"use strict"; const parser = require( "pegjs-dev" ).parser; module.exports = function ( chai, utils ) { chai.use( require( "chai-like" ) ); const Assertion = chai.Assertion; Assertion.addMethod( "changeAST", function ( grammar, props, options, additionalRuleProps ) { options = typeof options !== "undefined" ? options : {}; additionalRuleProps = typeof additionalRuleProps !== "undefined" ? additionalRuleProps : { reportFailures: true }; const ast = parser.parse( grammar ); if ( ! options.allowedStartRules ) { options.allowedStartRules = ast.rules.length > 0 ? [ ast.rules[ 0 ].name ] : []; } ast.rules = ast.rules.map( rule => Object.assign( rule, additionalRuleProps ) ); utils.flag( this, "object" )( ast, options ); new Assertion( ast ).like( props ); } ); Assertion.addMethod( "reportError", function ( grammar, props, options ) { options = typeof options !== "undefined" ? options : {}; const ast = parser.parse( grammar ); if ( ! options.allowedStartRules ) { options.allowedStartRules = ast.rules.length > 0 ? [ ast.rules[ 0 ].name ] : []; } let passed, result; try { utils.flag( this, "object" )( ast, options ); passed = true; } catch ( e ) { result = e; passed = false; } this.assert( ! passed, "expected #{this} to report an error but it didn't", "expected #{this} to not report an error but #{act} was reported", null, result ); if ( ! passed && typeof props !== "undefined" ) { Object.keys( props ).forEach( key => { new Assertion( result ) .to.have.property( key ) .that.is.deep.equal( props[ key ] ); } ); } } ); };