAt(pos);", " pos++;", "} else {", " var ${resultVar} = null;", " if (reportMatchFailures) {", " matchFailed(${rawText|string});", " }", "}", { regexp: regexp, rawText: node.rawText, resultVar: resultVar } ); } }); return emit(ast); };