### Issue type * [ ] Bug Report * [ ] Feature Request * [ ] Question * [ ] Not an issue ### Prerequisites * [ ] Can you reproduce the issue? * [ ] Is this an urgent issue? * [ ] Did you search the repository issues? * [ ] Did you check the forums? * [ ] Did you perform a web search (google, yahoo, etc)? For more information, see the **CONTRIBUTING** document. ### Description [Description of the bug or feature] ### Steps to Reproduce 1. [First Step] 2. [Second Step] 3. [and so on...] **Example code:** ``` An example of code related to this issue ``` **Expected behavior:** [What you expected to happen] **Actual behavior:** [What actually happened] ### System **PEG.js:** ...
**Node.js:** ...
**NPM:** ...
**Browser:** ...
**OS:** ...
**Editor:** ...