/* ===== PEG.compiler ===== */ PEG.compiler = { /* * Generates a parser from a specified grammar AST. Throws |PEG.GrammarError| * if the AST contains a semantic error. Note that not all errors are detected * during the generation and some may protrude to the generated parser and * cause its malfunction. */ compile: function(ast) { var CHECK_NAMES = [ "missingReferencedRules", "leftRecursion" ]; var PASS_NAMES = [ "proxyRules" ]; for (var i = 0; i < CHECK_NAMES.length; i++) { this.checks[CHECK_NAMES[i]](ast); } for (var i = 0; i < PASS_NAMES.length; i++) { ast = this.passes[PASS_NAMES[i]](ast); } var source = this.emitter(ast); var result = eval(source); result._source = source; return result; } }; /* ===== Includes ===== */ // @include "checks.js" // @include "passes.js" // @include "emitter.js"