You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
1.8 KiB

"use strict";
const cp = require( "child_process" );
const fs = require( "fs" );
const path = require( "path" );
function publish( id ) {
// paths
const packagejson = require.resolve( id + "/package.json" );
const directory = path.dirname( packagejson );
const npmignore = path.join( directory, ".npmignore" );
const npmrc = path.join( directory, ".npmrc" );
// variabes
const APP = require( "./package.json" ).name;
const VERSION = require( packagejson ).version;
const {
} = process.env;
let {
} = process.env;
if ( GIT_COMMIT_SHA === "not-found" ) GIT_COMMIT_SHA = GIT_BRANCH;
// local helpers
function die( err ) {
console.error( err );
process.exit( 1 );
function exec( command, print = true ) {
const result = cp.execSync( command, {
cwd: directory,
stdio: print ? "inherit" : void 0,
} );
return print ? void 0 : result.toString( "utf8" );
// assertions
if ( ! GIT_BRANCH ) die( "`process.env.GIT_BRANCH` is required by " + APP );
if ( ! NPM_TOKEN ) die( "`process.env.NPM_TOKEN` is required by " + APP );
// update version field in `<package>/package.json`
const GIT_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA = exec( "git rev-parse --short " + GIT_COMMIT_SHA, false );
const dev = `${ VERSION }-${ GIT_BRANCH }.${ GIT_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA }`;
exec( `npm --no-git-tag-version -f version ${ dev }` );
// add npm token and remove ignore file (this is a DEV release after all)
fs.writeFileSync( npmrc, `//${ NPM_TOKEN }` );
if ( fs.existsSync( npmignore ) ) fs.unlinkSync( npmignore );
// publish <package>@dev
exec( "npm publish --tag=dev" );
fs.unlinkSync( npmrc );
module.exports = publish;