var sys = require("sys"); var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var childProcess = require("child_process"); /* Relative paths are here because of use in |require|. */ var SRC_DIR = "./src"; var LIB_DIR = "./lib"; var BIN_DIR = "./bin"; var EXAMPLES_DIR = "./examples"; var DIST_DIR = "./dist"; var DIST_WEB_DIR = "./dist/web"; var DIST_NODE_DIR = "./dist/node"; var PEGJS = BIN_DIR + "/pegjs"; var PEGJS_SRC_FILE = SRC_DIR + "/peg.js"; var PEGJS_OUT_FILE = LIB_DIR + "/peg.js"; var PARSER_SRC_FILE = SRC_DIR + "/parser.pegjs"; var PARSER_OUT_FILE = SRC_DIR + "/parser.js"; var PEGJS_VERSION = fs.readFileSync("VERSION", "utf8").trim(); function exitFailure() { process.exit(1); } function abort(message) { sys.error(message); exitFailure(); } function mkdirUnlessExists(dir) { try { fs.statSync(dir); } catch (e) { fs.mkdirSync(dir, 0755); } } function copyFile(src, dest) { fs.writeFileSync(dest, fs.readFileSync(src)); } function copyDir(src, dest) { mkdirUnlessExists(dest); fs.readdirSync(src).every(function(file) { var srcFile = src + "/" + file; var destFile = dest + "/" + file; var stats = fs.statSync(srcFile); if (stats.isDirectory()) { copyDir(srcFile, destFile); } else { copyFile(srcFile, destFile); fs.chmodSync(destFile, stats.mode); } return true; }); } function removeDir(dir) { fs.readdirSync(dir).every(function(file) { var file = dir + "/" + file; var stats = fs.statSync(file); if (stats.isDirectory()) { removeDir(file); } else { fs.unlinkSync(file); } return true; }); fs.rmdirSync(dir); } function preprocess(file) { var input = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8").trim(); return input.split("\n").map(function(line) { var matches = /^\s*\/\/\s*@include\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/.exec(line); if (matches !== null) { var includedFile = SRC_DIR + "/" + matches[1]; try { fs.statSync(includedFile); } catch (e) { abort("Included file \"" + includedFile + "\" does not exist."); } return preprocess(includedFile); } else { return line; } }).join("\n").replace("@VERSION", PEGJS_VERSION); } desc("Generate the grammar parser"); task("parser", [], function() { var PEG = require(PEGJS_OUT_FILE); var input = fs.readFileSync(PARSER_SRC_FILE, "utf8"); try { var parser = PEG.buildParser(input); } catch (e) { if (e.line !== undefined && e.column !== undefined) { abort(e.line + ":" + e.column + ": " + e.message); } else { abort(e.message); } } fs.writeFileSync(PARSER_OUT_FILE, "PEG.parser = " + parser.toSource() + ";\n"); }); desc("Build the peg.js file"); task("build", [], function() { mkdirUnlessExists(LIB_DIR); fs.writeFileSync(PEGJS_OUT_FILE, preprocess(PEGJS_SRC_FILE), "utf8"); }); desc("Remove built peg.js file (created by \"build\")"); task("clean", [], function() { removeDir(LIB_DIR); }); desc("Prepare the distribution files"); task("dist", ["build"], function() { mkdirUnlessExists(DIST_DIR); /* Web */ mkdirUnlessExists(DIST_WEB_DIR); copyFile(PEGJS_OUT_FILE, DIST_WEB_DIR + "/peg-" + PEGJS_VERSION + ".js"); /* Node.js */ mkdirUnlessExists(DIST_NODE_DIR); copyDir(LIB_DIR, DIST_NODE_DIR + "/lib"); copyDir(BIN_DIR, DIST_NODE_DIR + "/bin"); copyDir(EXAMPLES_DIR, DIST_NODE_DIR + "/examples"); copyFile("CHANGELOG", DIST_NODE_DIR + "/CHANGELOG"); copyFile("LICENSE", DIST_NODE_DIR + "/LICENSE"); copyFile("", DIST_NODE_DIR + "/"); copyFile("VERSION", DIST_NODE_DIR + "/VERSION"); fs.writeFileSync(DIST_NODE_DIR + "/package.json", preprocess("package.json"), "utf8"); }); desc("Remove the distribution files (created by \"dist\")"); task("distclean", [], function() { removeDir(DIST_DIR); }); desc("Run the test suite"); task("test", [], function() { var process = childProcess.spawn("test/run", [], { customFds: [0, 1, 2] }); process.on("exit", function() { complete(); }); }, true); desc("Run the benchmark suite"); task("benchmark", [], function(runCount) { var process = childProcess.spawn( "benchmark/run", runCount !== undefined ? [runCount] : [], { customFds: [0, 1, 2] } ); process.on("exit", function() { complete(); }); }, true); task("default", ["build"], function() {});