This commit enables optional features that are enabled by default in the generated parser. For now, only some of the helpers and filename are generated based on this new option, but this will change in the future most likely. Resolves #421
582 lines
15 KiB
582 lines
15 KiB
import gp from "./generated-parser";
export = peg;
export as namespace peg;
declare namespace peg {
type Grammar = ast.Grammar;
type GeneratedParser<T = any> = gp.API<T>;
type SyntaxError = gp.SyntaxErrorConstructor;
type SourceLocation = gp.SourceLocation;
* PEG.js version (uses semantic versioning).
const VERSION: string;
* Thrown when the grammar contains an error.
class GrammarError {
name: string;
message: string;
location?: SourceLocation;
constructor( message: string, location?: SourceLocation );
* PEG.js AST
namespace ast {
* PEG.js node constructor, used internally by the PEG.js parser to create nodes.
class Node {
type: string;
location: SourceLocation;
constructor( type: string, location: SourceLocation );
* The main PEG.js AST class returned by the parser.
class Grammar extends Node {
// Default properties and methods
private readonly _alwaysConsumesOnSuccess: any;
type: "grammar";
comments?: CommentMap;
initializer?: Initializer;
rules: Rule[];
initializer: void | Initializer,
rules: Rule[],
comments: void | CommentMap,
location: SourceLocation,
findRule( name: string ): Rule | void;
indexOfRule( name: string ): number;
alwaysConsumesOnSuccess( node: Object ): boolean;
// Added by Bytecode generator
literals?: string[];
classes?: string[];
expectations?: string[];
functions?: string[];
// Added by JavaScript generator
code?: string;
interface CommentMap {
[ offset: number ]: {
text: string;
multiline: boolean;
location: SourceLocation;
interface INode extends peg.ast.Node { }
* This type represent's all PEG.js AST node's.
type Object
= Grammar
| Initializer
| Rule
| Named
| Expression;
interface Initializer extends INode {
type: "initializer";
code: string;
interface Rule extends INode {
// Default properties
type: "rule",
name: string;
expression: Named | Expression;
// Added by calc-report-failures pass
reportFailures?: boolean;
// Added by inference-match-result pass
match?: number;
// Added by generate-bytecode pass
bytecode?: number[];
interface Named extends INode {
type: "named";
name: string;
expression: Expression;
type Expression
= ChoiceExpression
| ActionExpression
| SequenceExpression
| LabeledExpression
| PrefixedExpression
| SuffixedExpression
| PrimaryExpression;
interface ChoiceExpression extends INode {
type: "choice";
alternatives: (
| SequenceExpression
| LabeledExpression
| PrefixedExpression
| SuffixedExpression
| PrimaryExpression
interface ActionExpression extends INode {
type: "action";
expression: (
| LabeledExpression
| PrefixedExpression
| SuffixedExpression
| PrimaryExpression
code: string;
interface SequenceExpression extends INode {
type: "sequence",
elements: (
| PrefixedExpression
| SuffixedExpression
| PrimaryExpression
interface LabeledExpression extends INode {
type: "labeled";
label: string;
expression: (
| SuffixedExpression
| PrimaryExpression
interface PrefixedExpression extends INode {
type: "text" | "simple_and" | "simple_not";
expression: SuffixedExpression | PrimaryExpression;
interface SuffixedExpression extends INode {
type: "optional" | "zero_or_more" | "one_or_more";
expression: PrimaryExpression;
type PrimaryExpression
= LiteralMatcher
| CharacterClassMatcher
| AnyMatcher
| RuleReferenceExpression
| SemanticPredicateExpression
| GroupExpression;
interface LiteralMatcher extends INode {
type: "literal";
value: string;
ignoreCase: boolean;
interface CharacterClassMatcher extends INode {
type: "class";
parts: ( string[] | string )[];
inverted: boolean;
ignoreCase: boolean;
interface AnyMatcher extends INode {
type: "any";
interface RuleReferenceExpression extends INode {
type: "rule_ref";
name: string;
interface SemanticPredicateExpression extends INode {
type: "semantic_and" | "semantic_not";
code: string;
interface GroupExpression extends INode {
type: "group";
expression: LabeledExpression | SequenceExpression;
namespace visitor {
interface IVisitorMap<U = void> {
[ key: string ]: any;
grammar?<R = U>( node: Grammar, ...args ): R;
initializer?<R = U>( node: Initializer, ...args ): R;
rule?<R = U>( node: Rule, ...args ): R;
named?<R = U>( node: Named, ...args ): R;
choice?<R = U>( node: ChoiceExpression, ...args ): R;
action?<R = U>( node: ActionExpression, ...args ): R;
sequence?<R = U>( node: SequenceExpression, ...args ): R;
labeled?<R = U>( node: LabeledExpression, ...args ): R;
text?<R = U>( node: PrefixedExpression, ...args ): R;
simple_and?<R = U>( node: PrefixedExpression, ...args ): R;
simple_not?<R = U>( node: PrefixedExpression, ...args ): R;
optional?<R = U>( node: SuffixedExpression, ...args ): R;
zero_or_more?<R = U>( node: SuffixedExpression, ...args ): R;
one_or_more?<R = U>( node: SuffixedExpression, ...args ): R;
literal?<R = U>( node: LiteralMatcher, ...args ): R;
class?<R = U>( node: CharacterClassMatcher, ...args ): R;
any?<R = U>( node: AnyMatcher, ...args ): R;
rule_ref?<R = U>( node: RuleReferenceExpression, ...args ): R;
semantic_and?<R = U>( node: SemanticPredicateExpression, ...args ): R;
semantic_not?<R = U>( node: SemanticPredicateExpression, ...args ): R;
group?<R = U>( node: GroupExpression, ...args ): R;
interface IVisitor<R = any> {
( node: Object, ...args ): R;
class ASTVisitor implements IVisitorMap {
visit: IVisitor;
interface IVisitorBuilder<T = void, R = any> {
( functions: IVisitorMap<T> ): IVisitor<R>;
const build: IVisitorBuilder;
interface visitor {
ASTVisitor: visitor.ASTVisitor;
build: visitor.IVisitorBuilder;
* A generated PEG.js parser to parse PEG.js grammar source's.
namespace parser {
interface IOptions extends gp.IOptions {
extractComments?: boolean;
reservedWords?: string[];
const SyntaxError: SyntaxError;
function parse( input: string, options?: IOptions ): Grammar;
* The PEG.js compiler.
namespace compiler {
type FormatOptions = "amd" | "bare" | "commonjs" | "es" | "globals" | "umd";
type OptimizeOptions = "size" | "speed";
type OutputOptions = "parser" | "source";
interface ICompilerOptions<T = OutputOptions> {
[ key: string ]: any;
allowedStartRules?: string[];
cache?: boolean;
context?: { [ name: string ]: any; };
dependencies?: { [ name: string ]: string; };
exportVar?: string;
features?: IGeneratedParserFeatures;
format?: FormatOptions;
header?: string | string[];
optimize?: OptimizeOptions;
output?: T;
trace?: boolean;
interface ICompilerPassOptions extends ICompilerOptions {
allowedStartRules: string[];
cache: boolean;
context: { [ name: string ]: any; };
dependencies: { [ name: string ]: string; };
exportVar: string;
features: IGeneratedParserFeatures;
format: FormatOptions;
header: string | string[];
optimize: OptimizeOptions;
output: OutputOptions;
trace: boolean;
interface IGeneratedParserFeatures {
[ key: string ]: boolean;
text: boolean;
offset: boolean;
range: boolean;
location: boolean;
expected: boolean;
error: boolean;
filename: boolean;
interface ICompilerPass {
( node: Grammar ): void;
( node: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
( node: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
interface IPassesMap {
[ type: string ]: ICompilerPass[];
interface IOpcodes {
[ name: string ]: number;
interface vm {
runInContext( code: string, vm$context?: { [ name: string ]: any; } ): any;
const vm: vm;
interface ISessionMessageEmitter {
( message: string, location: SourceLocation ): any;
interface ISessionConfig {
[ key: string ]: any;
grammar?: string;
opcodes?: IOpcodes;
parser?: GeneratedParser<Grammar>;
passes?: IPassesMap;
visitor?: ast.visitor;
vm?: vm;
warn?: ISessionMessageEmitter;
error?: ISessionMessageEmitter;
class Session implements ISessionConfig {
constructor( config?: ISessionConfig );
parse( input: string, options?: parser.IOptions ): Grammar;
buildVisitor: ast.visitor.IVisitorBuilder;
warn: ISessionMessageEmitter;
error: ISessionMessageEmitter;
fatal: ISessionMessageEmitter;
namespace passes {
namespace check {
function reportUndefinedRules( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
function reportDuplicateRules( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
function reportUnusedRules( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
function reportDuplicateLabels( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
function reportInfiniteRecursion( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
function reportInfiniteRepetition( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
namespace transform {
function removeProxyRules( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
namespace generate {
function calcReportFailures( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
function inferenceMatchResult( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
function generateBytecode( ast: Grammar, session: Session ): void;
function generateJS( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options: ICompilerPassOptions ): void;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js AST and returns it.
function compile( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options?: ICompilerOptions ): GeneratedParser | string;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js AST, then evaluates's the source before returning the parser object.
function compile( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options?: ICompilerOptions<"parser"> ): GeneratedParser;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js AST and returns the JavaScript based source.
function compile( ast: Grammar, session: Session, options?: ICompilerOptions<"source"> ): string;
// peg.util
interface IStageMap {
[ stage: string ]
: compiler.ICompilerPass[]
| { [ pass: string ]: compiler.ICompilerPass };
interface IIterator<R = any> {
( value: any ): R;
( value: any, key: string ): R;
interface IObjectUtils {
convertPasses( stages: IStageMap ): compiler.IPassesMap;
clone( source: {} ): {};
each( object: {}, iterator: IIterator<void> ): void;
extend( target: {}, source: {} ): {};
map( object: {}, transformer: IIterator ): {};
values( object: {}, transformer?: IIterator ): any[];
enforceFastProperties( o: {} ): {};
interface util extends IObjectUtils {
convertPasses( stages: IStageMap ): compiler.IPassesMap;
const util: util;
// peg.generate
interface IPlugin<T = compiler.OutputOptions> {
[ key: string ]: any;
use( session: compiler.Session ): void;
use( session: compiler.Session, options: IBuildOptions<T> ): void;
interface IBuildOptions<T = compiler.OutputOptions> extends compiler.ICompilerOptions<T> {
plugins?: IPlugin<T>[];
parser?: parser.IOptions;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js grammar and returns it.
function generate( grammar: string, options?: IBuildOptions ): GeneratedParser | string;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js grammar, then evaluates's the source before returning the parser object.
function generate( grammar: string, options?: IBuildOptions<"parser"> ): GeneratedParser;
* Generate's a parser from the PEG.js grammar and returns the JavaScript based source.
function generate( grammar: string, options?: IBuildOptions<"source"> ): string;