Unit specs are unit tests of internal stuff. API specs are tests of the user-visible APIs and behavior. I think it makes sense to make this distinction because then the public API line is more clearly visible e.g. when using the specs as documentation.
627 lines
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627 lines
23 KiB
describe("PEG.js grammar parser", function() {
var literalAbcd = { type: "literal", value: "abcd", ignoreCase: false },
literalEfgh = { type: "literal", value: "efgh", ignoreCase: false },
literalIjkl = { type: "literal", value: "ijkl", ignoreCase: false },
literalMnop = { type: "literal", value: "mnop", ignoreCase: false },
semanticAnd = { type: "semantic_and", code: " code " },
semanticNot = { type: "semantic_not", code: " code " },
optional = { type: "optional", expression: literalAbcd },
zeroOrMore = { type: "zero_or_more", expression: literalAbcd },
oneOrMore = { type: "one_or_more", expression: literalAbcd },
textOptional = { type: "text", expression: optional },
simpleNotAbcd = { type: "simple_not", expression: literalAbcd },
simpleAndOptional = { type: "simple_and", expression: optional },
simpleNotOptional = { type: "simple_not", expression: optional },
labeledAbcd = { type: "labeled", label: "a", expression: literalAbcd },
labeledEfgh = { type: "labeled", label: "b", expression: literalEfgh },
labeledIjkl = { type: "labeled", label: "c", expression: literalIjkl },
labeledMnop = { type: "labeled", label: "d", expression: literalMnop },
labeledSimpleNot = { type: "labeled", label: "a", expression: simpleNotAbcd },
sequence = {
type: "sequence",
elements: [literalAbcd, literalEfgh, literalIjkl]
sequence2 = {
type: "sequence",
elements: [labeledAbcd, labeledEfgh]
sequence4 = {
type: "sequence",
elements: [labeledAbcd, labeledEfgh, labeledIjkl, labeledMnop]
actionAbcd = { type: "action", expression: literalAbcd, code: " code " },
actionEfgh = { type: "action", expression: literalEfgh, code: " code " },
actionIjkl = { type: "action", expression: literalIjkl, code: " code " },
actionMnop = { type: "action", expression: literalMnop, code: " code " },
actionSequence = { type: "action", expression: sequence, code: " code " },
choice = {
type: "choice",
alternatives: [literalAbcd, literalEfgh, literalIjkl]
choice2 = {
type: "choice",
alternatives: [actionAbcd, actionEfgh]
choice4 = {
type: "choice",
alternatives: [actionAbcd, actionEfgh, actionIjkl, actionMnop]
named = { type: "named", name: "start rule", expression: literalAbcd },
ruleA = { type: "rule", name: "a", expression: literalAbcd },
ruleB = { type: "rule", name: "b", expression: literalEfgh },
ruleC = { type: "rule", name: "c", expression: literalIjkl },
ruleStart = { type: "rule", name: "start", expression: literalAbcd },
initializer = { type: "initializer", code: " code " };
function oneRuleGrammar(expression) {
return {
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [{ type: "rule", name: "start", expression: expression }]
function actionGrammar(code) {
return oneRuleGrammar(
{ type: "action", expression: literalAbcd, code: code }
function literalGrammar(value, ignoreCase) {
return oneRuleGrammar(
{ type: "literal", value: value, ignoreCase: ignoreCase }
function classGrammar(parts, inverted, ignoreCase, rawText) {
return oneRuleGrammar({
type: "class",
parts: parts,
inverted: inverted,
ignoreCase: ignoreCase,
rawText: rawText
function anyGrammar() {
return oneRuleGrammar({ type: "any" });
function ruleRefGrammar(name) {
return oneRuleGrammar({ type: "rule_ref", name: name });
var trivialGrammar = literalGrammar("abcd", false),
twoRuleGrammar = {
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [ruleA, ruleB]
beforeEach(function() {
toParseAs: function(expected) {
var result;
try {
result = PEG.parser.parse(this.actual);
this.message = function() {
return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " "
+ (this.isNot ? "not " : "")
+ "to parse as " + jasmine.pp(expected) + ", "
+ "but it parsed as " + jasmine.pp(result) + ".";
return this.env.equals_(result, expected);
} catch (e) {
this.message = function() {
return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " "
+ "to parse as " + jasmine.pp(expected) + ", "
+ "but it failed to parse with message "
+ jasmine.pp(e.message) + ".";
return false;
toFailToParse: function(details) {
var result;
try {
result = PEG.parser.parse(this.actual);
this.message = function() {
return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " to fail to parse"
+ (details ? " with details " + jasmine.pp(details) : "") + ", "
+ "but it parsed as " + jasmine.pp(result) + ".";
return false;
} catch (e) {
* Should be at the top level but then JSHint complains about bad for
* in variable.
var key;
if (this.isNot) {
this.message = function() {
return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " to parse, "
+ "but it failed with message "
+ jasmine.pp(e.message) + ".";
} else {
if (details) {
for (key in details) {
if (details.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!this.env.equals_(e[key], details[key])) {
this.message = function() {
return "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " to fail to parse"
+ (details ? " with details " + jasmine.pp(details) : "") + ", "
+ "but " + jasmine.pp(key) + " "
+ "is " + jasmine.pp(e[key]) + ".";
return false;
return true;
/* Canonical Grammar is "a = \"abcd\"; b = \"efgh\"; c = \"ijkl\";". */
it("parses Grammar", function() {
expect('\na = "abcd";\n').toParseAs(
{ type: "grammar", initializer: null, rules: [ruleA] }
expect('\na = "abcd";\nb = "efgh";\nc = "ijkl";\n').toParseAs(
{ type: "grammar", initializer: null, rules: [ruleA, ruleB, ruleC] }
expect('\n{ code };\na = "abcd";\n').toParseAs(
{ type: "grammar", initializer: initializer, rules: [ruleA] }
/* Canonical Initializer is "{ code }". */
it("parses Initializer", function() {
expect('{ code };start = "abcd"').toParseAs(
{ type: "grammar", initializer: initializer, rules: [ruleStart] }
/* Canonical Rule is "a = \"abcd\";". */
it("parses Rule", function() {
expect('start\n"start rule"\n=\n"abcd";').toParseAs(
/* Canonical Expression is "\"abcd\"". */
it("parses Expression", function() {
expect('start = "abcd" / "efgh" / "ijkl"').toParseAs(
/* Canonical ChoiceExpression is "\"abcd\" / \"efgh\" / \"ijkl\"". */
it("parses ChoiceExpression", function() {
expect('start = "abcd" { code }').toParseAs(
expect('start = "abcd" { code }\n/\n"efgh" { code }').toParseAs(
'start = "abcd" { code }\n/\n"efgh" { code }\n/\n"ijkl" { code }\n/\n"mnop" { code }'
/* Canonical ActionExpression is "\"abcd\" { code }". */
it("parses ActionExpression", function() {
expect('start = "abcd" "efgh" "ijkl"').toParseAs(
expect('start = "abcd" "efgh" "ijkl"\n{ code }').toParseAs(
/* Canonical SequenceExpression is "\"abcd\" \"efgh\" \"ijkl\"". */
it("parses SequenceExpression", function() {
expect('start = a:"abcd"').toParseAs(
expect('start = a:"abcd"\nb:"efgh"').toParseAs(
expect('start = a:"abcd"\nb:"efgh"\nc:"ijkl"\nd:"mnop"').toParseAs(
/* Canonical LabeledExpression is "a:\"abcd\"". */
it("parses LabeledExpression", function() {
expect('start = a\n:\n!"abcd"').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(labeledSimpleNot));
expect('start = !"abcd"' ).toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(simpleNotAbcd));
/* Canonical PrefixedExpression is "!\"abcd\"". */
it("parses PrefixedExpression", function() {
expect('start = !\n"abcd"?' ).toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(simpleNotOptional));
expect('start = "abcd"?' ).toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(optional));
/* Canonical PrefixedOperator is "!". */
it("parses PrefixedOperator", function() {
expect('start = $"abcd"?').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(textOptional));
expect('start = &"abcd"?').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(simpleAndOptional));
expect('start = !"abcd"?').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(simpleNotOptional));
/* Canonical SuffixedExpression is "\"ebcd\"?". */
it("parses SuffixedExpression", function() {
expect('start = "abcd"\n?').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(optional));
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(literalAbcd));
/* Canonical SuffixedOperator is "?". */
it("parses SuffixedOperator", function() {
expect('start = "abcd"?').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(optional));
expect('start = "abcd"*').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(zeroOrMore));
expect('start = "abcd"+').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(oneOrMore));
/* Canonical PrimaryExpression is "\"abcd\"". */
it("parses PrimaryExpression", function() {
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start = [a-d]' ).toParseAs(classGrammar([["a", "d"]], false, false, "[a-d]"));
expect('start = .' ).toParseAs(anyGrammar());
expect('start = a' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a"));
expect('start = &{ code }' ).toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(semanticAnd));
expect('start = (\n"abcd"\n)').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
/* Canonical RuleReferenceExpression is "a". */
it("parses RuleReferenceExpression", function() {
expect('start = a').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a"));
expect('start = a\n=' ).toFailToParse();
expect('start = a\n"abcd"\n=').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical SemanticPredicateExpression is "!{ code }". */
it("parses SemanticPredicateExpression", function() {
expect('start = !\n{ code }').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(semanticNot));
/* Canonical SemanticPredicateOperator is "!". */
it("parses SemanticPredicateOperator", function() {
expect('start = &{ code }').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(semanticAnd));
expect('start = !{ code }').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(semanticNot));
/* The SourceCharacter rule is not tested. */
/* Canonical WhiteSpace is " ". */
it("parses WhiteSpace", function() {
expect('start =\t"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\x0B"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar); // no "\v" in IE
expect('start =\f"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\u00A0"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\uFEFF"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\u1680"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
/* Canonical LineTerminator is "\n". */
it("parses LineTerminator", function() {
expect('start = "\n"' ).toFailToParse();
expect('start = "\r"' ).toFailToParse();
expect('start = "\u2028"').toFailToParse();
expect('start = "\u2029"').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical LineTerminatorSequence is "\r\n". */
it("parses LineTerminatorSequence", function() {
expect('start =\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\r\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\r"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\u2028"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\u2029"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
// Canonical Comment is "/* comment */".
it("parses Comment", function() {
expect('start =// comment\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =/* comment */"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
// Canonical MultiLineComment is "/* comment */".
it("parses MultiLineComment", function() {
expect('start =/**/"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =/*a*/"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =/*abc*/"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =/**/*/"abcd"').toFailToParse();
// Canonical MultiLineCommentNoLineTerminator is "/* comment */".
it("parses MultiLineCommentNoLineTerminator", function() {
expect('a = "abcd"/**/\r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd"/*a*/\r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd"/*abc*/\r\nb = "efgh"').toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd"/**/*/\r\nb = "efgh"').toFailToParse();
expect('a = "abcd"/*\n*/\r\nb = "efgh"').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical SingleLineComment is "// comment". */
it("parses SingleLineComment", function() {
expect('start =//\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =//a\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =//abc\n"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =//\n@\n"abcd"').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical Identifier is "a". */
it("parses Identifier", function() {
expect('start = a:"abcd"').toParseAs(oneRuleGrammar(labeledAbcd));
/* Canonical IdentifierName is "a". */
it("parses IdentifierName", function() {
expect('start = a' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a"));
expect('start = ab' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("ab"));
expect('start = abcd').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("abcd"));
/* Canonical IdentifierStart is "a". */
it("parses IdentifierStart", function() {
expect('start = a' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a"));
expect('start = $' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("$"));
expect('start = _' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("_"));
expect('start = \\u0061').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a"));
/* Canonical IdentifierPart is "a". */
it("parses IdentifierPart", function() {
expect('start = aa' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("aa"));
expect('start = a\u0300').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a\u0300"));
expect('start = a0' ).toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a0"));
expect('start = a\u203F').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a\u203F"));
expect('start = a\u200C').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a\u200C"));
expect('start = a\u200D').toParseAs(ruleRefGrammar("a\u200D"));
/* Unicode rules and reserved word rules are not tested. */
/* Canonical LiteralMatcher is "\"abcd\"". */
it("parses LiteralMatcher", function() {
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("abcd", false));
expect('start = "abcd"i').toParseAs(literalGrammar("abcd", true));
/* Canonical StringLiteral is "\"abcd\"". */
it("parses StringLiteral", function() {
expect('start = ""' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("", false));
expect('start = "a"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
expect('start = "abc"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("abc", false));
expect("start = ''" ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("", false));
expect("start = 'a'" ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
expect("start = 'abc'" ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("abc", false));
/* Canonical DoubleStringCharacter is "a". */
it("parses DoubleStringCharacter", function() {
expect('start = "a"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
expect('start = "\\n"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\n", false));
expect('start = "\\\n"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("", false));
expect('start = """' ).toFailToParse();
expect('start = "\\"').toFailToParse();
expect('start = "\n"').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical SingleStringCharacter is "a". */
it("parses SingleStringCharacter", function() {
expect("start = 'a'" ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
expect("start = '\\n'" ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\n", false));
expect("start = '\\\n'").toParseAs(literalGrammar("", false));
expect("start = '''" ).toFailToParse();
expect("start = '\\'").toFailToParse();
expect("start = '\n'").toFailToParse();
/* Canonical CharacterClassMatcher is "[a-d]". */
it("parses CharacterClassMatcher", function() {
expect('start = []').toParseAs(
classGrammar([], false, false, "[]")
expect('start = [a-d]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([["a", "d"]], false, false, "[a-d]")
expect('start = [a]').toParseAs(
classGrammar(["a"], false, false, "[a]")
expect('start = [a-de-hi-l]').toParseAs(
[["a", "d"], ["e", "h"], ["i", "l"]],
expect('start = [^a-d]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([["a", "d"]], true, false, "[^a-d]")
expect('start = [a-d]i').toParseAs(
classGrammar([["a", "d"]], false, true, "[a-d]i")
expect('start = [\\\n]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([], false, false, "[\\\n]")
/* Canonical ClassCharacterRange is "a-d". */
it("parses ClassCharacterRange", function() {
expect('start = [a-d]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([["a", "d"]], false, false, "[a-d]")
expect('start = [a-a]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([["a", "a"]], false, false, "[a-a]")
expect('start = [b-a]').toFailToParse({
message: "Invalid character range: b-a."
/* Canonical ClassCharacter is "a". */
it("parses ClassCharacter", function() {
expect('start = [a]' ).toParseAs(
classGrammar(["a"], false, false, "[a]")
expect('start = [\\n]' ).toParseAs(
classGrammar(["\n"], false, false, "[\\n]")
expect('start = [\\\n]').toParseAs(
classGrammar([], false, false, "[\\\n]")
expect('start = []]' ).toFailToParse();
expect('start = [\\]').toFailToParse();
expect('start = [\n]').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical LineContinuation is "\\\n". */
it("parses LineContinuation", function() {
expect('start = "\\\r\n"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("", false));
/* Canonical EscapeSequence is "n". */
it("parses EscapeSequence", function() {
expect('start = "\\n"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\n", false));
expect('start = "\\0"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\x00", false));
expect('start = "\\xFF"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\xFF", false));
expect('start = "\\uFFFF"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("\uFFFF", false));
expect('start = "\\09"').toFailToParse();
/* Canonical CharacterEscapeSequence is "n". */
it("parses CharacterEscapeSequence", function() {
expect('start = "\\n"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("\n", false));
expect('start = "\\a"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
/* Canonical SingleEscapeCharacter is "n". */
it("parses SingleEscapeCharacter", function() {
expect('start = "\\\'"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("'", false));
expect('start = "\\""' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar('"', false));
expect('start = "\\\\"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("\\", false));
expect('start = "\\b"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\b", false));
expect('start = "\\f"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\f", false));
expect('start = "\\n"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\n", false));
expect('start = "\\r"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\r", false));
expect('start = "\\t"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\t", false));
expect('start = "\\v"' ).toParseAs(literalGrammar("\x0B", false)); // no "\v" in IE
/* Canonical NonEscapeCharacter is "a". */
it("parses NonEscapeCharacter", function() {
expect('start = "\\a"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("a", false));
* The negative predicate is impossible to test with PEG.js grammar
* structure.
* The EscapeCharacter rule is impossible to test with PEG.js grammar
* structure.
/* Canonical HexEscapeSequence is "xFF". */
it("parses HexEscapeSequence", function() {
expect('start = "\\xFF"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("\xFF", false));
/* Canonical UnicodeEscapeSequence is "uFFFF". */
it("parses UnicodeEscapeSequence", function() {
expect('start = "\\uFFFF"').toParseAs(literalGrammar("\uFFFF", false));
/* Digit rules are not tested. */
/* Canonical AnyMatcher is ".". */
it("parses AnyMatcher", function() {
expect('start = .').toParseAs(anyGrammar());
/* Canonical CodeBlock is "{ code }". */
it("parses CodeBlock", function() {
expect('start = "abcd" { code }').toParseAs(actionGrammar(" code "));
/* Canonical Code is " code ". */
it("parses Code", function() {
expect('start = "abcd" {a}' ).toParseAs(actionGrammar("a"));
expect('start = "abcd" {abc}' ).toParseAs(actionGrammar("abc"));
expect('start = "abcd" {{a}}' ).toParseAs(actionGrammar("{a}"));
expect('start = "abcd" {{a}{b}{c}}').toParseAs(actionGrammar("{a}{b}{c}"));
expect('start = "abcd" {{}').toFailToParse();
expect('start = "abcd" {}}').toFailToParse();
/* Unicode character category rules and token rules are not tested. */
/* Canonical __ is "\n". */
it("parses __", function() {
expect('start ="abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =\r\n"abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start =/* comment */"abcd"').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
expect('start = "abcd"' ).toParseAs(trivialGrammar);
/* Canonical _ is " ". */
it("parses _", function() {
expect('a = "abcd"\r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd" \r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd"/* comment */\r\nb = "efgh"').toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd" \r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
/* Canonical EOS is ";". */
it("parses EOS", function() {
expect('a = "abcd"\n;b = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd" \r\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd" // comment\r\nb = "efgh"').toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
expect('a = "abcd"\nb = "efgh"' ).toParseAs(twoRuleGrammar);
/* Canonical EOF is the end of input. */
it("parses EOF", function() {
expect('start = "abcd"\n').toParseAs(trivialGrammar);