#!/usr/bin/env node // // Measures impact of a Git commit (or multiple commits) on generated parsers // speed and size. Makes sense to use only on PEG.js git repository checkout. // /* eslint prefer-const: 0 */ "use strict"; const child_process = require( "child_process" ); const fs = require( "fs" ); const os = require( "os" ); const path = require( "path" ); const dedent = require( "dedent" ); const glob = require( "glob" ); // Current Working Directory const cwd = path.join( __dirname, ".." ); if ( process.cwd() !== cwd ) process.chdir( cwd ); // Execution Files let PEGJS_BIN = "bin/peg.js"; let BENCHMARK_BIN = "test/benchmark/run"; if ( ! fs.existsSync( PEGJS_BIN ) ) { PEGJS_BIN = "bin/pegjs"; } if ( ! fs.existsSync( BENCHMARK_BIN ) ) { BENCHMARK_BIN = "benchmark/run"; } // Utils function echo( message ) { process.stdout.write( message ); } function exec( command ) { return child_process.execSync( command, { encoding: "utf8" } ); } function prepare( commit ) { exec( `git checkout --quiet "${ commit }"` ); } function runBenchmark() { return parseFloat( exec( "node " + BENCHMARK_BIN ) // Split by table seprator, reverse and return the total bytes per second .split( "│" ) .reverse()[ 1 ] // Trim the whitespaces and remove ` kB/s` from the end .trim() .slice( 0, -5 ) ); } function measureSpeed() { return ( runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() / 5 ).toFixed( 2 ); } function measureSize() { let size = 0; glob.sync( "examples/*.pegjs" ) .forEach( example => { exec( `node ${ PEGJS_BIN } ${ example }` ); example = example.slice( 0, -5 ) + "js"; size += fs.statSync( example ).size; fs.unlinkSync( example ); } ); return size; } function difference( $1, $2 ) { return ( ( $2 / $1 - 1 ) * 100 ).toFixed( 4 ); } // Prepare const argv = process.argv.slice( 2 ); let commit_before, commit_after; if ( argv.length === 1 ) { commit_before = argv[ 0 ] + "~1"; commit_after = argv[ 0 ]; } else if ( argv.length === 2 ) { commit_before = argv[ 0 ]; commit_after = argv[ 1 ]; } else { console.log( dedent` Usage: test/impact test/impact Measures impact of a Git commit (or multiple commits) on generated parser's speed and size. Makes sense to use only on PEG.js Git repository checkout. ` ); process.exit( 1 ); } // Measure const branch = exec( "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" ); let speed1, size1, speed2, size2; echo( `Measuring commit ${ commit_before }...` ); prepare( commit_before ); speed1 = measureSpeed(); size1 = measureSize(); echo( " OK" + os.EOL ); echo( `Measuring commit ${ commit_after }...` ); prepare( commit_after ); speed2 = measureSpeed(); size2 = measureSize(); echo( " OK" + os.EOL ); // Finish prepare( branch ); console.log( dedent` test/impact ${ commit_before } ${ commit_after } Speed impact ------------ Before: ${ speed1 } kB/s After: ${ speed2 } kB/s Difference: ${ difference( parseFloat( speed1 ), parseFloat( speed2 ) ) }% Size impact ----------- Before: ${ size1 } b After: ${ size2 } b Difference: ${ difference( size1, size2 ) }% - Measured by /test/impact with Node.js ${ process.version } - Your system: ${ os.type() } ${ os.release() } ${ os.arch() }. ` );